
Julie Ryan


Help For Hashimoto’s

Meena from London, England, UK, asked:

Hi Julie,

I would like to ask about a health issue that I have. I have Hashimoto’s thyroid problem. Could you please scan me and let me know what’s happening?

Also I looked at the bookings for a private session with you and wanted to ask about the time zone difference.

Thank you very much.


Hi Meena,

Thanks for submitting your question.

The American Thyroid Association describes Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis as “An autoimmune disorder in which antibodies directed against the thyroid gland lead to chronic inflammation. Initially, inflammation of the thyroid causes a leak resulting in excess thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). Over time, the inflammation prevents the thyroid from producing enough hormones (hypothyroidism). Symptoms include fatigue and unexplained weight gain.”

Hashimoto’s has been getting a lot of publicity lately as supermodel Gigi Hadid has openly spoken about her experiences in dealing with this condition. Interestingly enough, it’s estimated that 20% of us have Hashimoto’s.

In order to get a clearer picture of what’s happening with you, I energetically connected with you and saw in my (mind’s eye), that your thyroid is very enlarged and inflamed and also that your energy level is very low. This tells me you’re most likely feeling fatigued a lot of the time.

Next, I watched an energetic healing occur. Energy was applied to your thyroid and looked like a brilliant spinning vortex of light rotating in a clockwise direction. It eradicated the inflammation in your thyroid and returned it to a normal size of healthy pink tissue. Then, I watched your energy field light up to full power. This should help improve your fatigue symptoms.

In addition, I noticed you had a substantial amount of mold spores in your body. Mold exposure can trigger an autoimmune response that affects the thyroid and causes Hashimoto’s. Do you have a mold issue in your home or workplace? If so, I recommend getting it fixed because it’s making you sick.

Now, here are a few additional things that can help:

1) Read the book “Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back” by Isabella Wentz, Pharm D. Dr. Wentz has cured herself  from Hashimoto’s and provides a program that can help you too. Go to thyroidpharmacist.com for more information.

2) Be diligent about eating a healthy diet. Go to bulletproof.com/diet and download the free food chart. Eat what’s on it. Research has shown what’s known as gut permeability or leaky gut can have a huge impact on the body’s autoimmune triggers.

3) Consider getting your gut biome tested to see what bacteria, fungi and parasites are residing there. A company called Viome offers this service for an affordable fee and will provide an easy-to-read report of their findings and recommendations for what foods can restore a healthy gut biome and immune system.

4) Research and consider taking Activated Charcoal, a detoxifying substance that absorbs mold and heavy metals as well as Reduced Glutathione, a detoxifying antioxidant that also repairs DNA.

5) Find a functional medicine physician who will find the root cause of your illness and help you heal your body. Go to functionalmedicine.org and enter your zip code. A list of doctors in your area will appear.

Regarding scheduling a private session, just email me at julie@askjulieryan.com with a few possible dates/times. I’m in the Central Time Zone which is 6 hours behind the UK so early evening in London is usually best. I work with people throughout the world and it’s easy to connect through phone (I’ll provide an in-country number), FaceTime, or Skype.

Hope this information helps. I truly believe you can and will heal your thyroid.

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Medical Intuitive School

Erica from Washington, UT, asked:

Hi Julie,

First of all, thank you for your weekly podcasts and newsletters. Yours is the one email I consistently read and always get something from it. 

I’m writing to see if I can find out more information about the possibility of learning how to do what you do. I have been taking spiritual development classes for a while now and I’m developing my intuitive skills.

Some of the women in the class are gifted mediums and some do Theta healing or Pranic healing. Is what you do considered a type of Theta healing?

Over the past year I have explored many psychics, spiritual paths and techniques, and I find that much of it is not really helpful or empowering. The work you do however, has been so helpful to me and the others I’ve referred to you, that I’m wondering if I could develop this skill? I find I am drawn to this type of work.

So in a nutshell, would you mind sharing with me teachers you would recommend if I want to pursue a similar path of service?  What advice do you give and do you offer mentorship?

Much love,


Hi Erica,

Thanks for your kind words about my blog and podcast. I put a lot of thought and effort into both.

Regarding your question as to whether you can develop energy healing skills, the answer is ABSOLUTELY, anyone can! It’s the same as going to law school to become a lawyer, medical school to become a doctor, plumbing school to become a plumber, etc. We’re all born with intuitive abilities. It’s just a matter of learning how to further develop them.

The detailed story of how I trained to do this work is in my book Angelic Attendants. When reading about my journey, you’ll most likely pick up ideas that can help you with your education.

Also, you may want to get a copy of Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan, PhD. It’s the book that launched my interest in energy medicine more than 20 years ago and happened to be the first text book used when I began my medical intuitive studies.

