
Julie Ryan


Surviving Grief

They say deaths come in threes and this week it proved to be true.

On Monday, a high school friend passed away from cancer. Sharon was a fun, kind, beautiful gal who brightened every room she entered.

On Tuesday, our son Jonathan’s fiancé Mallory’s grandfather died after deciding to discontinue kidney dialysis. Clarence, (known to his family as Opa), was a decorated veteran, a former army ranger, who was always the life of the party wherever he went. Everyone enjoyed hearing his jokes and stories and simply loved being around him.

On Wednesday, our neighbor Ed committed suicide. He was a successful attorney with a beautiful wife, family, home and what seemed to be a charmed life. The shock of his untimely death has his family and friends reeling as they try to make sense of the whole situation.

Eventually we’ll all face the loss of a loved one and will know people who experience the same. So how do we survive the grief that inevitably affects each and every one of us?

Here are some strategies I employ that may help you when you find yourself in this place.

First, remember, we all decide when, where, how and who’s with us when we go. Knowing this helps ease the guilt some of us feel when we’re not there at the exact moment our loved one dies.

Second, remember, we’re all surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones as we’re dying, all of whom escort us, all of us, to Heaven. It doesn’t matter if the dying process happens instantly or over days, week or months, everyone goes through the Twelve Phases of Transition and it’s a glorious scene.

Third, remember, grief comes in waves. Just like waves of the ocean, grief has three phases … calm, disruption, repair. The sea is calm, then a wave comes crashing into the shore with a lot of force and then recedes. Grief is the same. The feeling overcomes us, recedes and then goes away. When the pain is intense, allow it to pass through you and you’ll notice how it eventually lessens.

Lastly, I do my best to find little miracles along the way. Sharon lived long enough to see a grandbaby born and christened. Clarence waited for his daughter to arrive from Arizona. He passed two hours after she landed. And Ed laid his will, wallet, cell phone, and a large amount of cash on his bed and placed a file of household bills on his desk. In addition, he opened cabinet doors in his home office to expose binders with investment portfolio information. He made efforts to give his wife some direction in order to help lessen her burden.

When my little sister Joan died of a cerebral aneurysm in 2010, my dear friend Debra told me, “Life is for the living”, and that simple phrase has stuck with me ever since. Focus on a life well lived, prepare food and take it to the family, send a comforting note or book like Angelic Attendants, and mostly, just be present and allow yourself and others whatever time it takes to grieve.

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Deceased Cooks

Tricia from Olympia, WA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have often scoffed at events that have happened even when they were hard to deny. And, at the same time, I have felt my deceased sisters were nearby and trying to communicate with me through these events.

One incident that really got my attention more than 15 years ago involved a pair of blue topaz earrings. They were fine when I put them in the jewelry box and the stones were out of their settings the next time I went to put them on. These earrings are significant to me because my sister asked me to pick out a pair of her earrings to have to remember her and these are the ones I chose. In addition, her son, my nephew, wouldn’t let me near her jewelry after she passed. He cut off all contact with me and other family after the funeral.

Now I’m living in an old house in a different state and it has a gas oven I barely use. At least 4 times the oven has spontaneously turned itself on. One time I felt strongly it was my sisters using what they could to get my attention. Each time it happens, the oven isn’t on for long and goes off on its own.

Is this real contact from my sisters or is the oven broken? Months go by without incident and it seems to occur only when I am thinking of them.

If there is anything you can tell me I would appreciate it very much. I am living on savings and waiting to make a move, just haven’t felt where I’m meant to be or how I am meant to serve for the highest of all who find me. I have just discovered you and am so very grateful.

Will listen to your podcast and read your book. I understand if this message is not read or replied to. Just felt prompted to send it.

Thank you, Tricia

Hi Tricia,

Welcome to the “Woo-Woo” club! Sounds like you’re doing a terrific job of paying attention to your intuition, something we all have and often question or ignore.

In order to get some answers, I energetically connected to you, saw your sisters and your mother standing beside you and proceeded to ask them a few questions.

First of all, you’re correct. Your sisters and mother are behind the paranormal events you mentioned.

