
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Developing Intuition

Roe from College Park, MD, asked:

Hello Julie,

Thank you for taking my question.

I am looking to grow my intuition or really my ability to perceive and follow it.

I don’t know what’s blocking my ability to do this.

Could you please shed some light on what I should be doing that I’m not doing? 

Thanks so much.


Hi Roe,

What a great question, one I believe a lot of people share with you.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines intuition as, “The power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference”. That means, a person knows something without knowing how they know it.

In addition, it’s interesting to note that Late Middle English (spoken from 1150 to 1500) defined the word intuition as, “Denoting spiritual insight or immediate spiritual communication”.

I believe everyone is born with intuitive capabilities. Most of us have had an experience when we thought of someone and then either heard from them or ran into them. We might have said or thought it was a coincidence when the truth was, our intuitive abilities were the reason it happened.

It’s easy to develop your intuition. It just takes some practice.

All you have to do is ask a question or make a statement to a person or group of people. They can be either alive or deceased. Spirits are extremely literal so be sure to be specific with your request.

Within a second, the answer will come to you as a thought in your head. If it takes longer, that’ll be your brain responding to you. Remember, all spirits communicate telepathically.

To validate the information you’re receiving, ask the question or make the statement another way and see if the next answer corroborates your first answer. Repeat this several times until you feel comfortable the information you received is accurate.

Practice is the key to developing any skill. Just because you learn to play Chopsticks on the piano, it doesn’t mean you’ll immediately become a concert pianist. You’ll need to practice … a lot. It’s the same with your intuitive skills.

Have fun with this. Begin by asking questions that really don’t matter like, is it in my best interest to eat a chocolate cookie or a sugar cookie? The answer you receive (which cookie to choose) won’t have a dramatic effect on your life one way or another.

In my Angelic Attendant Training class, among other skills, everyone learns how to communicate with any spirit (alive or deceased) and to validate the information they receive. Imagine being able to access intuitive guidance on whatever you choose whenever you need or want it. Possessing this skill enhances our lives in countless ways.  

We have a couple of spots still available for my September 14th class. Love to have you join us!

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Christine from Roswell, GA, asked:                              

Hello Julie, 

My daughter Katie has Down syndrome and isn’t able to communicate much about her body or health. 

She has difficulty walking long distances which has caused a spiral in weight gain which in turn causes her less able to walk distances which keeps her weight on. 

We keep trying hit-or-miss things like ankle braces and a variety of stretches but haven’t yet found the magic bullet. 

Katie also has sleep issues and chronic constipation. Again, we try the hit-or-miss stuff but nothing seems to work for very long, if it works at all. 

Any suggestions to help my girl out would be most appreciated. 

Thank you in advance! 


Hi Christine,

Thanks for your questions about Miss Katie.

The Mayo Clinic says, “Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21.” The Clinic goes on to say, “Down syndrome varies in severity among individuals, causing lifelong intellectual disability and developmental delays.”

In order to get some guidance for you, I energetically connected to you and from you to Katie. She granted me permission to scan her.

When I got Katie on my radar, I was astounded by how large her energy field (aura) was. It looked like a brilliant halo around her whole body and extended out about 3 feet. She must be very loving to you, her family and everyone she meets. Every person I’ve ever known with a Down’s child has said these children are like little angels on earth. Katie’s “halo” would confirm that statement!

As for her physical and sleep challenges, I “get” (meaning I received information) that most of Katie’s symptoms can be lessened or even eradicated with a change in her diet. I know, easier said than done.

Do your best to feed Katie a whole foods diet of protein, vegetables and fruit. An easy way to think about it is, if God made it, eat it … if man made it, avoid it.

You may want to have Katie do a gut biome test to find out what foods would be best for her and which ones to avoid. This test often exposes foods we think are healthy when they’re not necessarily healthy for our individual body.

In addition, you might want to try giving Katie Brain Octane Oil (highly refined coconut oil) to help with her constipation issues. It’s colorless and doesn’t have any taste, so you can use it as salad dressing or even pour a little on cooked meats or vegetables. Start off using a small amount and gradually increase. Too much can cause diarrhea.

Lastly, consider restricting “screen time” a couple hours before bed. That would include TV, computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. Arianna Huffington’s book The Sleep Revolution has some great ideas that might help Katie get a good night’s sleep.

Hope this information helps.

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Brown Butterfly

Cindy from Aiken, SC, asked:
Hi Julie,
I live in SC and I love listening to your show. I have a question about my deceased baby sister and deceased mother-in-law.

My sister passed away 11 years ago of cervical cancer at the age of 28 and left behind 2 very young children. Then, my mother-in-law passed away 6 months later of congestive heart failure at the age of 58.

