
Julie Ryan


C-Section and Joint Pain

Victoria from Spartanburg, SC, asked:

Hi Julie.

I am a new mother, and my baby girl is 7 months old.

Shortly after recovering from a C-section, I began noticing random joint pain especially in my wrists. With time it has gotten better but some days it flares up again.

I haven’t heard of too many women experiencing this post pregnancy and wasn’t sure where it started, as I had some mild joint pain prior to the pregnancy but not like this.

It’s like some days my entire body gets filled with it, especially after sleepless nights. I thought I’d see what you recommend. I listen to your podcasts every week.

Thanks Julie!

Hi Victoria,

Congrats on your new baby. At 7 months, she’s probably already doing lots of new tricks every day!

When scanning you I could see the inflammation in your wrists. Looks like the pain also shoots up into your forearms. I also saw inflammation (pain) to a lesser degree in your knees, and ankles.

In addition, you look exhausted although that’s pretty common for baby mommies.

So, in order to get some pain relief for you, I applied anti-inflammation energy to all the spots mentioned above. That combined with a generous dose of energy to combat your exhaustion will hopefully make you feel better.

The source of your symptoms, I believe, stems from the regional anesthesia (spinal block or epidural) you received during surgery and the antibiotics you received post-op.

A lot of anesthesia, including both general and regional, contain heavy metals that remain in the body after surgery. And antibiotics can wreak havoc on your immune system by killing off good gut bacteria.

Here are my suggestions:

1) Remember food is medicine. Go to bulletproof.com/diet and download the free food chart. Eat what’s on it.

2) Consider reading The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey;  Eat Fat-Get Thin by Mark Hyman, MD; and Fat for Fuel by Joseph Mercola, MD.

3) Be sure to add cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, along with citrus fruits, wild blueberries, and cilantro to your diet. All these foods are great heavy metal detoxers.

Hope this information helps.

Thanks for listening to the show. Please call in sometime!


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Third Eye

Allyson from Palm Desert, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve heard many conversations around the necessity of a healthy Pineal Gland. Flouride and other chemicals are reportedly damaging it by calcification.  I’m also aware that this is considered our ‘third eye’ and if we are to be more in-tune with our body and soul we should have a healthy pineal gland. 

Would you please check mine and let me know how it looks and what I might need to do to improve its health? 

Thank you so much, Allyson

Hi Allyson,

Wikipedia says, “The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. The shape of the gland resembles a pine cone, hence its name. The pineal gland is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, and is tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join. The pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles”.

I don’t believe the pineal gland is our “third eye”, rather, I believe it sits behind the 6th chakra (an energy center in our foreheads). When this chakra is combined with the frontal lobe of our brain, together, they comprise our third eye. By the way, the third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight (otherwise known as intuition). Everyone is born with this ability. For example, have you ever thought of someone and then heard from or unexpectedly run into them? That’s your intuition at work.

When energetically connecting with you I could “see” your third eye (6th chakra) is wide open. This means you have the ability to access what we would consider to be intuitive information and you can enhance your abilities with lots of practice.

As for your pineal gland, it looks a bit sluggish, perhaps by the toxins (fluoride and other chemicals) mentioned in your question. To help it heal, consider increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, along with more citrus fruits and wild blueberries. Of course, get organic foods if you can.

In addition, consider sleeping in a dark bedroom. Use blackout drapes, avoid nightlights and cover any LED lights in the room. Since the pineal gland regulates our sleep cycles, it gets overtaxed when our bedrooms have even dim lights on when it’s time to sleep.

Hope you find this information useful. Thanks for your question.

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Flu Shot

Anne from Boise, ID, asked:

Hi Julie,   

I wondered what you think about getting the flu shot?  I’ve gotten one every year for the last 5+ years and haven’t ever gotten the flu, but recently I’ve been reading about their efficacy and potential ties to diseases. 

