
Julie Ryan

Not Lyme Disease

Nathaly from Montclair, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

My mom’s been very ill lately. She became sick 18 years ago after the birth of my youngest sister which was very traumatic. She nearly died after childbirth because she was retaining fluids. She even went blind temporarily from the high blood pressure.

Since my sister’s birth, she gets pain and inflammation in her joints, and they hop from one joint to another. It seems to be triggered by foods containing citrus, acidic fruits, and folic acid like oranges, strawberries, beans, etc.

She used to be bedridden by the pain all the time. Now she’s bedridden every so often. She has severe anemia to the point where doctors have recommended blood transfusions. She gets chills and Vertigo. It seems like her kidneys aren’t working well and she has circulation problems. Her feet and hands often fall asleep. The whole right side of her abdomen hurts and is inflamed.

Can you please scan her? If there’s any way you could help, that would be amazing.  Thanks.

Hi Nathaly,

In order to help your mom, I first connected to you and through you to her.

Initially I “saw” (in my mind’s eye) that her whole body was inflamed. After applying anti-inflammatory energy to your mom, I could see what looked like a bunch of tiny bugs in her system. This is what I normally see when someone has Lyme Disease. The bugs look like little ticks.

After energetically blasting (killing) the little bugs and removing them, I administered a healthy dose of glutathione energy to your mom’s body and saw her tissues return to a normal, healthy pink state. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that provides detoxification and immune support.

I believe your mother has a form of the Epstein Barr virus that is oftentimes mistakenly diagnosed as Lyme Disease. They both have similar symptoms. In particular, I believe your mom has what’s known as Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS).

Interestingly enough, in a NY Times article, Adriana Marques, MD, Chief of the Clinical Studies Unit at the National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases said, “Some people with PTLDS symptoms apparently never had Lyme disease in the first place. There are other infectious organisms — the Epstein-Barr virus, for example — that can produce similar symptoms and may be the real culprits.” I believe your mom fits this description.

So here are my recommendations:

1) Educate yourself and your mom on PTLDS. Google Adriana Marques, MD and read the info posted there. It’s a substantial amount.

2) Find a functional medicine doctor in your area who can help your mom eradicate the cause of her symptoms, not just treat her symptoms. Go to the Institute for Functional Medicine website at functionalmedicine.org and put in your zip code. A list of physicians in your area will appear. Choose one and go see them.

3) Get your mom to start taking glutathione supplements. Studies have shown low glutathione levels can reactivate a dormant Epstein-Barr virus.

4) Download the free Bulletproof Diet food chart. Have your mom eat what’s on it. Tell her to remember that food is medicine.

Bottom line, I believe armed with some education and assistance from a functional medicine doctor, your mom can and will completely heal from her ailments.

I wish you and her all the best.

Thanks for your question.