Yesterday was my sister’s anniversary and as I was sitting in my rocking chair on my porch reliving the day she died, a brown butterfly showed up beside my feet. It flew to my front door and then towards my face, circled my head and then flew away. I immediately felt at peace and wanted to know if that was her letting me know that she was okay.

Are my sister and mother-in-law ever around our family and if so, are there any signs when they’re around?
Hi Cindy,

My condolences on the loss of both your sister and mother-in-law. It sounds like you’re keeping your memories alive just by thinking of them.

Regarding your question about whether they’re ever around you … HELLO … the brown butterfly was a big clue to say they sure are!

The website Butterfly Insight says, “Some believe that when a brown butterfly enters the house, it is the spirit or soul of a deceased loved one from the distant past. It can also mean that the actual soul of the individual is nearby”. The site went on to say, “In some cultures, a brown colored butterfly symbolizes a new life or a fresh start.”

Now, here’s my take on it.

First, our deceased loved ones send butterflies, birds, dragon flies, etc. to let us know they’re around us. They don’t become the insect or animal, rather, they communicate with the animal to be sure it’s seen by you.

Second, that brown butterfly that greeted you on your porch was from your mother-in-law. She wanted you to know her spirit was with you as you were recalling what must have been a particularly painful time when your sister passed.

And speaking of your sister, she told me you think of her when you see a colorful sunset. She said as kids, you used to enjoy watching beautiful sunsets. Perhaps at the beach? Anyway, she said when you see a gorgeous sunset, know she’s with you.

As for them spending time together, they said yes, especially when they’re both around you and the family.

Please consider reading my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. I believe you’ll find it informative, comforting and heart-warming.

Thanks for listening to my show and for submitting such a touching question. Hope my answers give you lots of peace.

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Stomach Issue

Susanne from Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have what feels like a block on the left side of my digestive system (under my left ribs and downward). It feels like food gets backed up there. I can hear the noise of grumbling/accumulation (not a hungry grumble sound), and sometimes take a high dose Vitamin C to flush it through.

In addition, I also feel heat in my digestive system and get a sense I have an infection/parasite/fungus. Can you please scan me to see what’s going on?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks and blessings!


Hi Susanne,

In order to get some information on you, I energetically connected to you in New Zealand and got you on my radar. That means I could “see” you in my mind’s eye.

After shooting energy into your system, I could see (again in my mind’s eye) what looked like a growth in the upper left area of your stomach, right where you mentioned feeling something odd. It would make sense that it could affect your digestive system. Although it doesn’t look malignant to me, I do believe it’s in your best interest to get it checked by a medical doctor.

I’m not seeing any infections, parasites, or fungus at this time in your stomach or intestines.

Next, I watched an energetic healing performed on you where the growth got removed (much like what a surgeon would do) thus allowing your digestive system to return to normal.

Energetic healings fix the medical issues in a person’s energy field and provide the opportunity to integrate into their human body. That can happen instantly, take days/weeks/months, need medical intervention (surgery or another procedure/treatment) or not integrate at all (very rare). Certainly however, it’s always the spirit’s prerogative to utilize the healing in a way that best suits its desired outcome/experience in this lifetime.

Hope this helps and hope you feel better!

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Mystery Arthritis

Amy from San Diego, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have two wrists and knees that are “arthritic” and although I’ve had X-rays, I do not have an actual diagnosis yet.

I’ve had a few bicycle falls from grace so maybe the physical impact has injured them. It has been over 2 years or more. 

In addition, I have a bloated belly, challenging bowels, painful knees and wrists, I am underweight, and have frequent urination issues.

I am an extremely healthy eater and I’m religious about stretching and moving my body. 

Any help please?

Thank you and blessings! 


Hi Amy,

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected to you in San Diego and got you on my “radar” (pictured you in my mind’s eye).

As you mentioned, your wrists and knees looked inflamed. That means I “saw” (again in my mind’s eye) what looked like red fog over those body parts. Once I applied blue anti-inflammatory energy, I could “see” what the doctors are calling arthritis. To me, arthritis looks like rock salt crystals in joints. Interestingly enough, that’s what it also looks like on the monitor in surgery when a knee or other joint is being scoped.

I then watched an energetic healing happen where the arthritic crystals were removed and stem cell energy was applied to your knees to generate new cartilage. Stem cell energy looks like light amber colored gel with sparkles in it. It’s amazing stuff. It’ll regenerate whatever body part is needed whether that be brain matter, heart muscle, bone, etc.

Next, I scanned your GI tract and “saw” lots of Candida yeast. You most likely have been on steroids for your joint pain. These and other medications are known to decimate the gut biome by killing off the bacteria needed to keep a healthy ecosystem and thus a robust immune system. (Our immune systems are based our guts.) I energetically removed the yeast.

I believe your yeast issues are contributing to the inflammation and pain in your joints and the bloating and other GI issues you described.