One blog I read said:  “According to the research of Hugh Fudenberg, MD, a leading immunogeneticist, an individual is ten times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease if they have received 5 flu shots in their lives, as opposed to others who have have 0-1 flu shots. This is attributed to levels of aluminum and mercury. Most of the flu vaccine for this current season (2012-13) will contain Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative as well as aluminum. The flu vaccine has also been linked with other serious health conditions such as Guillain-Barré Syndrome, vascular disorders, and narcolepsy. In addition to mercury and aluminum, the shots often contain known toxic additives such as polysorbate-80 and formaldehyde. Does the short term (potential) benefit of the vaccine outweigh the long term risks? Not from where I stand.”

What are your thoughts?

Thank you as always, Anne in Idaho

Hi Anne,

Great question! Flu shots and vaccines in general are a highly debated and oftentimes emotionally-charged topic. So, with that in mind, I suggest everyone needs to educate themselves on the risks and rewards before getting a vaccination needle stabbed into them or their children.

Fact is, there isn’t one virus that causes the flu and there isn’t one flu vaccine that will protect against all strains of the flu. Each year, a different flu vaccine is developed and is based on assumptions about which strains will materialize during that flu season.

By most accounts, in any given year, the flu vaccine is around 50% effective. Recent data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) shows the flu vaccine was 18% effective in the 2014-2015 season and 56% effective (9% effective for senior citizens) in 2012-2013. Those aren’t great odds.

Other concerns include the toxic chemicals and preservatives you mentioned above. One little known secret is, single dose vials of vaccines don’t contain Thimerosol, a mercury-based preservative that seems to cause so many of the reported side effects. Only the multi-dose vials contain this toxin. If you or anyone in your family is being vaccinated for anything, demand vaccines from single-dose vials!

To answer your question, when I ask if it’s in anyone’s best interest to get a flu shot? I get a “yes”. The CDC recommends healthcare workers and anyone with a chronic health condition get immunized.

When I ask if it’s in the majority of the population’s best interest to get a flu shot, I get “no”. That would be the rest of us.

Regardless of whether or not you decide to get a flu shot, here are some things we all can do to boost our immune systems and remain healthy:

1) Stay hydrated

2) Eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables (onions and garlic are natural antimicrobials)

3) Take vitamins and include Ester C, Zinc, and D3

4) Get your sleep

5) Exercise

Hope this information helps.

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Menopausal Clues

Allyson from Palm Desert, CA, asked:

Hello Julie, 

For about 10 years now I’ve endured menopausal things such as hot flashes and extra weight and as a result, I have several questions.

1) Is my extra weight due to menopause? If so, what can I do to change this? I exercise every day and eat well, drink water, etc.  (If you see the weight issue as something else, I’d love to know!)

2)  While my hot flashes are not as often or intense at this point – when they do come – it is really frustrating and still interrupts my daily life. 

Is there something you can see or do to help move this along?  Anything I should be doing that I am missing? 

Thank you, Allyson

Hi Allyson,

Welcome to the next chapter in your life. Although menopause is usually described in a negative way, those of us who are currently experiencing it or are on the other side of it, often find the benefits far outweigh the challenges.

In order to answer your questions, I energetically connected to you in the desert and can see you’re lacking in hormones, especially estrogen. Your body looks like a raisin. This is normally what I see (in my mind’s eye) when a woman is in either peri-menopause or menopause. And yes, your extra weight and hot flashes are typical for a woman in menopause.

To help relieve your symptoms, I applied energetic estrogen to your body and you plumped right up like a raisin that had been soaked in hot water which tells me you could benefit from hormone therapy.

With that said, here are a few suggestions:

1) Educate yourself about menopause and the many solutions that are available to help you deal with unpleasant symptoms and at the same time, keep your mind, heart, bones, and body healthy.

A couple of great books about all of this are “The Wisdom of Menopause” by Christiane Northrup, MD and “Ageless” by Suzanne Somers. You can learn a lot just from going to their websites.

