
Julie Ryan

Ask Julie Ryan

Bone Spur

Jennifer from Falls City, OR, asked:

Hello Julie,

My husband Tyrone has been in serious pain for the last 15 years. His pain is in the right side of his neck and shoulder area and seems to get worse as the days go by.

I’m asking for your healing help please. I would do anything to help him get rid of this horrible pain and get his life back. We have two children who are missing out on a lot of family fun with their dad cause he’s hurt and the doctors can’t tell us what’s wrong with him.

Please help me.  God bless you!  Jennifer

Hi Jennifer,

So sorry to hear about your husband. In order to get a look at him, I connected to you and then from you to him. I then asked his permission to scan him which he immediately granted.

Once I got Tyrone on my radar, I could see his whole body was inflamed. Once I got the inflammation calmed down, I could see a large bone spur on his right shoulder. It looks like a ball covered in spikes and is shredding his muscle tissue. The bone spur was visible while looking at him from behind his body.

WebMD says, “Bone spurs form when the body tries to repair itself by building extra bone. The initial problem may be the result of traumatic injury or over use. Bone spurs typically form in response to pressure, rubbing, or stress that continues over a long period of time.”

I watched a healing occur on Tyrone that blasted the bone spur and then energetically sutured and patched the tears in his shoulder muscle.

My suggestion is to find an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in shoulders. Go to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons website and type in your zip code. A list of doctors in your area will appear.

The orthopedist will be able to treat Tyrone with cortisone shots, physical therapy and in severe cases, surgery. I believe Tyrone will benefit from the first two options and be able to avoid surgery.

Hope this information helps and hope Tyrone gets some relief.

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Radiation Exposure

Katherine from Los Angeles, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I was wondering if you could give me some guidance on any underlying issues/causes of my health concerns?

Thanks, Katherine

Hi Katherine,

In order to investigate your health, I first connected to you in L.A. then shot energy through your body from your toes to the tip of your head.

What I saw looked like charred tissue covering most of your body/energy field. It looks like you’ve had quite a bit of radiation exposure.

Have you ever lived near a nuclear power plant (I know there’s one off the 5 freeway north of San Diego), or a missile silo? Or, have you worked in the radiology department of a hospital or taken x-rays in a doctor’s or dentist’s office? These are some examples of places where you could’ve been exposed.

I don’t believe you’ve been treated for cancer with radiation because I normally just see the charred tissue in a specific area of the body. In your case, it’s all over your body.

Having said all that, the University of Maryland Medical Center website says radiation exposure can cause cancer, birth defects, heart disease, lung issues, digestive problems, and other conditions.

In order to help you heal, I suggest you find a functional medicine doctor who can advise on radiation detoxification through medicines, food, and other modalities. Go to functionalmedicine.org, enter your zip code and find a doctor in your area.

In addition, research radiation exposure online. There’s lots of information available.

Also, please consider scheduling a private consult with me. Together, we can do a more thorough investigation of your symptoms and focus on the energetic healing of your medical issues.

I believe you can and will completely recover from this situation.

Thanks for your question.

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Spirit Guides

Kelly from Pasadena, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

May I get some advice from you? A friend of mine received some wonderful information from you and suggested that I contact you. 

First of all, I would like to know who my Spirit Guide or Guides are and if they have any information or advice for me. How can I reach them? 

I have several things going on in my life right now, but would like some advice about a possible career or job change. Any advice or information would be most helpful and would be followed!

Thank you so much for your time and energy!!!!

Hi Kelly,

When I connected with you I could see (in my mind’s eye) seven spirit guides standing behind you in a semi-circle configuration. They all looked like a version of father time (elderly men with white hair and beards dressed in long white robes). Your primary spirit guide is named Sebastian and looks like the Gandalf character from the Lord of the Rings movies. In addition, your guardian angel was floating above your head. It looks like a big angel (wings, etc.) depicted in art throughout the centuries.

