
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Guardian Angel Visit

Elizabeth from St. Helens, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

After being admitted to hospital in August 2022, my partner of 23 years was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We were devastated! I went home alone and cried myself to sleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I awoke and immediately, the awful events of the day hit me again. I could feel the sadness welling up inside me and then I suddenly had this feeling of such peace, love, and contentment. I felt like I was in a cocoon of light, not bright light, more like candlelight. It felt like someone had wrapped their arms around me and was telling me all would be well! I knew my wonderful partner was going to die, but I knew he was going to be part of the love and peace that I was feeling at that moment! 

Sadly, he passed in November 2022, but not before I told him about my experience. I knew he wasn’t afraid of death because he always believed there was more after we pass.

My partner knew I was telling him the truth and I believe my reinforcing his belief in an afterlife made his passing easier for us both! Was this my Guardian Angel?



Hi Elizabeth,

Absolutely! What you felt at that moment of total despair was your Guardian Angel and “Spirit” in general comforting you.

As children, we’re taught that everything is made of energy, and when we grow up, that concept is broadened with atoms, electrons, and quantum physics concepts like quarks, fermions, hypothetical particles, etc.

Angels, Spirit Guides, deceased loved ones, etc., are all part of what I consider to be God/Source/Spirit, are all energy, and are designed to help us understand God from a human perspective.

I believe we’re not meant to figure out the science of Spirit, just a tiny bit of the concept. That’s why the Bible and many other religious texts are in parable or story form. It’s a way for people to grasp the God/Energy/Source concept.

The Bible (Genesis 1:27) says we’re made in the image and likeness of God. Although most of us think that means God looks like a human, I believe it means we’re made in the image and likeness of God in spirit/energy form.

Having said all that, Spirit communicates with us in a way we can fathom, normally in the form of visions, feelings, or senses.

Spirit often interacts with us in dreams or upon awakening. That’s because our vibrational level has reset to its normal, high frequency, pre-set point, that of Spirit. When we sleep, our brains rest and we get a break from our problems and busy thoughts allowing us to receive information on the spirit channel/frequency.

Your Angel visit was a beautiful gift and reminder that you (and all of us) are never alone. We’re always surrounded by the love of Spirit, however it appears to us.

For more information, please read my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next book.

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Did He Know He Was Dying?

Jan from Kilkenny, Ireland, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am American but I live in Ireland, where I met my partner, the love of my life, my heart, my home. If ever there was a definition of soulmates and kindred spirits, it was us.

In November, 2021, my love had what we thought was pneumonia, but he was young, strong, fit, and ignored it, said he felt fine, and wanted nothing to do with doctors.

I eventually got him seen and several different doctors confirmed a pneumonia diagnosis. Unfortunately, they were all wrong. Turns out he had a very rare form of lung cancer.

The doctors told me 80% of patients with this illness could be treated with molecular-targeted chemo. Again, they were mistaken and he died ten days later.

Can you tell me, when did his soul know he wasn’t going to make it, when did he consciously know, and how did I miss it?

He asked me if I thought he had cancer, and I said, “No, but you do have a very serious life-threatening illness”. I didn’t tell him when the test results came back. I was scared, I didn’t know what to do, I wanted us to hope.

Is he angry at me and will he ever forgive me for not telling him?



Hi Jan,

I’m so sorry to hear about your soulmate and extend my sincere condolences.

Please know, we all (that is, our spirits) decide when, where, how, and with whom we die. Ask any hospice or end-of-life medical provider or caregiver and they’ll have countless stories about a loved one or patient waiting until someone arrives or leaves before taking their last breath.

To get some answers to your questions, I first energetically connected to you and from you to your honey’s spirit. Here’s what he “told” me (telepathically) …

He said he consciously knew about a week before he passed that he was dying. He said his soul knew before his first symptoms appeared, and he said you weren’t supposed to know because he needed and wanted you right there with him.

As for him forgiving you, he said there wasn’t anything to forgive. He said until the end, you were the best partner he could’ve ever imagined.

He also wants you to know he’s always around you and suggests you keep a bouquet of yellow flowers to remind you of him. He showed me a vase of yellow daffodils in the spring, yellow iris and/or lilies in the summer, and yellow roses and silk flowers in the winter.

