
Julie Ryan

Twelve Phases of Transition

Angels Escorted Little Boy

Wendi from O’Fallon, MO, asked:

Hi Julie,

I heard your wonderful podcast with Dave Asprey and I would love a copy of your Angelic Attendants book.

My 3-year-old son died from a medication error during his surgery. He went into cardiac arrest on the operating room table and suffered devastating strokes from the lack of oxygen to his brain.

We spent a week in the hospital trying to control the brain swelling, but to no avail. He herniated and was declared brain dead.

I was left with so much pain, anger, questions, sorrow, guilt, and devastation.

There is so much I want to say here but I’ll just say knowing that he left with my grandparents and angels gives me some comfort and peace.  And I pray that his time in the OR and ICU were pain free and he is now at peace with the angels!

Thanks for any input you can share.


Hi Wendi,

Oh my goodness, my condolences to you and your family.

Please know your son was surrounded by angels and the sprits of deceased loved ones and pets as he transitioned. We all are.

In fact, university-based research shows close to 90% of people see the spirits of their deceased loved ones and pets in dreams and visions in the days and months preceding death.

To get some information for you, I telepathically communicated with your little boy’s spirit. He said, “Mommy, I can see you through my telescope,” and showed me a scene of him looking through an old-fashioned, nautical telescope once used by ship captains.

Does that mean anything to you? Did your son pretend to be a pirate or captain of a ship?

His message may just be to convey he’s playing happily in Heaven. Hope this information comforts you.

Lastly, please visit Helping Parent Heal. It’s a wonderful organization that has helped comfort countless families and I believe you’d greatly benefit from their programs.

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Earth Angel

Kitty from Rockport, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

Ivan is an 87-year-old man who lives alone and for whom I have been cleaning for the past 7 years.

He has become my unofficially adopted grandfather and has no family except for a granddaughter in Michigan. They don’t seem to have a relationship. My daughter, her dad and I are all Ivan has.

Ivan was diagnosed with lung cancer about 6-7 months ago but has refused medical treatment. He claims he’s ready to go but I’m not so sure that’s true because he’s made comments about being afraid to go.

I just feel he doesn’t want the trouble of all the doctor’s appointments and medication side effects. Who really would, right (!?), especially at 87 years old.

Since his diagnosis, Ivan has become quite confused. He forgets dates, to pay his bills, and conversations we’ve just had. In addition, he’s not bathing or eating much anymore.

I would just like to know which stage of death he is in. He is very demanding and it’s exhausting us all but still we take care of him.

It’s apparent he doesn’t need to be living alone but he has told me that his wishes are to die in his home. I have not called Adult Protective Services because I don’t want to interfere with what he wants.

What should I do? Should I call or let fate work it out?

Currently on chapter 6 of your Angelic Attendants book and it’s so helpful. Thanks Julie.



Hi Kitty,

You are what I call an “earth angel” for your devotion and care of Ivan. Bless you!

He is currently in Phase 9 of the Twelve Phases of Transition®.

That means his spirit is out of his body and is attached to the top of his head in a bubble configuration. He is surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets.

Ivan tells me he is ready to go, isn’t in much pain, and just needs “to get on with it”.

My advice is to call in a Hospice agency for assistance.

Ivan’s Medicare insurance should cover the cost and the hospice staff can help with bathing, end-of-life care, and allowing him to pass in his home.

Sending big hugs ~


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Angels and Animals

Brooke from Lawrence, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

After losing my father on November 15th, 2022, I started searching, learning, listening, and trying to get a better understanding of things from a spiritual level. This has brought me to find you on a podcast with Dr. Amy Robbins, buy your Angelic Attendants book, and listen to your podcast.

I plan on calling on Thursdays to try to get a few minutes with you to ask about my father.

In the meantime, I’m wondering if you’ve witnessed a passing animal’s transition? Is it the same as humans? Are they surrounded by angels, and perhaps animal and human spirits?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I look forward to hearing from you!

