
Julie Ryan

Why Am I Nauseous?

Dani from Glendale, CA, asked:


The past few days I can’t seem to shake this nausea. It’s been difficult to be a passenger in a car, feels like I’m getting car sick. As soon as I get out of the car, I’m fine. After a while, it comes back. I’ve taken anti-nausea medicine and it works for a couple hours and then I’m back to being on the verge of trying not to throw up. What do I do?”

Hi Dani,

Sounds like it’s been a rough week for you.

When scanning you I saw a lot of inflammation in your abdomen. Once I got it calmed down, I could see that the walls of your stomach were coated in a layer of excessive calcium. It looks like a hardened, bone-colored, coating with a chalky consistency. I believe you may have a condition called Hypercalcemia. The Mayo Clinic website says, “Hypercalcemia symptoms can include stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and constipation, and can be caused by a number of factors ranging from medicines, supplements, and other medical conditions”.

Although I cleared out the excessive calcium from your stomach, your body looks like it’s continuing to produce more. I suggest consulting with your doctor on what’s causing your symptoms and how to best heal yourself.

Hope you feel better soon!