2) Look in to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones come from a compounding pharmacy and match the exact formula our bodies produce. In order to find a doctor in your area who specializes in bioidentical hormones, go to the Institute for Functional Medicine or to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Click on the “find a practitioner” tab and insert your zip code. A list of doctors in your area will appear.

Hope this information helps.

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Membrane Breach

Katherine from Los Angeles, CA, asked:

Hi Julie, 

Ever since I left my meditation teacher over 13 years ago, I have had pain and tension in my solar plexus/diaphragm area. 

When I think about going to heaven with angelic attendants, I get this guilty and sad feeling that keeps me focused on that area and I can’t snap out of it. It’s chronic shame/guilt that years of counseling and talking with angels isn’t helping. 

I feel the origin is in my root chakra and it’s also attached to my throat. But I have tried everything and it’s still there, all the time and manifests as panic and difficulty lying down. 

Please tell me anything you can that may help relieve my symptoms or figure out the origin of the issue so I can heal it forever.  Thank you.

Hi Katherine,

In order to get more information about what’s causing your pain, I energetically connected with you in Los Angeles. When I got you on my radar, I could “see” a large, cannonball-sized hole in your energy field membrane over your solar plexus.

Our energy fields (spirits) are the everlasting part of us that has incarnated into a body to have a human experience. As I perceive it, each energy field has a very thin outer membrane that contains our spirit’s energy in order for it to support (power) our human bodies.

The hole in your energy field membrane is causing a massive energy leak in your system and not allowing your body to use its full power to heal and return to homeostasis.

Energy leaks are always caused by emotional trauma either in this or a past life and precede illness and disease. The emotional trauma can be something seemingly insignificant like someone called you a bad name when you were a small child and hurt your feelings, to something major like an accident. You may or may not remember the incident.

Whenever I see energy field membrane issues, I envision myself going into the hole or tear and I’m normally shown a mini-movie about what happened. I’m given information about your age at the time, who if anyone was with you, and a bit about the circumstances that transpired. Once the trauma is identified, the membrane will immediately get repaired and in turn, will facilitate healing in the body. I believe it’s an essential step in the whole getting well process.

In your case, I saw you at the age of 13 being beaten by a man. Based on the size and severity of the hole, I believe you have been physically abused for a good portion of your childhood and adult life.

As is always the case, once the emotional trauma was identified, I watched the hole in your energy field membrane get repaired and then shot energy through your body from your feet through the top of your head. You lit up like a beacon of light and are now working on full power.

I believe this “healing” will help your body end the pain and tension you’ve been feeling.

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Ali from Lakeland, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

Still listening to your show every week and loving all the stories and insights you share with your listeners. I always think of calling in but due to the time difference, it is easier for me to submit a question online.

Recently you had a show about butterflies and it got me thinking. I have always loved butterflies for their magnificence and beauty but have really felt connected to them.  In the last few months however, I’ve had lots of butterflies around me. It started with small butterflies here and there but has recently turned into a variety I never knew existed.

The other day I was feeling burned out when I came home from work but as soon as I got out of my car, I noticed a huge yellow and black tiger swallowtail gently pollinating flowers in my garden. It completely shifted my mood and made me so happy for the beautiful gift from spirit.

Also, this morning I walked outside and noticed a zebra swallowtail on the ground unable to fly. Its wings looked fine and when I slightly touched it, it started walking around so I assumed the legs were also okay. I tried talking to it and just said I hope you’re okay little guy and went on to do some yoga outside.

When I was done I passed by and saw it was still there so I said a little prayer for it. I went inside and did some research to see if there was anything else I could do and found that giving them some sugar water can help give them strength so I got some ready but by the time I came back outside it was gone.

Long story short, are these beautiful animals being sent to me from spirit with a specific message? Since they automatically uplift my mood I was wondering if there was a specific message that they were trying to convey to me.

I have a hard time listening to answers from spirit when asking a question because I answer my own question with what I want to hear before the question comes out. Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.

