
Julie Ryan

Hurting Hands

Martin from Crowborough, East Sussex, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please do a medical scan on me? I’ve been having some really bad trouble with my hands.

Both are very cracked, sore, dry, swollen and painful and the right hand seems to be the worst.

I’ve been to my general practitioner doctor, and had some allergy testing done, but they just haven’t a clue what’s causing my symptoms or how to help me.


Hi Martin,

Once I energetically connected to you and got you on my “radar” (in my mind’s eye), I could “see” (again in my mind’s eye), what you described with regard to your hands. They looked so painful. In short order I watched an energetic healing occur on both hands.

First, I saw a thick white cream applied which helped lessen the inflammation, seal the cracks in your skin, and moisturize your dry skin. Then I watched both hands get wrapped in energetic gauze strips. You looked like a burn victim. This healing will help facilitate your recovery.

Now, here’s what you can do while you sleep to help alleviate your symptoms …

1) Put an antibiotic cream/ointment with analgesic/pain relief (e.g., Neosporin Plus) on the cracks in your hands. Let it seep into the separated tissue.

2) Completely cover your hands with petroleum jelly (e.g., Vaseline).

3) Put on cotton gloves (e.g., think garden gloves) and wear them all night.

In addition, avoid using hand sanitizers and soap with alcohol and detergents. Only use a mild natural soap, preferably with shea or coconut butter to wash your hands.

And lastly, increase your intake of Omega 3. Some foods containing these essential fatty acids are wild caught salmon, sardines, avocados, walnuts, and other nuts and seeds.

You may also want to add a purified, burpless fish oil to your diet.

Hope your hands are feeling much better soon.