He was so specific about yellow flowers that I researched their symbolism. Among other things, yellow flowers are used to honor loved ones after they have passed. Thought that was spot on!

Although your love’s passing won’t ever make sense to you, I hope this information helps you heal.

Please consider reading my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into the Next book. I believe it will comfort you.

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Heal My Little Boy

Maria from Springfield, VA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Could you please scan my son, Enzo? He is 6 years-old and suffers from sporadic muscle spasms.  

We had a whole exome genetic test done and learned he has a variant on the ADCY5 gene that causes his dyskinesia.

In addition, he’s recently begun drooling excessively. Is the drooling caused by his medication or does he have an issue with his tongue and swallowing?

Could you heal him and stop his muscle spasms? His muscle spasms prevent him from sleeping at night.  

Even with all his physical challenges, he’s so considerate of others and tries so hard to do everything other kids can do!

Thank you.


Hi Maria,

Thanks for submitting your question about your little boy Enzo. I’ll do all I can to help him.

To energetically connect with Enzo, I first connected to you and then to him. He telepathically gave me permission to scan him.

In my mind’s eye, not all of his muscle fibers looked straight and tight. Rather, some were curvy, like a winding road, and a bit loose. The idea of Enzo’s spasms tightening the loose strands entered my head.

Next, I saw (again in my mind’s eye), four strands of Enzo’s DNA get re-sequenced back to normal.

Does Enzo take magnesium? I’m “getting” he is deficient.

Lastly, I do believe his drooling is a side effect of his medication. Perhaps Enzo’s doctor can suggest a different one.

As for my healing Enzo, no one heals another person. We all heal ourselves.

The healings I facilitate happen on the energetic level and integrate into a person’s body.

That can happen instantly, take days, weeks, or months, and may need complimentary care like medicine, physical therapy, change in diet, etc.

It’s always the person’s spirit’s choice of how or even whether a healing will be integrated into their body.

Hope Enzo’s feeling better soon!

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Sjogren’s Cause and Healing

Judy from Long Beach, MS, asked:

Although I’m 73 years old and relatively healthy, an auto-immune condition called Sjogren’s syndrome rears its ugly head regularly now.

Joint soreness, muscle pain, etc., have become part of my life although I walk at least a mile every day.

In addition, I also have severe neuropathy in both lower legs and I’m still having hot flashes.

Can you help?



Hi Judy,

Thanks for your question. I’ll do my best to help you find some relief.

The Mayo Clinic says, “Sjogren’s syndrome is a disorder of the immune system identified by its two most common symptoms — dry eyes and a dry mouth.”

So, to get some answers for you, I energetically connected to you and saw a hologram of your body in my mind’s eye. Your gut and GI tract looked very inflamed, even raw in some areas, and the nerves in your legs looked dark in spots. This is how injured nerves appear (again in my mind’s eye) to me.

Next, I saw a healing occur in your stomach and GI tract that involved using a thick, white, cream with anti-inflammatory properties to calm the affected tissues. Then I saw stem cell energy applied to regenerate those tissues.

As for the nerves in your legs, I watched a healing on them that included clearing out the dead cells and debris followed by stem cell energy to regenerate the injured nerves. Interestingly enough, in an article published by the National Institutes of Health, researchers found a connection between the gut and Sjogren’s symptoms.

The article stated, “Sjögren’s syndrome showed significant gut dysbiosis compared to controls and environmental dry eye syndrome.”

This is great news because it means if you work on getting your gut healthy, it’ll most likely help lessen or even eradicate your symptoms.

Since food is the best medicine, please consider doing an at-home gut biome test that will help you identify what foods are best for you to avoid and what foods are best to incorporate into your diet.

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Spiritual Career Advice

Paige from Baxter, MN, asked:

Hi Julie,

Long time listener here reaching out from snowy Minnesota! I love listening to your podcasts and would appreciate your insight.

I am struggling at my current job and no longer feel like a vibrational match for the work I do. I feel stuck. I know that I can go out and find an alternate career to make money, but at this point I am truly looking for something that brings me fulfilment and joy rather than just a paycheck.