Dr. Brennan, a former NASA physicist, was able to make complicated energetic theories understandable for those of us with non-scientific minds. She founded a school where people come from all over the world to study her methods. You can even get a Bachelor’s degree there.

I am a graduate of the School of Healing Arts in Nashville, TN and was taught by a graduate of Dr. Brennan’s school, Susan Austin-Crumpton. This school and its curriculum is my top recommendation.

Always remember, your abilities will continue to develop. It’s just like any other skill and will get better with lots of practice. I’ve been doing this work for more than a couple of decades and continue to get better all the time.

Hope this information is helpful.

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My Baby Is In Pain

Michelle from Birmingham, AL, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please do a medical scan on my baby son Ronin? He seems to have a lot of adnominal pain and acid reflux. Nothing seems to be giving him any relief and the doctor just tells me he’ll outgrow it.

Our surprise baby arrived via C-Section 5 months ago, and I’ve nursed him from the start. I thought nursing was supposed to be the best way to feed an infant and I’m very careful about what I eat that could possibly affect him through my breast milk. We don’t know what else to try.

Please help. We’re all sleep deprived and feeling helpless. It breaks my heart to see him suffering.

Hi Michelle,

Congratulations on your new baby Ronin. I’m sorry to hear he’s in pain.

In order to get some answers for you, I first energetically connected to you and from you to Ronin. While scanning him I could see (in my mind’s eye) that he’s full of Candida yeast. I believe this situation has been caused from a combination of his being born via a C-Section and antibiotics given to you and possibly to him too.

In the past several years, the medical community has discovered when a baby is born vaginally, it ingests some of the mother’s bacteria which in turn seeds its gut biome. The American Academy of Pediatrics stated, “Infants born through cesarean section had lower numbers of Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides, whereas they were more often colonized with C. difficile, compared with vaginally born infants.”

C-Section babies obviously avoid the birth canal when being born and therefore miss out on what has shown to be an important process in developing a robust gut biome and immune system. Further, when antibiotics are given to the birth mother post-op, they eradicate beneficial bacteria in the stomach and intestines and allow yeast to flourish. This not only affects the mother’s gut biome, it affects the baby’s gut biome through breast milk. An overabundance of yeast causes a variety of symptoms including gastric distress and acid reflux.

In an attempt to get Ronin some relief, I removed the yeast from his GI tract, and watched an energetic balm (resembling thick white facial cream) be applied to his inflamed tissues. In particular, his little stomach was very irritated. This isn’t a surprise considering the yeast release toxins that irritate the lining of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, and turn them into a fermentation factory with lots of painful bloating and gas bubbles.

Now, here are a few things you can do to help your baby heal:

– While you’re nursing, do your best to eat organic whole food. The pesticides used in our food supply kill bugs including gut bacteria. Here’s a chart depicting what foods to eat.

– Also, while you’re nursing, do your best to avoid processed food and especially sugar. Yeast loves sugar and eating it causes gas, bloating and pain in the human GI tract.

– Get your pediatrician to write a prescription for Nystatin (oral suspension). Nystatin is an anti-fungal found in the ground that kills yeast on contact. It doesn’t have any side effects and is most commonly prescribed to treat Thrush. Nystatin will do wonders to get the yeast under control and most importantly, relieve Ronin’s gastric pain.

Hope this information helps and hope Ronin is feeling better soon!

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Hawk Messengers

Lisa from Powell, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

A pair of large hawks have been hanging out in our heavily wooded yard for the past several weeks and they seem to be watching us as much as we watch them.

When we go to different areas of our home, the hawks fly to trees directly outside of the rooms we’re in and position themselves so they can be seen and can see us.

During the 23 years we’ve lived here, we’ve seen an occasional hawk in our yard but never a pair and never for this length of time.

These hawks have proven to be a much needed distraction for my seriously ill husband and me and our family.

What do you think their presence means? Thanks.

Hi Lisa,

Before I connected to you and through you to the hawks, I was inspired to research the symbolism of these birds of prey. What I learned was fascinating.


– Are messengers from angels, the spirit world, and the Divine;

– Signal a time in your life when you need to focus on what’s ahead and prepare for a leadership role;

– Symbolize you are ready to fly higher than ever before and have an increased power of focus;

– Indicate you will take the lead when the time is right;

– Symbolize a strong connection to spirit; increased spiritual awareness;

– Are reminders to open our eyes and see what is there to guide us.

I imagine all of these symbolic meanings may resonate with you considering your husband is ill.

When connecting with the hawks, I “got” they were there to provide entertainment and be a distraction as well as a soothing presence for you and your family.

They told me they like it when you come outside and talk to them and they requested you put out some popped popcorn in a metal pie tin for them. They showed me they’d like the pie tin placed in the woods.

