
Julie Ryan


Broken Ankle?

Mallory from Mountain Brook, AL, asked:

Hi Miss Julie,

My brother Duncan twisted his ankle playing soccer. It’s very swollen and he’s in a lot of pain.

Can you please scan him and let me know if you think I should take him to the emergency room?




Hi Mallory,

I don’t see any broken bones in Duncan’s foot or ankle … however, it does look like he tore some ligaments on the top of his foot. 

Imagine the white meat from crab legs. It’s long, fibrous, and cylindrical. Now picture tearing the crabmeat in half horizontally. It’ll look shredded at the edges of where it was torn. That’s what I see when I’m scanning someone with torn ligaments.

If you take him to the ER, they’ll take an X-ray, perhaps put him in a boot, and tell you to go see an orthopedist.

The ortho doctor will then take his/her own X-rays, diagnose Duncan’s injury, and then treat accordingly.

So, you may want to first call an orthopedic surgeon’s office and see how quickly you can get an appointment.

In the meantime, ice Duncan’s foot and immobilize it as much as possible. If you have an ace bandage or removable orthopedic boot, you may want to utilize them as well. In addition, he may want to take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory like Advil for pain.

The doctor will know how to best treat Duncan and I believe he’ll make a full recovery.





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College Expulsion

Shunda from Douglasville, GA, asked:

“Something has come up with the college I attend. I am a participant in a federal work
study program. I have been blamed for falsifying documents and forging my supervisor’s
signature. I stood my ground. The school president will have a fianl decision on
whether or not I will be terminated from school next week, which will make it the
second week of “investigating.” It’s pretty much up in the air right now, but I would like
to be prepared. Do you think I’ll be kicked out of school over this? I mean, I honestly
haven’t done anything. I even told them if I’m kicked out of school, I will be pursuing
this matter legally. He seemed not to care. Will I be expelled?”

Hi Shunda,

At this moment in time I don’t think you’ll be expelled from your school. Now that can
change based on a number of variables, including your free will.

It’d be smart of you to get your facts in order and put them in writing in chronological order. Have you called
an attorney for advice? You may want to do that sooner than later.

I believe something good will come out of this situation. Although it’ll take
concentration on your part, keep telling yourself and believing that it’s all happening in
your best interest.

Good luck!



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Red Arches

engagement pic-gardens 4-16

Svetlana from Boston, MA, asked,

“Can you please ‘read’ the red arches in this picture behind my daughter and her husband? Are they just a photography fluke or do they mean something?”

Hi Svetlana,

What a beautiful and interesting picture.

The red arches behind your daughter and her husband are part of an energetic canopy of protection always covering them. The red arches visible in this photo are only one section of several arches that comprise the scaffolding of an iridescent energy field that moves with your family members. It is the result of many years of prayer by your daughter’s paternal grandmother in which she has asked for protection of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The power of prayer is immeasurable. It is a great way to positively influence the energy surrounding our lives and the lives of those we love.

Also, it’s interesting to note, today’s digital cameras are very capable of capturing energetic images like these red arches. Most of us have seen orbs in family photographs. They are almost always the energy of deceased loved ones around us. When you see these types of phenomena in pictures, realize it’s confirmation you are surrounded by love from the deceased as well as the living.

Thanks for your question and for sending the photo.



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Why Am I Tired, Achy, and Gaining Weight?

Anne from Portland, OR, asked:

“Dear Julie, Thank you for this opportunity to ask you a question. Lately I have been feeling very fatigued and also am having unusual body aches and pains especially from my hips down to my feet. And, my weight has been increasing without probable cause. Why? Thank you again.”

Hi Anne,

I can see a lot of inflammation throughout your body when scanning you and I believe you are sensitive to gluten.

Although that sounds so simple, when I energetically got your inflammation calmed down and asked to be shown what was causing the problem, I saw a field of wheat.

You may want to check out the Bullet Proof and Eat Fat-Get Thin methods. I believe they can help you with the fatigue, aches, and weight gain.

