
Julie Ryan

Am I A Healer?

Trish from Washington, D.C., asked:

Hi Julie, I moved here three years ago to change my life, find my passion, use my gifts. I believe I have a gift that involves healing. I am a very heart centered, love-filled person, but I am alone, no partner, and having difficulty finding like-minded people. I spend a lot of time alone. I know my passion is to heal and to help other people, I’m not sure how and in what modality? I’m not really loving the area and I’m not sure where to go from here?


Hi Trish,

Since your energy is very bright and expansive, people will automatically be drawn to you in whatever you do.

I get there is a bookstore in Georgetown you need to explore. It has information on spirituality and the staff knows of energy healers in the area. There may even be a group of like-minded people you could join.

To get the ball rolling, you may want to get the names and contact information for these healers and get in touch with them. You could invite one or more for coffee and start the conversation.

In addition, I get it’s in your best interest to stay in the DC area, but perhaps move to a different suburb. I’m getting a “ping” with Alexandria. You may want to check it out.

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-05-19T18:53:52+00:00May 19th, 2015