Light and love,


Hi Brooke,

My sincere condolences on the loss of your father. I hope you found some comfort from reading my book.

As for the spiritual side of an animal’s passing, yes, I have witnessed many, including my own pets’ transitions.

It’s been my experience that like humans, an animal’s spirit exits the body through the top of the head and will stay attached during the dying process. That’s where the similarities end.

To date, I haven’t witnessed an animal being surrounded by other animal spirits, angels, or human spirits. That doesn’t mean they aren’t with those beings once they’ve transitioned, just that I don’t see it during the actively dying phase.

It’s interesting to note, however, there are many examples of animals knowing when an animal or human in their midst is dying.

For example, wild horses come to say goodbye to a dying horse in their herd, and there are many stories about elephants walking long distances in a sort of funeral procession to pay their respects to a human friend who died.

The best news however, is, our deceased pets’ spirits are always around us and we can communicate with them whenever we like.

Thanks for your question.

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Organ Donor Transitions

Kristin from Phoenix, AZ, asked:

Hi Julie,

Does a person enter their next life when they are brain dead/legally dead?

For example, they might be kept alive just to harvest organs, but their brain activity is long gone.

I’ve been recently thinking about someone like Anne Heche the actress. News reports said she was dead even though her organs were still being harvested.

Thank you,


Hi Kristin,

What a great question!

It has been my experience that as long as a person’s body is being kept alive, their spirit is still attached to the top of their head. (Please see my Twelve Phases of Transition® chart for details.)

Regarding organ donors, interestingly enough, I was asked the same question last weekend when I spoke at the Helping Parents Heal conference in Phoenix with 1,000 attendees who had lost a child.

I recently experienced this situation with my beloved brother-in-law Regis, who died last fall and was an organ donor.

Regis was removed from the ventilator (life support), declared dead, and then put back on the ventilator so his organs could be harvested and help others live. What a gift to the recipients!

When I did an instant replay of his time of death, Regis’ spirit separated from his body and was escorted to Heaven by angels. (Again, please see my Twelve Phases of Transition® chart for details.)

In addition, as I awoke the next morning, the first thing I saw were the spirits of my late sister Joan (who died in 2010) and her husband Regis sitting on my bedroom couch holding hands and giggling.

Although Regis’ organ donation procedures went on for a couple more days, his spirit had transitioned and he was already reunited with my sister Joan in Heaven.

Hope this answers your questions.


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Evil People

Don from Ontario, Canada, asked:

Dear Julie:

I understand that the 12 phases of transition are experienced by most.

What happens to those who commit acts of evil or harm to others?

Are they separated from others in the afterlife because of their low energy field or are they brought into the afterlife like all others?

Many mediums say different things.

What is the truth?



Hi Don,

What a great question. It’s one I’m often asked.

Everyone is a spirit connected to a body having a human experience and all spirits are pure love.

The human side of us has what we call personality traits, and those characteristics stay with the body when someone dies.

So, every person goes through the Twelve Phases of Transition®, a sequence of events involving angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets at the end of their lives.

And, everyone’s spirit transitions into a non-physical state, often called Heaven.

All acts, whether they be judged by us humans as good or evil, are seen purely as neutral human experiences by spirit.

Hope this clarifies things for you.

To learn more about what happens when someone dies, please read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.


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Grieving Mom Questions

Susan from Queensland, Australia, asked: 

Hi Julie,

I heard you on ‘The Grief Coach’ podcast and really liked how you explained spirit.

In March of 2021, I tragically lost my 24-year-old daughter Scarlett from a pulmonary embolism.

I am wracked with guilt thinking that I missed something and should have taken her to the doctor.

I just hate to think of her collapsing and going into cardiac arrest alone on her bedroom floor. I’d like to know if she suffered and if it was quick.

Could we have saved her if the ambulance had gotten there sooner?

Thanks so much from a grieving mother,


Hi Susan,

My sincere condolences on the loss of your daughter Scarlett. I can’t even imagine what you and your family are going through.

