
Julie Ryan

Spiritual Career Advice

Johanna from Montgomery Village, MD, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband and I moved to Maryland in Oct 2017 from Puerto Rico.

Since we arrived, he has been looking for work and has not found anything. He would like to work as an independent IT consultant and have his own business.

What do spirits think regarding this?

Thanks, Johanna

Hi Johanna,

To get in touch with your husband’s spirit guides, I first energetically connected to you and then through you to him.

All seven of his main spirit guides were standing in a horseshoe formation behind him. They were all males dressed in long white gowns and had long white hair and beards. They resembled Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies or Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies. That’s how they initially appear to me so I can recognize them as spirit guides. Then, once I focus on a particular spirit guide, it morphs into what it looked like in the lifetime that corresponds with what it’s advising about.

Your husband’s main spirit guide’s name is Walter. He was British, born in 1932, and was a mathematics professor at the University of Bath in England.

Professor Walter said your husband has an unusually robust aptitude for complicated mathematical equations which sets him apart from other IT professionals. He recommended your husband find a way to incorporate this asset into his resume. He also suggested your husband consider teaching at a local community or technical college because he believes your husband would enjoy it and in order to network with companies hoping to hire soon-to-be graduates for various job positions. Lastly, Professor Walter proposed the idea of your husband being willing to work as an employee for a company. He thought this could open doors and potentially lead to a consulting job down the road.

Hope this information helps. Good luck!