Thanks Julie 🙂

Hi Ali,

Thanks for your kind words about my show. Hearing from you and other listeners makes the effort so worthwhile.

Now, regarding your butterflies … what a wonderful vision I have imagining you standing in your garden surrounded by all of those gorgeous little creatures. I think they look like mini stained glass windows flying around.

When I connected with you I saw what looked like a scene from the animated version of Disney’s Snow White. In the movie, Snow White is portrayed so sweetly that all the forest animals are attracted to her. This also pertains to you and why fragile butterflies feel safe in your presence and gather around you.

Each of us emits an energetic frequency that is matched with like things vibrating at the same rate. It’s much like how a satellite dish can both send and receive. Electromagnetic (radio) waves are transmitted to and from a satellite in geostationary orbit in outer space allowing us to access all kinds of information (weather, television, military, etc.).

All these fancy technical terms mean you’re emitting such a serene, friendly, interested-in-others energy, that it’s attracting butterflies (and perhaps other animals) too. You’re like a female St. Francis!

When you felt burned out the other day and saw the butterfly in your garden, you switched your low frequency vibration (exhaustion) to the high frequency vibration of the butterfly and immediately felt better.

We all have the ability to do this. When we’re feeling angry, mad, sad, exhausted, whatever, just think of something that makes you smile. Better yet, think of something that makes you laugh. It will immediately raise your energy vibration and is guaranteed to instantly make you feel good.

So to answer your question, yes, I believe you’re receiving a specific message from Spirit.  And that message is to remember you have the power to affect your mood by simply changing your focus to something pleasing.

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Spinal Fluid Leak

Suzanne from Birmingham, AL, asked:

Hi Julie,

A couple of months ago I had a cerebral spinal fluid leak in my frontal lobe sinus area which literally ate into my brain. My doctors believe it was caused by a severe sinus infection. Surgery was required and I spent several days in the hospital recovering.

I really don’t feel well yet … I have good days and bad days.

I still have awful headaches which subside when I lie down (indicative of leaks), and I still have a small amount of drainage in my left nostril like I did before the surgery. In addition, my hips now hurt while lying down and my left shoulder hurts most of the time. Another thing, my left hand is numb.

I’ve read a great deal about spinal fluid leaks and feel as if mine might not be totally patched or that I might have a true spinal leak from an epidural in my spine. After everything I’ve been through, I feel paranoid about my health.

Can you please scan me? Thanks.

Hi Suzanne,

My goodness girl, it sounds like you’ve been through quite an ordeal and are a walking miracle!

In order to gather some information for you, I connected to you and shot energy from your feet up through the top of your head.

The first thing I noticed was a divot in your frontal lobe where the infection was and I can also see where the hole in your skull (allowing the leak) was repaired. At this moment in time, I don’t see an infection but I do see a small hole in the bone (where your eyebrow starts over your left eye) and a tiny tear in the membrane surrounding your brain allowing fluid to continue to escape. An energetic patch was applied to seal the hole and help new bone grow and the membrane tear was energetically sutured.

Your blood pressure looks high and I believe it’s being caused by three other tiny tears in the membranes surrounding your spinal cord. I can see one at the back of your neck, one midway down your back and one in your lower back. I watched all three tears get repaired by being energetically sutured.

Cedars-Sinai.edu says, “Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak is a condition that occurs when there is a tear or hole in the membranes surrounding the brain or spinal cord, allowing the clear fluid that surrounds and cushions those organs to escape.”

The site also says, “Cranial CSF leaks occur in the head and are associated with CSF rhinorrhea, where the cerebrospinal fluid escapes through the nasal passages (runny nose). Spinal CSF leaks develop due to tears in the soft tissues surrounding the spinal cord.” From what I’ve seen while scanning you, it looks like you have both conditions.

One last thing, I believe your sinus infection was caused from exposure to mold. Do you live or work in a moldy environment? Looks like it to me. The mold spores in your body have been energetically removed for now, but will cause health problems as long as you remain exposed to the mold source.

