
Julie Ryan

Uncontrollable Anxiety

Christine from Sacramento, CA, asked:

Julie, lately my anxiety has been uncontrollable and I do not know what to do. I have this overwhelming feeling that something bad is going to happen to me or someone close to me. I have had this feeling for weeks and I am unable to escape it. I am having trouble sleeping and eating and I’m scared that it will only get worse. I was hoping you could give me insight as to why I am feeling this way. Thank you so much for your help.

Hi Christine,

I’m not getting anything bad is going to happen to you or to someone close to you.

I’m getting your anxiety is being caused by someone or something else’s energy. You’re picking up the vibrations from outside of yourself and it’s negatively affecting you. It’s called resonance. The Physics Classroom defines resonance as – when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion. We all vibrate at the rate of others around us.

At the end of the day, we can only control our reaction to people and situations. My suggestion is to evaluate with whom you’re spending time. Do your best to avoid or lessen the time you find yourself hanging around negative, anxious people. If you begin to feel anxious, change your surroundings and companions as soon as possible.

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-05-17T22:52:33+00:00May 17th, 2015|