
Julie Ryan

Weak Immune System?

Hannah from Atlanta, GA, asked:

“Over the past few years I’ve noticed that I might have a weak immune system and I seem to always have a medical issue. I never feel fully healthy and I’m always so tired. I’ve been to a ton of doctors and last semester I suffered from some sort of intestinal infection but they never figured out the source of it. I also suffer from anxiety/depression. I wanted to know if my health is going to turn into a bigger issue eventually and what, if anything, is going on now. Thank you so much!”

Hi Hannah,

While scanning you, I saw an overabundance of Candida yeast in your system. It looks like the white powder on a yeast dinner roll. This is what’s causing your immune, intestinal, fatigue, and depression issues. The best part, is, the condition is very treatable and doesn’t cause any permanent damage to your body. If you Google Candida yeast overgrowth, you’ll find lots of helpful information. In addition, check out www.trussmd.com.

In the short run, stay away from sugar, anything fermented (alcohol, aged cheese, vinegar, etc.), eat protein, vegetables, and healthy fats (grass fed butter, olive and coconut oil). Do your research, and find a doctor who treats this condition.

In the meantime, I watched a healing happen to you where the yeast was blown out of your body. Feel Better!

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-04-22T00:18:08+00:00April 22nd, 2015