
Julie Ryan


Ali from Lakeland, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

Still listening to your show every week and loving all the stories and insights you share with your listeners. I always think of calling in but due to the time difference, it is easier for me to submit a question online.

Recently you had a show about butterflies and it got me thinking. I have always loved butterflies for their magnificence and beauty but have really felt connected to them.  In the last few months however, I’ve had lots of butterflies around me. It started with small butterflies here and there but has recently turned into a variety I never knew existed.

The other day I was feeling burned out when I came home from work but as soon as I got out of my car, I noticed a huge yellow and black tiger swallowtail gently pollinating flowers in my garden. It completely shifted my mood and made me so happy for the beautiful gift from spirit.

Also, this morning I walked outside and noticed a zebra swallowtail on the ground unable to fly. Its wings looked fine and when I slightly touched it, it started walking around so I assumed the legs were also okay. I tried talking to it and just said I hope you’re okay little guy and went on to do some yoga outside.

When I was done I passed by and saw it was still there so I said a little prayer for it. I went inside and did some research to see if there was anything else I could do and found that giving them some sugar water can help give them strength so I got some ready but by the time I came back outside it was gone.

Long story short, are these beautiful animals being sent to me from spirit with a specific message? Since they automatically uplift my mood I was wondering if there was a specific message that they were trying to convey to me.

I have a hard time listening to answers from spirit when asking a question because I answer my own question with what I want to hear before the question comes out. Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.

Thanks Julie 🙂

Hi Ali,

Thanks for your kind words about my show. Hearing from you and other listeners makes the effort so worthwhile.

Now, regarding your butterflies … what a wonderful vision I have imagining you standing in your garden surrounded by all of those gorgeous little creatures. I think they look like mini stained glass windows flying around.

When I connected with you I saw what looked like a scene from the animated version of Disney’s Snow White. In the movie, Snow White is portrayed so sweetly that all the forest animals are attracted to her. This also pertains to you and why fragile butterflies feel safe in your presence and gather around you.

Each of us emits an energetic frequency that is matched with like things vibrating at the same rate. It’s much like how a satellite dish can both send and receive. Electromagnetic (radio) waves are transmitted to and from a satellite in geostationary orbit in outer space allowing us to access all kinds of information (weather, television, military, etc.).

All these fancy technical terms mean you’re emitting such a serene, friendly, interested-in-others energy, that it’s attracting butterflies (and perhaps other animals) too. You’re like a female St. Francis!

When you felt burned out the other day and saw the butterfly in your garden, you switched your low frequency vibration (exhaustion) to the high frequency vibration of the butterfly and immediately felt better.

We all have the ability to do this. When we’re feeling angry, mad, sad, exhausted, whatever, just think of something that makes you smile. Better yet, think of something that makes you laugh. It will immediately raise your energy vibration and is guaranteed to instantly make you feel good.

So to answer your question, yes, I believe you’re receiving a specific message from Spirit.  And that message is to remember you have the power to affect your mood by simply changing your focus to something pleasing.