Sebastian’s advice to you is to stop fretting so much. He said you waste so much time worrying about things. He suggested focusing on what you want, what brings you joy and to work in that field. I “got” you may want to consider doing something with babies.

Try making a list of do’s and do’s. That way you’ll be able to focus on the positive aspects of whatever you’re contemplating. It’ll keep you focused on the possibilities instead of the negatives. Lists of don’ts just keep you mired in fear which can be paralyzing.

The best way to talk with your spirit guides is to ask them a question in your head. They’ll answer you within a second. If you think about it for more than a second or two, that’ll be your mind answering you. It’s best to preface any question with “Is it in my best interest to” and then finish the sentence. That technique will encompass all variables and possible outcomes. Be as specific as you can when asking a question. Spirits are very literal.

I’ll be delighted to help you get answers. Either call in to my show, submit a question online or schedule an individual consult at askjulieryan.com. That way we’ll have an hour to chat ourselves and with your guides. Thanks for your question.

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Crazy Cat

Ally from North East, PA, asked:

Hi Miss Julie,

Why does my cat scratch my arms and not stop when I tell her no?

I know she is playing but she is a very aggressive player and it scares my friends away.

I also have terrible scars that bleed on my arms from it. Can you help me resolve this issue?  

Thank you!

Hi Ally,

You’re right, your cat is just playing with you.

In order to get some information, I first connected with you and then from you to your cat.

She told me she learned to play that way as a tiny kitten. She thinks it’s all part of the game when you tell her to stop.

Have you ever noticed how your cat seems out of sorts when you’re angry or stressed? Pets and people for that matter, pick up on our energy and emulate us. It’s important to tell pets and humans what we WANT them to do. Asking them not to do something just reinforces the undesirable behavior. For example, if I said don’t think of the red elephant. What would you immediately do? You’d think of a red elephant!

So, in order to foster a feline behavior change, do your best to stay calm around her. Talk to your cat in a soft voice while you gently rub her. She showed me a scene of you petting her in long strokes from the top of her head, down her back and up her tail. This had a calming effect on her and made her relax.

And remember, you can always resort to putting her in a cat carrier if she won’t calm down. That may be a good option when your friends are there and/or until she learns her cat manners.

Hope this strategy helps.

P.S. She adores you!

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Life Mission

Regina from Mexico City, Mexico, asked:

Hey Julie!

For the past 8 years I’ve been changing my career path a lot trying to find what I am really passionate about. I studied a marketing degree but never worked on marketing related stuff because I loved dancing ballet. So I followed my passion and took a 2 year certification course to become a ballet teacher. I then taught for 6 years but felt like I was made for something bigger, like I needed to do something with more impact in the world.

Now, I am about to finish a certification on health coaching thinking that maybe my path is more related to teaching people how to be healthy. And I’m still getting that feeling that I am not doing what I really came here to do.

Do you have any advice on how I can connect with myself and my guides to find some clarity and find my path? Thanks a lot!

Hi Regina,

Although it may seem like you’ve been floundering in your career over the past 8 years, each venture has been preparing you for what’s to come.

In order to get some guidance, I connected to you with the specific request that I’d be shown something that will help you find your life’s path. And boy did I get answers.

First I “saw” Flamenco dancers performing for an audience of patients in a hospital. They were male and female, a variety of ages, and dressed in hospital gowns. Some sat in wheelchairs, some were hooked up to IVs (I could see the bag of fluid hanging from an IV pole next to them), some were wearing cannulas (oxygen tubes inserted into their nostrils) and had a portable oxygen tank with them, and some were able to walk on their own.

Over the next few minutes, I saw dancers perform numbers from several different countries. There were Irish step-dancers, Chinese dragon dancers, French ballerinas (looked like a scene from Swan Lake), African tribal dancers, etc. You get the idea. The patients loved it.