Now, here are a couple of suggestions:

1) Consider getting a gut biome test done to determine the best foods for you to eat. Remember, food is the best medicine.

2) Stay away from sugar, and anything processed or fermented.

3) When it comes to food, think of it like this … if God made it, eat it. If man made it, avoid it.

Hope these healings and info help you feel better. Thanks for your question.

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Pancreatic Cancer Concerns

Katerina from Strongsville, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband is recovering from a Whipple surgery for pancreatic cancer.

He was scanned this past Wednesday. Can you feel if I should be worried about what these scans may show?

Is there anything I should focus on? He is 38 years old, 36 when he was diagnosed.

Looking for help since it is sit and wait with the doctors.



Hi Katerina,

My heart goes out to you and your husband. I can only imagine what you must be going through.

In order to get an update for you, I connected to you and from you to your husband. He gave me permission to do an energetic scan on him.

First and foremost, at this moment in time, your husband is not dying. His spirit is very firmly entrenched in his body. When someone is dying, their spirit separates from their body and attaches to the top of their head. It looks like the bubble containing a character’s thoughts or comments in a cartoon. This phenomenon is what I call the Twelve Phases of Transition and your husband isn’t there.

Second, I could “see” (in my mind’s eye) where the Whipple surgery was performed. The Mayo Clinic says, “The Whipple procedure is an operation to remove the head of the pancreas, the first part of the small intestine, the gallbladder and the bile duct. The remaining organs are reattached to allow the patient to digest food normally after surgery.” So, to help your husband continue to improve, I watched stem cell energy reinforce the areas that had been surgically removed. This healing will hopefully help your husband more easily digest the food he eats and more importantly, retain the nutrients from that food.

Next, I watched an energetic healing occur that involved his DNA. It’s called Genome Editing and restores corrupted DNA (the recipe that tells our cells how to replicate) back to its normal, pre-cancerous state. This will help his body produce healthy cells.

Lastly, please get a copy of Radical Remission by Kelly Turner, PhD. It’s full of remarkable stories about people from around the world who cured their “terminal” illnesses and the common denominators they shared in their healing journeys.

Hope this information helps. Hugs to you and your husband.

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Mysterious Car Alarm

Anna from Warsaw, Poland, asked:

Hi Julie,

My boyfriend’s car used to belong to his mom who passed away 4 years ago.

Last year the alarm went off for no reason and no one in his family believed me when I told them about it. (They all thought the alarm didn’t work.) My boyfriend was abroad when it happened.

Since that time about a year and a half ago, the alarm hasn’t sounded, that is, until today. And once again, it went off for no apparent reason.

I think maybe it’s his mom warning about the woman his dad is dating. He doesn’t want to believe me. What do you think?
Hi Anna,

Great question. Unprovoked alarms mysteriously sounding are more common than most people think.

In your case, after energetically connecting to you in Warsaw, I then focused on your car. You were correct, your boyfriend’s mom was involved in the alarm caper.

Interestingly enough, it was her spirit I saw sitting in the car when I pictured it so I took the opportunity to have a little chat with her.

She told me she in fact sounded the alarm. She also told me there is a short in the car’s electrical system causing the alarm to malfunction.

Her message was twofold. First, she said it’s the holidays and the family needs to be together as much as possible. She wants you all to go out of your way to do things as a group, perhaps activities not normally done throughout the year. In other words, celebrate the season.

Next, she told me the family needs to support your boyfriend’s dad, even with the women he chooses to date. She said even though you may not approve of his girlfriends, they’re serving a purpose you may not be able to see from your vantage point. She went on to say your boyfriend’s dad has been very lonely and as a companion, his girlfriend makes him feel better. Having a woman in his life will help him live healthier and longer.

My advice is to focus on what you like about the woman dating your boyfriend’s dad. Everyone has at least some redeeming qualities, and when you look for the good, it’ll make you feel better about her and feel better in general.

Hope this information helps.

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Learning Woo-Woo

Tanya from Kennesaw, GA, asked:

Dear Julie,

I listen to your show every week. Thank you for all your work in helping people!

My dream is to have a chance to learn from you. Do you take students or offer workshops?

I’ve been reading various books, including Carolyn Myss and Barbara Ann Brennan, but I would really like to have a teacher.

Your advice is appreciated.

Thank you!


Hi Tanya,

Thanks for listening to the show and for your kind words.

At this time I don’t offer workshops or have a school but I may in the future.

In the meantime, I do have a couple of suggestions:

1) Consider scheduling a private session with me and we can go over the basics.

2) Check out The School of Healing Arts. It’s where I studied and I know they’re offering classes.

Most importantly, continue to explore the psychic, medical intuitive, energy healer, etc., industry.

We’re all born with the capacity to do this work, it’s just a matter of learning the skill.

I learned how to do “Woo Woo” and you can too!







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