When I Googled hawks and popcorn, I discovered they do indeed eat popped popcorn!

Hope this information shines some light on your new pet hawks.

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Angels Becoming Human

Amy from Lakeland, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I absolutely love your show and was very intrigued with your previous blog on angels and their energies and vibrations. I once had a past life regression where the medium saw me as an angel and I was kind of floored. I hadn’t ever heard of that. The medium hadn’t ever seen it either!

In that past life I was supposedly persecuted as an angel because I was fighting for love and justice. When the medium spoke of this I instantly saw a flash of me from the back chained and wearing a white robe. Her referring to me as an angel weirded me out because I always thought of angels being at a much higher vibration than humans. Then, when I read your blog, I was really interested in learning more.

I have tried to research others who have had similar regressions but can’t find much. My question is, have you experienced this with others? People who had past lives as angels? Can you tap into that life or can you see this scenario in any of my past lives? In my current life I have felt somewhat nervous around older men. I do feel I was persecuted in a past life, (probably many).

Thank you and so much love. Amy

Hi Amy,

Thanks for your kind words about my show. I love doing it.

Regarding my previous blog about angels, the one in which I said angels can reincarnate as humans but humans cannot reincarnate as angels, I still “get” this is true. I also “get” humans are a more evolved species than angels.

In addition, I believe you were indeed an angel in a past life but weren’t persecuted in that lifetime, rather, you were persecuted in several human lifetimes.

So, in order to get more information for you, I first energetically connected to you and then asked to be shown any of your past lifetimes in which you were persecuted for love and/or justice, especially the one where you saw yourself from behind, dressed in a white robe and chained to the wall.

Although 17 lifetimes presented as ones in which you were persecuted, the one you saw was in Egypt in the year 734 AD. You were a slave girl being punished for drinking water from a well reserved only for the wealthy. Your sentence was 3 months in a prison. Back then every prisoner was chained to a wall.

Lastly, I haven’t ever seen any past lives where someone was an angel, you’re my first. And, I agree with you, the whole concept of angels becoming humans and vice versa is really fascinating.

Thanks for submitting such an interesting question. Hope this information clarifies things for you.

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Thyroid or Adrenals?

Meena from London, England, asked:

Hello Julie,

You were recommended to me by my friend Nikki who lives in France.

I have a thyroid problem and wanted to know if you could tell me anything about my health issues?

Thank you and kind regards, Meena

Hi Meena,

Thanks for sending this question and thanks to Nikki for recommending me.

In order to find some answers, I energetically connected to you so I could see (in my mind’s eye) your thyroid.

When doing a medical scan, I’m always shown the most pressing issue. In your case, it’s adrenal fatigue and it’s throwing off your body’s hormone balance and making you feel exhausted. Although I did see benign nodules on your thyroid (saw a healing occur where the nodules were removed), your erratic cortisol levels have affected your estrogen, testosterone, and other hormone levels, all of which are designed to work in harmony with one another to make our bodies healthy.

As part of your healing, I also saw a cocktail of adequate amounts of the above mentioned hormones added to your system and you lit up like the North Star. This means you’ll have lots of energy and feel like a new woman once you heal your adrenals and get your hormones balanced.

So, here are a few suggestions:

– Eat a colorful whole food diet. Think of salmon, dark green vegetables, berries, sweet potatoes, pistachios and other nuts as examples.

– Be sure to eat all of your meals. It’s too hard for your body to recover when meals are skipped.

– Work with a functional medicine physician who will reverse engineer your symptoms, find the cause of your concerns, and help you heal your whole body, not just your thyroid or adrenals. To find a doctor in your area, go to the Institute For Functional Medicine and click on the “find a practitioner tab”.

– Consider moderate exercise, yoga, and meditation to lessen your stress levels.

Hope this information helps and hope you’re feeling better very soon!

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Name Significance

What’s in a name? Can we glean information about a person from their first and/or last name? Information that would be helpful in understanding ourselves and others better? The answer is yes!

Last weekend I met a woman named Sharon Lynn Wyeth who devised a name analysis technique (Neimology) that can accurately describe someone’s personality traits. Sharon’s assessments of people (based solely on their names), are so accurate that businesses, lawyers, and families, both in the U.S. and abroad, are utilizing her services.

I find it particularly interesting to ponder the concept of our parents being inspired to give us a name that would correlate with what our spirit wants to experience in this lifetime.