To get some answers for you, I first connected to you in Australia and then from you to Scarlett.

Here’s a synopsis of her replies:

Scarlett wants you to know she (her spirit) chose to transition when, where, how, and alone. There wasn’t anything you or anyone else could’ve done to prevent this from happening.

Scarlett also wants you to know she was indeed surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones so she was (as she put it), far from alone, and she didn’t experience any suffering.

She said that’s why she chose to exit the way she did. It was quick, easy, and painless.

Scarlett wants you to know she’s always around you and appreciates your taking care of her dog.

You may want to investigate the Helping Parents Heal organization. It’s a fabulous global community that provides support to parents who’ve lost a child. I’ll be speaking at their conference later this summer and look forward to meeting the families who will be attending.

In addition, everyone can communicate with a deceased loved one. Here’s how …

Just think of Scarlett, then say something to her either silently or aloud.

Her response will immediately come into your head and feel like a thought.

You’ll know it’s Scarlett answering you when the thought arrives instantly or even before your question or statement is spoken. It’s really that simple.

To learn how to communicate with deceased loved ones, consider taking my new online, self-paced, Angels and Enlightenment Training. It comes with post-training practice sessions to help you develop, validate, and enhance the natural abilities we all have.

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Song From Heaven

Heather from Phoenix, AZ, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just finished listening to your 12 steps of dying explanation, I’m interested in reading your book, and I’m curious about dogs passing over.

We recently lost our dog Mazzy-Star from metastasized bone cancer. She passed around 8:30 pm on January 20, 2022.

After her surgery, we received a call that she’d made it through okay. Then, as we were about to leave to pick her up, my fiancé and I heard our “Hey Google” turn on and start playing a country song all about Heaven.

I knew right then and there it was a sign from something or somebody. I’m curious about who or what helped ease our minds that night and let us know that Mazzy was going to pass.



Hi Heather,

I’m so sorry to hear about your Mazzy’s passing.

In order to get information regarding who or what was preparing you for Mazzy’s death by playing the song about Heaven, I did an instant replay of the event.

What I saw (in my mind’s eye) surprised me. I saw a figure of a man standing next to your Google player. He resembled depictions of Jesus I’ve seen. This spirit had brown shoulder-length hair and a beard. He was wearing a long white gown belted at the waist with a rope and had sandals on his feet.

At first, I questioned if I was imagining this so I asked him his name. He said it was Jesus.

He also said his main purpose both when he was in human form, and now in what he called “Christ Consciousness” (spirit) form, was to comfort people, exactly what he was doing for you.

Jesus went on to say all of his teachings, experiences, and legacy are about providing comfort, a big component of love.

I’m guessing that’s not the answer you expected. It certainly wasn’t the one I expected either.

Hope this information helps provide comfort to you, your fiancé, and your family.

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Powerful Death Energy

Stephanie from Gravois Mills, MO, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just got your book and I’m super excited to start reading it. I’m also considering enrolling in your class.

Here’s a question I hope you can answer so that I may be able to positively interpret my loved one’s passing.

Ok, so, during transition, after weeks of lingering, two people were together in the death bed.

The visitor had her hands beneath the dying person, as in a gentle cradle position, praying for this person to find peace and the prayer repeats itself, almost becomes a chant.

Suddenly, a euphoria overcame the person praying and by now, the family had joined in behind her and they were all praying together.

Next, the dying woman opened her eyes, and looked straight into the eyes of the one holding her. At that moment, there was a sudden burst of energy through the holder’s head, abdomen, arms and hands, and the dying person was gone.

The visiting woman fell over as the passage of energy literally wracked right through her like a bolt of electricity and then it was all over.

Can you explain what happened?



Hi Stephanie,

Wow, what an experience that must have been for you and all of those present!

Most of us understand the concept that everything, including our bodies, is made of energy.

Furthermore, given, as Einstein so eloquently put it, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another”, the dying person’s energy (spirit) had to go somewhere when it transitioned.