With regard to the Blue Topaz earrings, they told me the stones needed to be reset. They said the prongs weren’t secure and there was a risk of your wearing them and inadvertently losing a stone. They suggested taking the earrings to a jeweler and getting them fixed. They said it should be fairly inexpensive.

As for the oven, they knew it would get your attention and they want you to cook more. They said it would be healthier and less expensive. They mentioned watching you eat a lot of packaged foods.

Lastly, your mom and sisters wanted you to know they’re always around you asked me to teach you how to communicate with them. Here’s how … ask them a question or make a comment either aloud or in your head, then wait for an answer. It will come in the form of a thought within a second. If you think about the answer for more than a couple of seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you. Also, keep in mind, spirits are really literal so be specific when asking for advice.

Hope this clarifies a few things for you.

Thanks for listening to my show and for reading my book.

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Ringing In My Ears

Anna from Hollywood, FL, asked:

Dearest Julie,

I have been suffering from Tinnitus since May 1999.

All of the conventional doctors I’ve seen have tried all sorts of tests and told me there is nothing they can do. 

I firmly believe this problem can be solved once we find the real cause of it, which I suspect is wrong food, yeast problems, and stress. When my ears first started to ring I was eating a lot of yeast and gluten containing food and was going through a very stressful time of my life.

Can you shed some light on this?

Thank you so much,


Hi Anna,

Thanks for your question. I have worked with this condition many times over the years.

The Mayo Clinic says, “Tinnitus (TIN-ih-tus) is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears. A common problem, Tinnitus affects about 1 in 5 people. Tinnitus isn’t a condition itself — it’s a symptom of an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury or a circulatory system disorder”. 

So, with that in mind, I energetically connected to you to “see” in my mind’s eye, if I could locate the cause of your condition. What I discovered was a scar on the eardrum of your left ear. It was vertical, right of center and was most likely the result of a ruptured eardrum from a childhood earache or cold.

Next, a healing occurred. I watched the scar get cut out of your tympanic membrane (eardrum) and the space get filled with stem cell energy. It looks like clear fog with sparkles in it and is the consistency of watery gel. Once the stem cell energy was in place, a centrifuge formed above it and spun like the turbine on a jet engine. This formed new ear drum tissue. Then I saw the eardrum get tested with music and various sound vibrations. The music appeared as musical notes and the vibrations looked like colorful moving lines much like that seen on a sound board monitor at a concert or recording studio.

Several adjustments were made to your tympanic membrane to perfect the sound quality and reverberation. Different sides of the membrane were tightened until the perfect tones were established.

In addition, you’re correct about certain foods causing inflammation that could exacerbate the problem. The easiest way to look at it is to eat what God made and skip food made in a factory.

It’s my belief, the healing I saw performed on you, coupled with good nutrition, will give you the opportunity to completely heal from Tinnitus.

Please let me know how you’re doing.

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Stuck In The Middle

Miyoshi from Atlanta, GA, asked:

Hi Julie, 

I do hope all is well with you. I have an odd request and kind of a long one.

I have an aunt who has been in the hospital since before Father’s Day and has recently been placed on hospice. (By the way, I am the one communicating with hospice to try to help my uncle understand what’s going on.)

My aunt was originally scheduled to come home last Friday to be cared for there and my family requested a feeding tube for her. The feeding tube was never inserted because, according to the case manager, her electrolytes were too low. Also she was taken off a ventilator a couple weeks ago and has continued to breathe on her own. My family thinks the hospital is not doing enough to help her.

I am trying to communicate with everyone to keep them in the loop about what’s going on. It’s challenging because I’m not there with my aunt and I feel stuck in the middle.

Please help! Can you scan her and give me an idea of where she is? Also, can you tell me what’s going on with her and what she is requesting from us?

Thank you for all you do!!!

Much love, Miyoshi

Hi Miyoshi,

Your aunt and entire family are so fortunate to have you helping them through this heart wrenching situation.

In order to check on your aunt, I first energetically connected to you and then from you to her. She is in Phase 9 of the Twelve Phases of Transition. This means your aunt is surrounded by angels, deceased family members and pets. Her spirit is out of her body and is attached to the top of her head in what looks like a cartoon caption bubble. An additional angel is on either side of her spirit bubble.

