Michele from Durban, South Africa, asked:
Hi Julie,
How do I get out of being stuck behind what seems like a wall?
I want to get to the other side, but I seem to be “held back” and unable to move forward.
Even though I know what I need to do, this is causing me to vibrate at such a low level it’s causing me great discomfort and health issues.
Hi Michele,
Being stuck is an experience just about all of us have felt at some point during our lives and it’s all about fear. Fear to take a chance on something.
What if you make the wrong choice? What if it hurts you or someone you love? What if … The “what if’s” are endless.
Humans are hardwired for fear. We’re constantly looking for that saber-toothed tiger planning to eat us for lunch. Have you ever encountered a saber-toothed tiger? Me neither, and that’s the point. Most of the things we worry about never happen or happen in a way that’s non-threatening.
The key is, to understand anything that won’t kill you in the next two minutes, is an irrational fear and is false.
Once you show your brain something is fake, it lessens the negative emotion (fear) associated with it and allows you to move forward.
So, take a baby step towards your desire and then take another one. Step by step, you’ll get to where you want to go.
Oh, and if you want to enjoy the journey, be open to how it’ll unfold. That’s when the magic happens.
Good luck!