
Julie Ryan

My Baby Is In Pain

Michelle from Birmingham, AL, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please do a medical scan on my baby son Ronin? He seems to have a lot of adnominal pain and acid reflux. Nothing seems to be giving him any relief and the doctor just tells me he’ll outgrow it.

Our surprise baby arrived via C-Section 5 months ago, and I’ve nursed him from the start. I thought nursing was supposed to be the best way to feed an infant and I’m very careful about what I eat that could possibly affect him through my breast milk. We don’t know what else to try.

Please help. We’re all sleep deprived and feeling helpless. It breaks my heart to see him suffering.

Hi Michelle,

Congratulations on your new baby Ronin. I’m sorry to hear he’s in pain.

In order to get some answers for you, I first energetically connected to you and from you to Ronin. While scanning him I could see (in my mind’s eye) that he’s full of Candida yeast. I believe this situation has been caused from a combination of his being born via a C-Section and antibiotics given to you and possibly to him too.

In the past several years, the medical community has discovered when a baby is born vaginally, it ingests some of the mother’s bacteria which in turn seeds its gut biome. The American Academy of Pediatrics stated, “Infants born through cesarean section had lower numbers of Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides, whereas they were more often colonized with C. difficile, compared with vaginally born infants.”

C-Section babies obviously avoid the birth canal when being born and therefore miss out on what has shown to be an important process in developing a robust gut biome and immune system. Further, when antibiotics are given to the birth mother post-op, they eradicate beneficial bacteria in the stomach and intestines and allow yeast to flourish. This not only affects the mother’s gut biome, it affects the baby’s gut biome through breast milk. An overabundance of yeast causes a variety of symptoms including gastric distress and acid reflux.

In an attempt to get Ronin some relief, I removed the yeast from his GI tract, and watched an energetic balm (resembling thick white facial cream) be applied to his inflamed tissues. In particular, his little stomach was very irritated. This isn’t a surprise considering the yeast release toxins that irritate the lining of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, and turn them into a fermentation factory with lots of painful bloating and gas bubbles.

Now, here are a few things you can do to help your baby heal:

– While you’re nursing, do your best to eat organic whole food. The pesticides used in our food supply kill bugs including gut bacteria. Here’s a chart depicting what foods to eat.

– Also, while you’re nursing, do your best to avoid processed food and especially sugar. Yeast loves sugar and eating it causes gas, bloating and pain in the human GI tract.

– Get your pediatrician to write a prescription for Nystatin (oral suspension). Nystatin is an anti-fungal found in the ground that kills yeast on contact. It doesn’t have any side effects and is most commonly prescribed to treat Thrush. Nystatin will do wonders to get the yeast under control and most importantly, relieve Ronin’s gastric pain.

Hope this information helps and hope Ronin is feeling better soon!