
Julie Ryan

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Dyea from Chatanooga, TN, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have struggled with hypothyroidism for 20 years. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s but the past few years my health and energy have plummeted and my weight has exploded!

I’ve tried all kinds of diets and exercise with no results. I feel sick constantly. Please help!

Hi Dyea,

Twenty years … good heavens girl!

When I got you on my radar, I saw lots of inflammation throughout your whole body and immediately applied blue anti-inflammatory energy.

Once I got the inflammation calmed down I saw a white fluffy substance that looked like whipped marshmallow crème (like the jars of marshmallow crème found in the baking aisle of any grocery store) covering all of your organs. I hadn’t ever seen that before and “got” that it represented mounds of toxins in your system. It reminded me of when as a small child in the mid-sixties, my family drove alongside the Erie Canal. We saw white billowy mounds of pollution floating in the water. Your energy field reminded me of that polluted scene, one I hadn’t thought of in 50 years.

The toxins in your body are from environmental causes (like mold exposure), cosmetics, and from the food you eat. Underneath the white fluffy stuff I could see your organs looked sick and shriveled indicating someone in desperate need of hormones.

Having said all that, the thyroid is one of the primary hormone producing glands in our bodies. When it’s out of whack, it throws the other hormone producing systems into disarray and negatively affects our health and how we feel. So, I removed the white toxins then shot some energetic thyroid, estrogen, and testosterone into your system and your body came alive and looked great.

Here are some suggestions …

1) Check out the Root Cause by Izabella Wentz, PharmD. Dr. Wentz is a clinical pharmacist who has suffered from and cured herself of Hashimoto’s. Her website is thryoidpharmacist.com

 2) Go to bulletproofexec.com and enter Hashimoto’s in the search bar. There you’ll find several articles and podcasts with some of the most world renowned Hashimoto’s specialists. While you’re there, download the free food chart for what to eat.

3) If you have a smart phone, download the free “Think Dirty” app. You can use it to scan the barcodes on cosmetics to learn how toxic they are. The app also suggests clean alternatives.

4) Consider working with a functional medicine doctor. They’re trained in treating the whole system, not just one area (like the thyroid) to find the cause of your symptoms. Go to functionalmedicine.org to find a doctor in your area.

5) Another option is the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Go to a4m.com to find a doctor in your area.

Hope this information helps and hope you feel better very soon!