BTW … I had dinner a couple days ago with a dear friend who has suffered from awful arthritis pain and weight issues for most of her life. Since giving up gluten in November, she has lost 30 pounds and more importantly, her arthritic pain is completely gone!

Hope this technique works for you as well.



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A Time Of Uncertainty?

Avery from Detroit, MI, asked:

“Dear Julie,

I have been in a place where I feel as if I am surrounded by nothing but negativity even when I have tried with all my might to make it positive. I have tried to stick it out, resulting in spending 2 years of my life here. I am at a point now where I feel that it’s best for me to return home and stay closer to family for the time being. I am constantly stressed about the uncertainty of what will happen if I decide to start over by leaving what I know to be closer to home. This entire situation has brought me to believe that I must not be meant to belong anywhere. How do I handle this situation?”

Hi Avery,

First of all, you, (like everyone), are special, have a purpose in life, and do belong wherever you choose. So much of what we think can be quickly turned into something fabulous if we just acquire the necessary skills to do so. I believe every situation has good outcomes, it’s all a matter of our perspective and how quickly we learn to get into the habit of positively changing our outlook. We humans spend way too much time being so serious. Life is supposed to be interesting, adventurous, and fun!

Having said all, that, when scanning you, I saw that your spirit was out of your body and connected to the top of your head. Although you’re not dying, please refer to Phase 1 of the Twelve Phases of Transition graphics to get a picture of how our spirit can attach to the top of our head. This phenomenon is very common, can occur (among other things), when someone is under anesthesia, when they’re depressed, or when they’re dreaming, and everyone experiences it a lot.

When I had you on my radar, it looked like you were mildly depressed (of course, if you have depression that feels intense and/or lasts for a period of time, please get help from a mental health practitioner.) So, I pulled your spirit back into your body and it stayed there. This will help you stay focused on what you want and where you want to be. Keep in mind, we have the ability to create the life we want regardless of how far-fetched it may seem. A book you might find helpful in producing your ideal life is “A Perception of Reality” by Gary Temple Bodley. I’ve found it offered some of the most practical, useful, tips I’ve ever read and implemented myself.

If you only focus on what you enjoy, everything else will fall into place.



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Update – Why Am I Nauseous?

A physician friend sent me this after reading Dani’s question. Thought the information was worth sharing …

“There are so many questions that I have (kidney stones in family, headaches, excessive thirst, insomnia, irritability?)

There is a wonderful website www.parathyroid.com that has great information on it. It is my favorite.

One problem is that some doctors, not knowing much about the parathyroid, will simply draw a blood calcium level, and say “it’s in the normal range”. Well, calcium is crucial to the body and its levels will almost always have calcium in its normal range. It does so at the loss of bone. Normal calcium levels are crucial for the body processes. Some heart irregularities, due to abnormal calcium, can cause death.

To tell if anything is wrong (and it says so in the article), one must check the PTH (parathyroid hormone) level and calcium level at the same time. High PTH’s indicate that it is hyperfunctioning and there are a whole series of things to do thereafter. Note, the parathyroid is next to, but connected to the thyroid gland. In the old days, the parathyroid gland was considered the only endocrine organ that one could not live without. People would die. Now, we have bioidentical, synthetic (all bioidenticals are synthetic) parathyroid to permit life.

Overly active parathyroids can be dangerous, so they need to be treated, and the treatment, outpatient laparoscopic surgery, is easy, safe, and effective in the right hands.”  

Christine Paoletti, MD

Dani from Glendale, CA, asked:


The past few days I can’t seem to shake this nausea. It’s been difficult to be a passenger in a car, feels like I’m getting car sick. As soon as I get out of the car, I’m fine. After a while, it comes back. I’ve taken anti-nausea medicine and it works for a couple hours and then I’m back to being on the verge of trying not to throw up. What do I do?”

Hi Dani,

Sounds like it’s been a rough week for you.

When scanning you I saw a lot of inflammation in your abdomen. Once I got it calmed down, I could see that the walls of your stomach were coated in a layer of excessive calcium. It looks like a hardened, bone-colored, coating with a chalky consistency. I believe you may have a condition called Hypercalcemia. The Mayo Clinic website says, “Hypercalcemia symptoms can include stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and constipation, and can be caused by a number of factors ranging from medicines, supplements, and other medical conditions”.