I also “got” you can start a non-profit organization that entertains sick people with an international dance show. You can utilize local dance schools throughout Mexico to train volunteers (some may be students at the various schools). I believe you can get funding for this project from pharmaceutical companies and from public performances. I also believe you can then spread your organization to other countries.

What I’ve just described is an abbreviated version of the possibilities. This one enterprise can utilize many of your skill sets. Your dance teacher, health industry, and marketing backgrounds could all come in handy.

As an inventor and serial entrepreneur myself, I’ve had lots of experience with this. You get an idea, research its feasibility, and take one step at a time. As you stay focused on what you want to accomplish, the adventure will unfold in ways you can’t imagine. It’s almost magical.

We all have access to continual guidance. Just ask a question in your head. Be as specific as possible (spirits are very literal). The answer will come within the first second. If it takes longer than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you. It’s best to preface the question with “Is it in my best interest to” and then fill in the rest. The more you use this technique, the better you’ll get at receiving beneficial suggestions.

Hope this information sparks some ideas for you.

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Healing Techniques

Cara from Los Angeles, CA, asked:

Hey Julie,

I just started listening to your podcast and I am hooked! I have 2 questions.

I am a Reiki healer and have recently begun channeling people who have crossed over for my clients. I have yet to connect with my own passed loved ones, and when I do connect with my clients’ loved ones, it isn’t super clear to me who I am talking to. I just get vivid pictures/words and recently more physical sensations. I relay the message and then my clients put the pieces together.

Will I ever be able to distinguish and know exactly who I am connecting to without having to ask my clients? And when will I be able to connect with my loved ones?

Also, a psychic once said to me that my grandmother is around me but that she will only be around me for 7 more years. What does that mean and where is she going?

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you and will continue to listen to your podcasts!!! Love and light, Cara

Hi Cara,

Thanks for those kind words about my show.

Regarding your questions about connecting with deceased loved ones, it sounds like you’re well on your way. Your abilities will continue to develop as you use them. It’s just like any other skill and will get better with lots of practice. I’ve been doing this work for over 20 years and my abilities continue to get better all the time.

You may want to simply ask the spirit with whom you’re communicating for its name. Their answer will come to you within a second. If you think about it for more than that, it’ll most likely be your brain answering you. I receive information in my head. It’s a combination of visual scenes, direct knowing, and hearing the answer. I believe it’s telepathic communication and that anyone can learn how to do it. Consider indigenous cultures like the Aborigines in Australia. They have been communicating telepathically with one another over vast distances for millennia.

I choose to convey all the information I receive. After all, who am I to judge what my client needs to hear? As a messenger, I believe I wouldn’t receive information if it wasn’t supposed to be passed along to my client. Many psychics however, when conveying information they spiritually receive, will edit out some of the details. Do what seems right and comfortable to you.

In addition, you’ll eventually be able to summon and communicate with your deceased loved ones too. Just think of whomever, close your eyes, picture them in your head, and talk with them either aloud or mentally. Again, their response will be the first thing that enters your mind. Also, pay attention to your physical sensations and sense of smell. Spirits utilize a multitude of ways to communicate with us.

Now, with regard to your deceased grandmother, she is always around you, (she was standing next to your right shoulder) when I connected to you. When I asked her why the psychic told you she’d only be around you for seven years, your grandmother said that particular psychic was raised in a culture that believed the spirit moves on from the earth plane after seven years. We all have filters we use (sometimes unconsciously) that reflect religions, superstitions, and other beliefs we’re taught as children and throughout our lives.

So, the good news is, your grandmother will always be around you both in this lifetime and most likely in many of the next ones too.

Good luck with your practice. You may want to check out Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan, PhD. It was the first text book used when beginning my study of energy work. I believe you’ll find it both interesting and informative.

Thanks for your question.

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Self Worth

Ana from Melbourne, Australia, asked:

Dear Julie,

My name is Ana and I am 24 years old. I’m from Colombia but I’ve been living in Australia for a while. My mom loves your program and talks about it a lot so I thought it would be great to get in touch with you.