In their research paper, Energy Field Changes Approaching and During the Death Experience, authors Susan Peck, PhD, Gail Course, and Der-Fa Lu, PhD, state, “The concept of the presence of electromagnetic fields underlying the pattern and organization of biological systems is not new and has been a basic tenet of medical systems such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.”

The researchers went on to say, “Consistent with reports in the literature, patterns of changes in the biofield observed during the dying process included the biofield decreasing in size and intensity from the feet upward, and chakras closing or reducing activity, from the root to the crown as the person moved closer to death. The energy field moved up and outward from the crown with death.”

Based on your account, since your friend’s hand was connected to the dying person’s body, she was able to feel when their spirit left their body. I believe the dying person’s energy engulfed a space including and adjacent to their body and your friend happened to be in that space.

In phase nine of what I describe as the Twelve Phases of Transition®, a vortex forms above the dying person’s head and assists their spirit in exiting from their body.

It has been my experience this vortex has an upward pull, is normally very powerful, and can differ in strength with each person’s death experience.

In addition, many of us have experienced the vibration generated from fervent prayer or musical worship in a group of people. Chanting, Gospel, and other genres of music have created a sometimes-euphoric feeling among participants since the beginning of time.

I believe your friend was able to feel the power of prayer and the vortex as their loved one passed.

This all seems like an amazing parting gift from the person who died, one that validates the “we’re all made of energy” concept for your friend, the others present, and all who read this story.

For more information about how our spirit leaves our body at the end of life, please read or listen to my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.



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Heaven and Hell

Amy from Portland, MI, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a loaded question for you … does Hell exist?

My son died instantly in a car accident so I don’t know if he had time to go through the 12 Phases of Transition. 

At the time of his death, I know he and my other son were not only questioning the existence of God, they said there was no God. 

It hurts so much that part of my future is gone and I feel, in a word, “hopeless”. 

I am curious if my son is in Hell, (if there is one), or in Heaven?

Life is not supposed to work in this order.



Hi Amy,

My sincere condolences on the loss of your son. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.

I truly believe, when he transitioned, your son absolutely experienced the Twelve Phases of Transition®, was surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets, and was then escorted to Heaven by angels.

Time doesn’t exist is the non-physical-spirit reality, (time is a human creation), and regardless of whether someone dies instantly like your son, or over days, weeks, months, years, we all go through a glorious process I call the Twelve Phases of Transition®.

As for whether your son is in Heaven or Hell, I believe he is absolutely in what we know as Heaven and is surrounded by love, joy, and the spirits of deceased loved ones. I also believe he’s around you.

Religious leaders and scholars have been debating for millennia whether an afterlife exists and includes paradise or eternal suffering.

In a papal audience on July 28, 1999, Pope Saint John Paul II said, “More than a physical place, hell is the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy.”

And, in his book Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife, Bart D. Ehrman, distinguished professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill and a leading authority on the New Testament and early Christianity states, “Jesus stood in a very long line of serious thinkers who refused to believe that a good God would torture his creatures for eternity. The idea of eternal hell was very much a late comer on the Christian scene, developed decades after Jesus’ death and honed to a fine pitch in the preaching of fire and brimstone that later followers sometimes attributed to Jesus himself. But the torments of hell were not preached by either Jesus or his original Jewish followers; they emerged among later gentile converts who did not hold to the Jewish notion of a future resurrection of the dead. These later Christians came out of Greek culture and its belief that souls were immortal and would survive death.”

Regarding Hell, Professor Ehrman goes on to say, “The word Jesus uses is ‘Gehenna’. The term does not refer to a place of eternal torment but to a notorious valley just outside the walls of Jerusalem, believed by many Jews at the time to be the most unholy, god-forsaken place on earth.”

So, do Heaven and Hell really exist? Guess we’ll find out when we die.

In the meantime, as humans, all we can do is conjecture by listening to differing points of view and paying attention to what resonates with us.

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