Although I cleared out the excessive calcium from your stomach, your body looks like it’s continuing to produce more. I suggest consulting with your doctor on what’s causing your symptoms and how to best heal yourself.

Hope you feel better soon!



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Why Am I Nauseous?

Dani from Glendale, CA, asked:


The past few days I can’t seem to shake this nausea. It’s been difficult to be a passenger in a car, feels like I’m getting car sick. As soon as I get out of the car, I’m fine. After a while, it comes back. I’ve taken anti-nausea medicine and it works for a couple hours and then I’m back to being on the verge of trying not to throw up. What do I do?”

Hi Dani,

Sounds like it’s been a rough week for you.

When scanning you I saw a lot of inflammation in your abdomen. Once I got it calmed down, I could see that the walls of your stomach were coated in a layer of excessive calcium. It looks like a hardened, bone-colored, coating with a chalky consistency. I believe you may have a condition called Hypercalcemia. The Mayo Clinic website says, “Hypercalcemia symptoms can include stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and constipation, and can be caused by a number of factors ranging from medicines, supplements, and other medical conditions”.

Although I cleared out the excessive calcium from your stomach, your body looks like it’s continuing to produce more. I suggest consulting with your doctor on what’s causing your symptoms and how to best heal yourself.

Hope you feel better soon!




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Can You Scan My Brother-In-Law?

Sally from Phoenix, AZ, asked:

“Can you please scan my brother-in-law Tom in Greece?” He had a stroke in late December and has been very disabled by it. Will he recover? Thanks.”

Hi Sally,

I energetically connected to you in Phoenix and then through you to your brother-in-law Tom in Greece. I then psychically told Tom of your request and asked his permission to scan him. It was granted.

What I saw was that Tom is in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition dying process. His parents’ spirits are at his feet anchoring a horseshoe-shaped line of angels. Many additional spirits (deceased family and friends) are present along with the spirits of several pets he’s had throughout his lifetime.

It’s been my experience that a person’s spirit provides the electricity needed to light up their physical body in order for me to see medical conditions. Since Tom’s spirit is out of his body and attached to the top of his head (see graphic), I’m unable to do a medical scan on him. This would be similar to my trying to see an X-Ray on an unplugged monitor.

Tom did tell me he isn’t ready to go, he is in pain, and he needs his family. In particular, he wants his sister to know about his condition. Hope this information helps.

My best wishes to Tom, you, and the rest of your family.




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Is My Dad Dying?

Laura from Lexington, KY, asked:

“ My dad is a cancer patient who has decided to stop life support. His doctors say he should live for a couple more days. Can you tell how he’s doing medically and how close to death he is?”

Hi Laura,

First, I’m so sorry you, your dad, and your family are going through what must be an emotionally excruciating time.

In scanning your dad, I saw that he is in Phase 11 of the Twelve Phases of Transition which means he is indeed very close to dying.

His spirit is out of his body and attached to the top of his head. His maternal grandmother’s spirit and his father’s spirit are at his feet anchoring a horizontal line of angels that stretch out in both directions. There are hundreds of deceased family and friends’ spirits behind the line of angels and spirits of pets he’s had throughout his life are present as well. (Think of these spirits as a Heavenly Welcoming Committee.) There is a spinning vortex of energy above your dad’s head that will eventually help separate his spirit from his body, and two additional angels are stationed on either side of his spirit. They will escort him to Heaven.

When I asked your dad if he was ready to go, he replied, “Yes”. I then asked him if he was in pain, and he answered, “No”. Last, I asked him what he needed. He said, “Just my family”.

Please know, he will always be around you, just in spirit rather than human form, and please know, you can communicate with your dad any time you want. Just ask him a question in your head. As fast as you can snap your fingers, his answer will be the first thought that comes to you. If you think about it for more than a couple seconds, the words will come from your brain, not your dad.

I hope knowing he is surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones give you and your family some comfort.




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