
Julie Ryan

A Time Of Uncertainty?

Avery from Detroit, MI, asked:

“Dear Julie,

I have been in a place where I feel as if I am surrounded by nothing but negativity even when I have tried with all my might to make it positive. I have tried to stick it out, resulting in spending 2 years of my life here. I am at a point now where I feel that it’s best for me to return home and stay closer to family for the time being. I am constantly stressed about the uncertainty of what will happen if I decide to start over by leaving what I know to be closer to home. This entire situation has brought me to believe that I must not be meant to belong anywhere. How do I handle this situation?”

Hi Avery,

First of all, you, (like everyone), are special, have a purpose in life, and do belong wherever you choose. So much of what we think can be quickly turned into something fabulous if we just acquire the necessary skills to do so. I believe every situation has good outcomes, it’s all a matter of our perspective and how quickly we learn to get into the habit of positively changing our outlook. We humans spend way too much time being so serious. Life is supposed to be interesting, adventurous, and fun!

Having said all, that, when scanning you, I saw that your spirit was out of your body and connected to the top of your head. Although you’re not dying, please refer to Phase 1 of the Twelve Phases of Transition graphics to get a picture of how our spirit can attach to the top of our head. This phenomenon is very common, can occur (among other things), when someone is under anesthesia, when they’re depressed, or when they’re dreaming, and everyone experiences it a lot.

When I had you on my radar, it looked like you were mildly depressed (of course, if you have depression that feels intense and/or lasts for a period of time, please get help from a mental health practitioner.) So, I pulled your spirit back into your body and it stayed there. This will help you stay focused on what you want and where you want to be. Keep in mind, we have the ability to create the life we want regardless of how far-fetched it may seem. A book you might find helpful in producing your ideal life is “A Perception of Reality” by Gary Temple Bodley. I’ve found it offered some of the most practical, useful, tips I’ve ever read and implemented myself.

If you only focus on what you enjoy, everything else will fall into place.