Three and a half years ago I had a baby. She passed away when she was three months old.

After my daughter died, the relationship with my ex-partner got really bad and we broke up. I’m now dating someone new.

At this point, after all I’ve been through, I find myself feeling very insecure about relationships and about myself. I don’t feel good enough for anyone.

I would really appreciate it if you could scan me to look at my energies and tell me if my current relationship is worth continuing.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi Ana,

My condolences on the loss of your baby. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.

One thing I do know however is your daughter’s spirit is always around you. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that.

Regarding your question about whether or not to continue your new relationship, when I asked if at this moment in time, it’s in your best interest to date your current beau, I got a NO.

I also “got” that he’s a good guy and you just don’t feel comfortable around him. Not because of anything he’s doing, but rather because you’re not in a good frame of mind right now.

Your thoughts of not being good enough for anyone are affecting your ability to relax and truly find joy. And that’s understandable considering you’re in the middle of the grieving process.

Something that might help you is to meditate. When thinking of beginning a meditation practice, most of us picture a person sitting in the lotus position OM-ing for hours on end. That’d be great if anyone had that kind of time. What I’m talking about will take perhaps 15 minutes a day.

The point of meditation is to learn to control your thoughts. Few people can stay totally focused while meditating but what most can do is recognize when their mind wanders and then refocus on the meditation.

When we get into the habit of refocusing our thoughts, we can recognize when we’re having a negative thought about ourselves or a situation and change it to a positive thought.

Eventually, the ability to refocus becomes a habit. A habit that serves us in countless ways.

You’re the only one who can change your negative thoughts about your own self-worth and I truly believe meditation can help you.

I really like the Gary Temple Bodley meditations. They each last about 15 minutes, are downloadable and inexpensive.

Hope this information helps.

Sending big hugs to you and your mama in the land Down Under.

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New Career Wanted

D.E. from Port Orchard, WA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Do you have any career insights for me? I’m thinking of a web design related career.

Also, do you get anything about my going back to school?

Thank you.

Hi D.E.,

When I got you on my radar I could see the spirits of a lot of medical professionals surrounding you. There were doctors wearing their long white lab coats, nurses with stethoscopes hanging around their necks, and what looked like other hospital support staff.

When I asked if it was in your best interest to work in a hospital, I got a YES.

When I asked if it was in your best interest to work in a hospital IT department, I also got a YES.

And then when I asked if it was in your best interest to go back to school, I got a NO.

Perhaps this could mean there might be on-the-job training.

Keep in mind, the information I receive for future events relate to this moment in time and is probable not certain. There are too many variables (including your own free will) that can determine an outcome.

Just focus on what you enjoy and the path for your new career will emerge. It’ll be fun to see what unfolds for you.

Good Luck!

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Throat Cancer Help

Judita from Santa Fe, NM, asked:

Dear Julie,

I learned about you from Nancy Mae. I just found out that my uncle has throat cancer. He is going to have chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I know how horrible that can be.

I wanted to know if there is anything that you could recommend to help him go through those treatments and gain his strength back faster.

I would greatly appreciate your help. All the best, Judita

Hi Judita,

How nice of you to be looking for ways to help your uncle.

I first connected to you and then from you to your uncle. I then asked his permission to scan him and he agreed. The interesting thing is, although he let me see his medical condition, he asked that I keep the information confidential.

When asking him how you could be of assistance as he deals with his condition, he said:

He wants you to just be available. He’s not sure what he’ll need and he’d appreciate it if you’d help drive him to treatments, run errands, bring in meals, and help with chores.

Your uncle told me, “I don’t want anyone hassling me.” “I need to deal with this situation my way”. He also told me he’s okay if he heals and okay if he dies.

And lastly, your uncle asked for your prayers.

Hope this information helps you help him.

Thanks for your question.

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