
Julie Ryan

Stay Healthy In Flu Season

Suzanne from Amory, MS, asked:

Hi Julie,

It seems as if everyone is in a panic about catching the flu.

I’ve even heard people say they’re afraid to go to the grocery store for fear they might touch something contaminated.

How can we protect ourselves and our families from catching the flu?


Hi Suzanne,

Great question, especially in light of the news reports and rumors circulating about the flu.

First of all, even though the flu, in rare cases, can be deadly, most of the recently reported deaths are due to secondary infections that cause sepsis. Sepsis is a very dangerous infection in the bloodstream that causes organ failure. An average of 1,000 Americans a day die from this condition and it is the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals.

Flu and sepsis symptoms are similar and are oftentimes mistaken for one another. An easy way to distinguish the two sicknesses is to use the acronym SEPSIS to describe its symptoms:

S – Severe shortness of breath

E – Extremely cold hands and feet

P – Palpitations or racing heart

S – Slurred speech

I – I’ve never felt so bad

S – Shivering uncontrollably

If you or a loved one has a high fever and one or more of these symptoms, please get to an emergency room. Talk with the medical staff about treating with the Dr. Paul Marik protocol of IV Vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine (B1). This simple, inexpensive treatment is being used to quickly cure sepsis and there’s a good chance your physician may not know about it.

Although we’re inundated with ads encouraging us to get the flu vaccine, the New England Journal of Medicine January 4, 2018 issue claims the 2017-2018 flu vaccine is 10% effective. Those aren’t good odds especially when considering the potential side effects caused by the vaccine.

So, here are a few simple things we can do to avoid catching the flu:

– Wash your hands throughout the day and especially before you eat.

– Take 1,000mg of Ester C and 50mg of Zinc each day (3x/day if you’re sick) – it’s a powerful immune booster.

– Get some sunshine.

– Drink lots of water.

– Take Vitamin D3. Studies show people with low levels of Vitamin D have more colds and flu.

– Run a humidifier in your bedroom at night in cold winter months. Furnaces dry out the air in our homes which in turn dries out our sinuses making them more susceptible to viruses.

Stay well!