
Julie Ryan

New Career Wanted

D.E. from Port Orchard, WA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Do you have any career insights for me? I’m thinking of a web design related career.

Also, do you get anything about my going back to school?

Thank you.

Hi D.E.,

When I got you on my radar I could see the spirits of a lot of medical professionals surrounding you. There were doctors wearing their long white lab coats, nurses with stethoscopes hanging around their necks, and what looked like other hospital support staff.

When I asked if it was in your best interest to work in a hospital, I got a YES.

When I asked if it was in your best interest to work in a hospital IT department, I also got a YES.

And then when I asked if it was in your best interest to go back to school, I got a NO.

Perhaps this could mean there might be on-the-job training.

Keep in mind, the information I receive for future events relate to this moment in time and is probable not certain. There are too many variables (including your own free will) that can determine an outcome.

Just focus on what you enjoy and the path for your new career will emerge. It’ll be fun to see what unfolds for you.

Good Luck!

1 thought on “New Career Wanted”

  1. Hey Julie!
    For the past 8 years I’ve been changing my career path a lot trying to find what I am really passionate about. I studied a marketing degree but never worked on marketing related stuff cause I loved dancing ballet, so I followed my passion and took a 2 year certification to become a ballet teacher, I taught for 6 years but felt like I was made for something bigger or like I needed to do something with more impact in the world. Now, I am about to finish a certification on health coaching thinking that maybe my path is more related to teach people how to be healthy. But still I get that feeling that I am not doing what I really came here to do.

    Do you have any advice on how to connect with myself and my guides to find some clarity and find my path?

    Thanks a lot!

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