I am currently working for a Real Estate agency doing things such as marketing and agent training, along with a bunch of miscellaneous tasks. I have been doing my best to stay positive and be open to new opportunities but nothing has quite piqued my curiosity. My gut tells me it is in my best interest to leave my current position at this agency.

Would you or my guides have any advice for me in this instance?

Thank you, and much love!


Hi Paige,

Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my show.

If you were a trust fund baby and had more money than you could ever spend in a lifetime, what would you do for fun? Would you travel, start some type of philanthropy, or become a champion rock climber?

The first thoughts that enter your mind will be a clue from spirit (God, your spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones, etc.) for how to proceed.

Every day we humans receive lots of spiritual guidance in the form of thoughts. Some thoughts feel bad or don’t make sense to us while others feel neutral or good. Thoughts that feel good are called intuition and are ideas/guidance from spirit.

Most intuitive thoughts go unheeded. We think them and either let them go intending to address these ideas at another time, or, we immediately think of why we can’t act on them.

For example, say you get a thought to visit Rome and you immediately think of reasons why you can’t go. You don’t speak Italian, don’t know anyone in Rome, don’t have the money to pay for a plane ticket, hotel and meals, and don’t have anyone to go with you. You get the idea.

So, to help you manifest your new career, pay attention to what interests and excites you. What do you want to learn more about? Then take a step in the direction of your interest. It may be as simple as visiting a website, reading a book, or watching a YouTube video on the subject.

You’ll be led to the next step and the one after that and so on. Trust everything is unfolding perfectly in the most optimal way and time. Expect the people and circumstances to show up right when you need them and they will. Stay focused on what you want not how you’ll get it. When we allow, our wishes can materialize in sometimes magical ways. When we try to control how or when something can or will happen, we block experiences that can be even better than what we’d imagined.

Pablo Picasso said, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” I agree. The most important part of creating anything, including an amazing career for yourself, is to take action. Follow your interests and be open to where the journey leads you.

P.S. – Stay at your current job until you have another source of income to take its place!

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Angels Escorted Little Boy

Wendi from O’Fallon, MO, asked:

Hi Julie,

I heard your wonderful podcast with Dave Asprey and I would love a copy of your Angelic Attendants book.

My 3-year-old son died from a medication error during his surgery. He went into cardiac arrest on the operating room table and suffered devastating strokes from the lack of oxygen to his brain.

We spent a week in the hospital trying to control the brain swelling, but to no avail. He herniated and was declared brain dead.

I was left with so much pain, anger, questions, sorrow, guilt, and devastation.

There is so much I want to say here but I’ll just say knowing that he left with my grandparents and angels gives me some comfort and peace.  And I pray that his time in the OR and ICU were pain free and he is now at peace with the angels!

Thanks for any input you can share.


Hi Wendi,

Oh my goodness, my condolences to you and your family.

Please know your son was surrounded by angels and the sprits of deceased loved ones and pets as he transitioned. We all are.

In fact, university-based research shows close to 90% of people see the spirits of their deceased loved ones and pets in dreams and visions in the days and months preceding death.

To get some information for you, I telepathically communicated with your little boy’s spirit. He said, “Mommy, I can see you through my telescope,” and showed me a scene of him looking through an old-fashioned, nautical telescope once used by ship captains.

Does that mean anything to you? Did your son pretend to be a pirate or captain of a ship?

His message may just be to convey he’s playing happily in Heaven. Hope this information comforts you.

Lastly, please visit Helping Parent Heal. It’s a wonderful organization that has helped comfort countless families and I believe you’d greatly benefit from their programs.

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Life in Heaven

Vivian from Sherman Oaks, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

On a recent guided meditation, I was able to see my son. He showed me a woman and a little boy and I understood they were his family. I also understood that it wasn’t here on earth. They were all in heaven. Can this be possible?

Do our loved ones continue their lives and they are able to get married and have a family? 

He never got to have one here. He passed when he was 22.

Thanks, Vivian

Hi Vivian,

What a terrific question! Thanks for submitting it.

First though, my condolences on the passing of your son.

It’s been my experience in chatting with tens of thousands of spirits that yes, indeed, we live countless lives with many other spirits. Some call them our “soul family” and they can be in multiple lives with us playing different roles.