So, just for fun, I picked the random name of Sally and asked Sharon her thoughts about this fictitious woman’s personality. Here’s some of what she said:

“Sally is a workaholic and just wants to get the job done. She has a natural ability in writing and when she writes, we all want to read it. Sally is adaptable and highly amiable. She can get along with anyone with whom she chooses, the key here is that she chooses to get along with them. Sally can learn anything as long as she has a teacher to show her the basics. She is very sensitive to criticism and wishes to shut down and quit when criticized. Her biggest challenge in her name is finding out her own self-worth. This has nothing to do with self-confidence; it’s her worth and value. That is why she works so hard, to prove to herself that she has worth.”

Imagine knowing a “secret code” that would provide information about our loved ones, colleagues and friends. Could this intel help make the world more peaceful? I believe it might. What do you think?

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Entrepreneurial Adventure

Tonya from Greensboro, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

I love your show! 

My question is regarding money, and I’m not sure if you can help or not, but I can’t seem to find my career path and I can’t seem to get more money. Is there something or someone keeping it from me?  I’m so frustrated! 

My husband and I have a business and we thought it would do well and right now, it isn’t. 

We are moving in with my in-laws to save ourselves and to help them as well. Can you tell me if my in-laws are in transition?

I’m really hoping my family will have the strength to endure and I hope we can also bring my in-laws some joy.

Thank you.

Hi Tonya,

Thanks for those kind words about the show. I love doing it!

Regarding your business, life as an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart and most people don’t have the stomach to endure the financial roller coaster ride that comes with it. As you’re learning, being an entrepreneur takes lots of ingenuity, perseverance and tenacity. I should know. As the founder of nine companies in five industries, I understand your fear and frustration.

So, in order to help you, I energetically connected to you and asked to see a “growth” chart. Good news … a bar graph immediately appeared in my head and showed growth beginning in four months and then steadily increasing.

In the meantime, here are some suggestions:

– Get the word out. Increase your social medial presence, especially on Instagram and Twitter. It’s a free way to advertise and connect.

– Clarify what you want. Write down a list of everything you don’t want and then next to it, write the opposite … what you do want. Focus on your desires.

– Think outside of the box. Consider different ways your product/service can be used.

– Understand there aren’t any mistakes in life. Rather, all experiences are valuable and are leading you somewhere, even if it’s in a completely different job or industry.

– Make decisions not only on their business merits but also on how a decision feels. Let your intuition guide you. If something makes sense but feels bad, don’t do it.

– Be open to how things will manifest. As humans, we normally envision things happening one way, and they often take a completely different path and still achieve the desired outcome. This is what makes being an entrepreneur so magical. Set your intention and then marvel at how it all unfolds.

Lastly, at this moment in time, neither of your in-laws is dying. They’re both in their bodies and haven’t entered the Twelve Phases of Transition. I truly believe it’ll be a blessing for your family to be together. After all, you can always do a business deal and you may not get another chance to make memories with and enjoy your in-laws.

Hope this information helps. Good luck!  

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My Dad’s Path

Jenny from Indianapolis, IN, asked:

Hi Julie,

First I want to thank you for your reading of my dad last Fall.

I had asked what stage he was in and if I should make plans to travel from my home in Ukiah, CA to him in Indianapolis. I’m in Indianapolis now and my dad, Robert, went on hospice on January 30th (6 days after I came home to visit). So, I plan to stay here for the duration of his journey.

I want to know what stage he is in now. He can’t seem to talk to us anymore and I want to support his journey as much as I can. What does he need? Is he in pain? What smells/scents, music and/or experiences would bring him the most pleasure right now? What does he want us to know? Has he forgiven himself and others? Is he ready to leave?

Any guidance you can share would be much appreciated. I love your show and one day plan to schedule a one-on-one just for fun!

I hope you’re having a beautiful day! Jenny

Hi Jenny,

I’m so delighted you got your wish and are able to spend this time with your dad.

Per your request, I first connected to you and from you to your dad. He is in Phase 10 of the Twelve Phases of Transition. This means he is surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones. His parents’ spirits are at his feet and hundreds of deceased family and friends’ spirits are there as well. There are even some deceased pets’ spirits present. All of them comprise what I call the “Welcome to Heaven” committee.

In addition, his spirit is out of his body and is attached to the top of his head where a vortex has formed. It looks like a funnel cloud (tornado). It has a strong upward pull and will help his spirit separate from his body when the time comes.

Your dad told me he is ready to go, isn’t in pain, and just wants his family around him.

When I asked him your specific questions, he said he’d like to smell a vanilla scent similar to sugar cookies baking, he’d like for you to play Broadway tunes, and he’d like to have his feet rubbed.

Please consider reading my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and sharing it with your family. I believe you’ll find it both informative and comforting as you go through this process with your dad.

Lastly, look for the little miracles/serendipities along the way. They’ll be plentiful and will be your assurance that everything is indeed unfolding in a perfectly divine order.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs too!

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