Your aunt told me she is ready to go, isn’t in pain and just wants her family around her.

End-of-life situations are always hard, especially if there is conflict about what the patient’s wishes are and who in the family is aware of those wishes. For that reason, I highly recommend Conscious Passage by Gay Lyn Birkholz, a former professor of medical ethics. It’s a short, easy-to-read book that guides one through the process of deciding what if any medical intervention is desired when they can’t make medical decisions for themselves. Communicating these wishes helps ensure the proper care is administered and keeps families from being torn apart when making life and death medical choices for a loved one.

Hope this information helps to clarify where your aunt is on her journey to Heaven.

Sending lots of hugs your way!

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Pain In The Neck

Linda from Whitby, Ontario, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie, 

I was hoping you could help me heal the chronic pain in my neck, shoulder and head that l have had for the past 18 years. 

I have tried many modalities including chiropractic and massage. Nothing seems to work.


Hi Linda,

In order to get some information about the cause of your head, neck and shoulder pain, I energetically connected with you in Canada and saw (in my mind’s eye) what looks like Cervical Scoliosis.

Cervical Scoliosis is a relatively rare condition when a sideways curvature in the spine is found in the neck area. In your case, as I looked at you from behind, the curve was to the right. Spines are normally vertically straight down the back from the base of the neck to the tailbone. I believe this is what is causing your chronic pain.

Next, I watched a healing occur. It was an energetic spinal fusion surgery and I’ve seen it performed many times over the years.

First, a laser was used to soften the spinal tissue and make it moldable. Then two vertical rods were placed on either side of your neck and gently used to straighten your spine. Again, the laser was applied, in this case, to solidify your newly straightened spine. Once your spine looked normal, both rods fell to the side and disappeared.

Your healing was completed with a final shot of energy from your feet to your head. Your energy field lit up like the North Star and the inflammation was gone.

Hope this helps relieve your pain.

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High School Graduation

Peter from Columbus, OH, asked:

Hey Julie,

I know this may be a question that does not have an answer at the moment, but I am a sophomore at St. Charles Prep school in Columbus, Ohio and I want to know if I will graduate from there.

Thank you.

Hi Peter,

At this moment in time I get you will graduate from St. Charles

Keep in mind there are many variables that can change that outcome, but right now, I believe you will. 

St. Charles is a special place and I know it well. My dad, uncle, brothers, cousins and nephews all graduated from there and I was in plays, and went to many football and basketball games there when I was at Bishop Watterson High School. 

In fact, my late mother Mary Jo Ryan and my brother Jay Ryan were long-time board members at St. Charles and my nephew Mike Ryan is currently a teacher and basketball coach there. 

I suggest asking my nephew Mike Ryan for assistance if you need it. Tell him his godmother (me) suggested you talk with him. He’s very kind. 

Good Luck!

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Spiritual Career Advice

Johanna from Montgomery Village, MD, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband and I moved to Maryland in Oct 2017 from Puerto Rico.

Since we arrived, he has been looking for work and has not found anything. He would like to work as an independent IT consultant and have his own business.

What do spirits think regarding this?

Thanks, Johanna

Hi Johanna,

To get in touch with your husband’s spirit guides, I first energetically connected to you and then through you to him.

All seven of his main spirit guides were standing in a horseshoe formation behind him. They were all males dressed in long white gowns and had long white hair and beards. They resembled Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies or Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies. That’s how they initially appear to me so I can recognize them as spirit guides. Then, once I focus on a particular spirit guide, it morphs into what it looked like in the lifetime that corresponds with what it’s advising about.

Your husband’s main spirit guide’s name is Walter. He was British, born in 1932, and was a mathematics professor at the University of Bath in England.

Professor Walter said your husband has an unusually robust aptitude for complicated mathematical equations which sets him apart from other IT professionals. He recommended your husband find a way to incorporate this asset into his resume. He also suggested your husband consider teaching at a local community or technical college because he believes your husband would enjoy it and in order to network with companies hoping to hire soon-to-be graduates for various job positions. Lastly, Professor Walter proposed the idea of your husband being willing to work as an employee for a company. He thought this could open doors and potentially lead to a consulting job down the road.