In addition to working with your neurologist, please consider consulting with a functional medicine doctor. He/she can reverse engineer your symptoms and will treat your body as a whole system. The functional medicine methodologies may go a long way in helping you heal. Go to functionalmedicine.org to find a physician in your area.

Hang in there. I truly believe you will heal from this infirmity.

Best wishes for your speedy recovery.

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Leanne from Auckland, New Zealand, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’d love it if you could answer a question about my beautiful cat Alfie.  I had to put Alfie to sleep last year after he was hit by a car. 

At the time, I was and am still completely heartbroken by his death and also feel extreme guilt for having him put to sleep. 

Is Alfie ok where he is? Is he around me still? Does he know how much I love him? And does he forgive me for making the choice to put him to sleep? 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question.

Hi Leanne,

My condolences on the loss of Alfie. I love his name and the Burt Bacharach song “What’s It All About Alfie”.

So, in keeping with the song, I connected to Alfie through you and asked him what his being hit by a car was all about.

Alfie said he was ready to transition back into non-physical and he knew getting hit by a car was a quick way to get there.

He also said by euthanizing him, you did exactly what he wanted you to do. It helped him avoid unnecessary suffering.

Alfie wanted you to know that when he was alive, he felt (and still feels) very loved by you. Please know he is always around you and will be for the rest of your life.

Alfie told me you often think you hear him and you’re correct. You are hearing him. It’s how he lets you know he’s close by.

One last thing, Alfie showed me a scene of a kitten batting at a tea bag (or something that looks like it) dangling from a string. Perhaps it’s time for you to consider getting another cat.

Hope this information provides some comfort.

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Catch The Bouquet

Patti from Woodhaven, NY, asked:

Hi Julie, 

Since 2009 I have been writing a book about how a retired Major League baseball player and I are soul mates in a past life. Each time I pray about whether or not I need to finish writing and publish this book, I receive a sign to proceed.

Recently my cousin Landa got engaged to a man named Joe and they want to introduce me to Joe’s cousin. I always decline because I want to focus on getting my book done and don’t have time for romantic distractions.

I believe once the book is published, I’ll understand my connection to the baseball player and that connection will be released. Then it will be the time for me to focus on looking for love.

In the meantime, Landa’s wedding is on the same day as my baseball player’s birthday and over the past few years I’ve had several dreams in which I catch the bouquet at a wedding. Are these signs? My cousin thinks they’re all pointing to what should be the last chapter of my book … how I met my soulmate on my baseball player’s birthday … and how that soulmate ended up being Joe’s cousin.

Your thoughts?  Thanks for reading my question.

Wow Patti,

This sounds like the script of a terrific romantic comedy. You may want to finish the book and immediately sell it to Hollywood as a movie screenplay. Just from the little bit I’ve read here, I want to know the story and the outcome!

Now, having said all that, let’s do our best to decipher all of this.

First, I don’t believe in coincidences. Everything in our lives is intertwined with those around us including family, friends, and strangers, so I do believe you are in fact receiving signs.

Second, I believe you are receiving inspiration for your book from a past life you have lived and it did include your baseball player. Some may call your ideas and imagination a form of channeling from the spirit world. I think all inspiration, whether it manifests in literature, movies, inventions, businesses, charities, etc. is a result of channeling information.

In addition, I don’t believe you need to wait until the book is finished or to catch a wedding bouquet to have a love life. In fact, I “get” you might really enjoy going out with Joe’s cousin.

We forget our past lives on purpose so we can have the human experience we intended in this lifetime. Holding on to what happened in a past life can act as an excuse for us not to engage in what our soul intended this time around.

In addition, we tend to get overwhelmed when we think too far in the future. There are so many variables that can affect an outcome, it can literally make our head spin and paralyze us from moving forward.

So, just take one step at a time. The next step will present itself. Take that step. Then another step will follow that, etc. You get the idea.

Lastly, I did “get” there is a very good chance you will get married before your book is finished.

Thanks for submitting such a fun question!

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