For example, your son may have been your parent, grandparent, friend, colleague, or acquaintance in your past lives. It’s as if we all assume a role in each lifetime that allows our spirit to explore and experience different perspectives. It’s much like how an actor plays a role in a movie.

With regard to the woman and little boy your son showed you, they are just what I mentioned above, they are his “soul family” and can be with him in heaven as well as in subsequent lifetimes.

Please know you can communicate with your son anytime you like. Just think of him and say something either in your mind or aloud. His answer will be the first thought that comes into your head within a second or less.

If you’d like to learn how to communicate with any spirit regardless of whether they’re attached to a body or not, please check out my training classes. We all have the ability. It’s just a matter of developing and enhancing the innate abilities we all possess.

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Earth Angel

Kitty from Rockport, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

Ivan is an 87-year-old man who lives alone and for whom I have been cleaning for the past 7 years.

He has become my unofficially adopted grandfather and has no family except for a granddaughter in Michigan. They don’t seem to have a relationship. My daughter, her dad and I are all Ivan has.

Ivan was diagnosed with lung cancer about 6-7 months ago but has refused medical treatment. He claims he’s ready to go but I’m not so sure that’s true because he’s made comments about being afraid to go.

I just feel he doesn’t want the trouble of all the doctor’s appointments and medication side effects. Who really would, right (!?), especially at 87 years old.

Since his diagnosis, Ivan has become quite confused. He forgets dates, to pay his bills, and conversations we’ve just had. In addition, he’s not bathing or eating much anymore.

I would just like to know which stage of death he is in. He is very demanding and it’s exhausting us all but still we take care of him.

It’s apparent he doesn’t need to be living alone but he has told me that his wishes are to die in his home. I have not called Adult Protective Services because I don’t want to interfere with what he wants.

What should I do? Should I call or let fate work it out?

Currently on chapter 6 of your Angelic Attendants book and it’s so helpful. Thanks Julie.



Hi Kitty,

You are what I call an “earth angel” for your devotion and care of Ivan. Bless you!

He is currently in Phase 9 of the Twelve Phases of Transition®.

That means his spirit is out of his body and is attached to the top of his head in a bubble configuration. He is surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets.

Ivan tells me he is ready to go, isn’t in much pain, and just needs “to get on with it”.

My advice is to call in a Hospice agency for assistance.

Ivan’s Medicare insurance should cover the cost and the hospice staff can help with bathing, end-of-life care, and allowing him to pass in his home.

Sending big hugs ~


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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Heather from New York, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am wondering about taking estrogen but I’m scared of the cancer risk.

A psychic I talked to said it could increase my chance of getting cancer.

Your thoughts?

Thank you.


Hi Heather,

Great question!

Since I’ve been on them for close to 20 years, I’m a huge fan of bioidentical hormones. They keep our brains, hearts, bones, skin, and bodies healthy.

When considering taking hormone replacement therapy, it’s worth researching the difference between bioidentical, natural, and synthetic hormones.

In talking about the difference between bioidentical and synthetic hormones, world renown women’s health expert, OB/GYN, Christiane Northrup, MD, says, “Bioidentical hormones are identical in their molecular shape, makeup, and structure to hormones made in the human body.”

Dr. Northrup goes on to say, “One thing you need to remember is that ‘natural’ or ‘plant-based’ does not necessarily mean bioidentical. When it comes to a hormone, bioidentical means that it matches exactly what’s normally occurring in your body.”

Synthetic hormones are made by big pharma, have extra molecules added to their formulas so they can be patented, and contain ingredients derived from horse mare urine.

Regarding the cancer risk, the U.S. National Institutes of Health cites a 2019 study published in the British Journal of General Practice about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that states, “Most women and healthcare professionals are concerned about the possible risks of breast cancer in women taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, the risk is far lower than many realize. Women who take estrogen only HRT do not have a greater risk of breast cancer.4 “ 

To find a hormone replacement practitioner in your area, please call a local compounding pharmacy and ask who’s prescribing through them. You can also go to the “find a practitioner” section of the Institute for Functional Medicine or the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

For more information, please listen to Episode #259 of my Ask Julie Ryan podcast where Dr. Northrup and I discuss all things perimenopause and menopause.

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