
Julie Ryan

Why Am I Tired, Achy, and Gaining Weight?

Anne from Portland, OR, asked:

“Dear Julie, Thank you for this opportunity to ask you a question. Lately I have been feeling very fatigued and also am having unusual body aches and pains especially from my hips down to my feet. And, my weight has been increasing without probable cause. Why? Thank you again.”

Hi Anne,

I can see a lot of inflammation throughout your body when scanning you and I believe you are sensitive to gluten.

Although that sounds so simple, when I energetically got your inflammation calmed down and asked to be shown what was causing the problem, I saw a field of wheat.

You may want to check out the Bullet Proof and Eat Fat-Get Thin methods. I believe they can help you with the fatigue, aches, and weight gain.

BTW … I had dinner a couple days ago with a dear friend who has suffered from awful arthritis pain and weight issues for most of her life. Since giving up gluten in November, she has lost 30 pounds and more importantly, her arthritic pain is completely gone!

Hope this technique works for you as well.

