
Julie Ryan

What’s really going on in my head and heart?

Caroline from Chattanooga, TN, asked:

“I thought you could help me figure out what is really going on in my head and heart. I’ve had some struggles this year and feel like I am internalizing a lot because sometimes I feel amazing and other times I feel so sad. I am eager to hear what you see, and am very appreciative for your services.”

Hi Caroline,

When scanning you, I see inflammation in your body from your chest up through your head. I get this is caused by lack of sleep, too much partying, and lots of stress. These factors are causing your rollercoaster ride of emotions.

When I do a future scan where you’re getting a decent amount of sleep (for you … at least 7 hours a night), dramatically reducing your alcohol consumption (no, you don’t have a drinking problem), and taking steps to reduce stress (go for a walk, meditate, or listen to calm “elevator” music), you look fabulous!

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-04-29T01:10:45+00:00April 29th, 2015