
Julie Ryan

Child’s Nightmares

Suzy from Palmetto Bluffs, SC, asked:

Good morning Julie,

Quick question if you have time. Last night my little grand nephew Warren (age 4) had a horrific nightmare that lasted about 20 minutes.

His grandmother (my sister) and I were babysitting him and his siblings. We tried to calm him down and nothing seemed to work.

When his parents arrived home, his mother told us Warren had recently started having nightmares.

Just wondered if you are able to give us some clues as to what is happening to this sweet baby who screams in terror.


Hi Suzy,

Children are very intuitive and can sense and communicate with spirits . As a matter of fact, we all are born with these innate intuitive abilities that usually lessen as we get indoctrinated with our scientific-based, linear-thinking culture through our education system.

It’s common for children at Warren’s age to begin to be able to differentiate between physical and non-physical realities and it can be frightening for them.

Sometimes children have “imaginary” playmates who are actually very real little spirits undetectable to most adults. And sometimes while sleeping, when the barrier between realities is lessened, children see spirits in their bedrooms. This too can be frightening for the child who’s just beginning to develop cognitive abilities.

I believe this is what’s causing your grand nephew’s nightmares. He is sensing spirits around him.

In the short run, ask for help from the spirit world to create a boundary between this reality and the non-physical in order to help Warren not be afraid.

Normally a deceased great or great, great-grandmother (usually on the maternal side of the family) will immediately appear and create a golden bubble around the child. The bubble normally extends about 5 feet from the child’s body and will totally encompass them and their little energy field. This will serve as a barrier (buffer if you will) until the child gets more comfortable with his/her spiritual companions.

Although the spirits around Warren may currently appear to him as a bunch of scary, grown-up strangers, they are all pure love and positive energy there to advise and watch over him.

Please contact me for a private session at askjulieryan.com if I may be of further assistance.