
Julie Ryan

Chihuahua Mom

Amy from Lakeland, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I love listening to your podcast and wanted to ask you about my beautiful Chihuahua pup Lola.

Last year I lost my beloved Chihuahua named Tink. I had her 9 wonderful years and I felt so sad when she passed. About a month later I got Lola (another Chihuahua) to mend my heart. I felt like this beautiful spirit picked me and she has definitely helped me heal.

My Lola is the sweetest Chihuahua ever. She reminds me so much of Tink. I have been thinking about breeding her. Depending on their size, Chihuahuas can be hard to breed. I know people say you should adopt, but she has been mothering this little stuffed animal and she is just too cute with it. I found a breeder who has a stud that would be a perfect size for her. But I definitely do not want to hurt or jeopardize my baby. I like the idea of breading her only for her to get to keep one of her babies as a companion for both of us and my children would get to help raise some pups. I have wanted 2 Chihuahuas for so long and wish I would have gotten another when Tink was alive.

I have tried to ask if it’s in Lola’s best interest to breed her or if I should just get her a companion instead. Can you help? I would love her to have a baby and then have her spayed.

Can you please scan her and tell me what you get as far as breeding her or her wanting a companion? I just don’t want anything to happen to her. Thanks!

Hi Amy,

I love that you enjoy listening to my show. Thanks for your kind comments.

Regarding Lola becoming a mother, I first connected to you and then from you to her. You’re right, she is really cute.

Based on what she told me, I believe she will be just fine if you breed her with the daddy dog you’ve chosen. And, I believe she’ll also do just fine delivering her litter and love for you to keep one if you decide to.

Furthermore, I also get it’ll be a great experience for you and your kids as well.

So, my advice is to “go for it”!

And one more thing, Tink’s spirit is always around you and will be for the rest of your life. If you pay close attention and stay open to it, you may occasionally hear her or feel her presence. When that happens, Tink’s just letting you know she’s around.

Thanks for your question.