Hope this information helps. Good luck!

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Feline Frailty

Cathleen from Woodbine, MD, asked:

Hi Julie,

I volunteer at a cat rescue and go there daily to feed Ana, a young female Siamese cat who has an unnamed neurological problem that limits her mobility. She is only able to move her head, neck and shoulders.  

Ana also has a seizure disorder. She has shown improvement over the past few months taking oral Doxycycline.  Before that she had even less mobility.  She is a much loved cat and seems happy but we would all love to know what can be done to help her significantly. 

Thanks and blessings to you new friend!


Hi Cathleen,

How wonderful of you to volunteer at a cat rescue and be so concerned about Ana the Siamese.

In order to get some information, I first energetically connected to you in Maryland and from you to Ana the cat.

Once I got her on my radar, the energy went directly to the inside of her head. There I saw what looked like a lot of scar tissue in the center of her brain that was preventing her neurological system from operating correctly. It was literally a case of “wires getting crossed”.

Based on what I saw, this condition looked like it was congenital and had something to do with her neurological system not being properly formed as she was developing in utero.

I watched a healing occur where the scar tissue in Ana’s brain was removed. Then stem cell energy filled in the divots where the scar tissue had been and generated new brain matter. Stem cell energy looks like clear fog with sparkles in it and has a gelatinous consistency. It is used to generate whatever type of material (bone, muscle, tissue, etc.) is needed.

Once the new brain tissue was in place, Ana’s neural pathways lit up and immediately positioned themselves into a correct neurological layout.

In summary, Ana’s brain now looks like that of a normally functioning cat. You might want to investigate using the antioxidant Glutathione to help alleviate Ana’s symptoms. It has been shown to improve seizures and Parkinson’s Disease in both humans and pets.

It’ll be interesting to see if Ana’s symptoms are noticeably different.

Please let us know.

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Brain Issues

Jennifer from Roscoe, IL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just started listening to your podcast about a month ago.  I love your advice and respect what you do.

For the past six years I’ve had fatigue and different neurological issues. Yesterday, my husband rushed me to the emergency room when I began stumbling, stuttering, was in and out of consciousness, and became blind for about 30 seconds. I really thought I was having a stroke.

My CT Scan and EKG didn’t show any problems. No one could explain it. My neurologist blamed it on a dosage of medication that I have been taking for 3 months with no side effects. 

I was just wondering if you had any clue about what might be wrong or how I could possibly feel better. I am a little concerned because I’m losing small amounts of time once in a while. At the grocery store this morning the clerk scanned all of the big items in my cart and even though I was standing right in front of the cart I never saw him do it. When I told him to scan the stuff in my cart, he said he already had and just looked at me like I had 3 heads. 

Appreciate your taking the time to read my question. I would really love to hear back from you.

Thank you and hugs.  Jennifer

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your kind comments. The emergency room episode you described must have been so scary for you and your family.

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected with you in Illinois and saw a massive amount of inflammation in your head. Your body looks extremely fatigued, as if your power source wasn’t connected below your neck.

Once I got the inflammation in your head calmed down, I could see (in my mind’s eye) what looked like the brain of someone who had taken lots of drugs. In your case, I believe the drugs were prescriptions. Many areas of your brain looked unhealthy and I could detect an oily film throughout your head. The oily energy indicates pharmaceuticals are being taken by the person I’m scanning. I watched stem cell energy be applied and new brain tissue generated. I believe this will help you heal.

Please go to amenclinics.com and consider consulting with one of their doctors. I believe a SPECT scan will give you a lot of information about what’s happening with your brain and the cause of your symptoms.

Educate yourself on the side effects and efficacy of the medications you’re taking so you can have an informed conversation with your doctor. A good place to start is by Googling the name of the drug with NNT after it. NNT stands for the Number Needed to Treat and will tell you how many people need to take a medication in order for it to help one person. It’ll also discuss potential side effects of the meds you’re researching.

Pharmaceutical companies are required by our Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide this type of data in order to gain approval to sell a medication. Every country has an equivalent agency regulating pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Bottom line, I believe the medications you’re taking are the cause of your symptoms.

Hope this helps.

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