
Julie Ryan


Angels Becoming Human

Amy from Lakeland, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I absolutely love your show and was very intrigued with your previous blog on angels and their energies and vibrations. I once had a past life regression where the medium saw me as an angel and I was kind of floored. I hadn’t ever heard of that. The medium hadn’t ever seen it either!

In that past life I was supposedly persecuted as an angel because I was fighting for love and justice. When the medium spoke of this I instantly saw a flash of me from the back chained and wearing a white robe. Her referring to me as an angel weirded me out because I always thought of angels being at a much higher vibration than humans. Then, when I read your blog, I was really interested in learning more.

I have tried to research others who have had similar regressions but can’t find much. My question is, have you experienced this with others? People who had past lives as angels? Can you tap into that life or can you see this scenario in any of my past lives? In my current life I have felt somewhat nervous around older men. I do feel I was persecuted in a past life, (probably many).

Thank you and so much love. Amy

Hi Amy,

Thanks for your kind words about my show. I love doing it.

Regarding my previous blog about angels, the one in which I said angels can reincarnate as humans but humans cannot reincarnate as angels, I still “get” this is true. I also “get” humans are a more evolved species than angels.

In addition, I believe you were indeed an angel in a past life but weren’t persecuted in that lifetime, rather, you were persecuted in several human lifetimes.

So, in order to get more information for you, I first energetically connected to you and then asked to be shown any of your past lifetimes in which you were persecuted for love and/or justice, especially the one where you saw yourself from behind, dressed in a white robe and chained to the wall.

Although 17 lifetimes presented as ones in which you were persecuted, the one you saw was in Egypt in the year 734 AD. You were a slave girl being punished for drinking water from a well reserved only for the wealthy. Your sentence was 3 months in a prison. Back then every prisoner was chained to a wall.

Lastly, I haven’t ever seen any past lives where someone was an angel, you’re my first. And, I agree with you, the whole concept of angels becoming humans and vice versa is really fascinating.

Thanks for submitting such an interesting question. Hope this information clarifies things for you.

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Postpartum Spirits

Sheridan from Hayward, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just had a baby 3 months ago and have been suffering from horrible postpartum anxiety. I have fluctuating thoughts of deep sadness and grief. I feel lost and alone. I keep having thoughts and fears of dying in a car accident as well as seeing/feeling spirits in my house. I can’t see faces, but will often turn my head because I see and feel someone by me.

Are these thoughts of dying just something that’s a part of my postpartum or is it more? And who is visiting me? Thank you!

Hi Sheridan,

First, congrats on your new baby. So sorry you’re having to deal with postpartum issues.

In order to investigate what’s going on with you I established a connection between us and shot energy from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Once we were linked, I could see the depression you’re feeling. It looks like a brownish dry fog and is over your whole body.

After removing the depression energy from your energy field, I could see what I believe is the root cause of your symptoms. It looks like you have a big case of adrenal fatigue that’s affecting all of the other hormones in your body, especially your thyroid.  Psychiatrist Daniel Amen, MD says 80-90% of postpartum depression is associated with thyroid abnormalities.

So, in order to help you feel better, I watched an energetic hormone cocktail fill your body. It looked like clear IV fluid with lots of iridescent sparkles in it. Once it was administered, you looked healthy and happy.

The spirits you’re sensing and seeing are all deceased loved ones and friends there to support you. They’re always around you (and all of us for that matter). You’re just able to perceive them in your current state of feeling vulnerable. Appreciate them and thank them for their love.

Here are my suggestions:

– The fastest, easiest way to begin to feel better is to focus on eating healthy, whole, foods (organic if possible). Do your best to stay away from processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. Increase healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and grass fed butter. You can find Kerry Gold butter in most grocery stores. Go to bulletproofexec.com/diet and download the food chart. Eat what’s on it.

– Find a functional medicine doctor in your area who can figure out the cause of your symptoms and help you fix them. Go to the Institute for Functional Medicine website and enter your zip code. You’ll be shown a list of physicians close by.

– Consider visiting the Northern California Amen Clinic. It’s in Walnut Creek close to where you live in Hayward. They specialize in brain issues. The doctors and staff will be able to assist you by doing blood work to check for vitamin, mineral, hormone and other deficiencies and imbalances, perform brain scans, and design an action plan to quickly make you feel better. Go to amenclinics.com for more information.

The best news is, I believe you can and will heal from this condition and will be able to enjoy your new baby.

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Getting Baby Ready

Carrie from York, PA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve recently started listening to your podcast and absolutely love it!

Can you please do a general scan on my body to see if there’s anything going on?

I’m thinking about having another baby and want to make sure I’m in good health.

Thank you!

Hi Carrie,

Wanting to be in good health before you conceive is a great idea!

At the time I scanned you I could see inflammation on the top of your head usually indicating a headache. Once I applied anti-inflammatory energy that removed the inflammation, I could see a lot of yellow pollen in your system. Looks like you most likely have seasonal allergies and are currently suffering from  springtime blooming flowers and trees.

If you’re taking allergy medicines, it’d be best to conceive after allergy season has ended. That means you’ll just have to do all that extra baby-making-practicing in the meantime!

Otherwise, you look perfectly healthy.

Also, you do have a baby’s energy that has attached itself to you. It looks like an orb often seen in photographs, like the one Glenda the Good Witch rode into Munchkin Land in the Wizard of Oz movie. Your baby’s energy is a bit in the distance. What I saw reminded me of watching a plane land at night into a busy airport. The plane’s lights can be seen in the distance and then followed as it approaches the runway to land. All of this means you are highly likely to have another baby.

As part of your preparation efforts, you may want to read the “Better Baby Book” by Lana Asprey, MD. It is full of information that will help you optimize your health before you conceive and throughout your pregnancy.

Thanks for your question.



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Tired of Fighting

Ashley, from Niagara, Ontario, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have had problems with my reproductive health for a solid year and the last month has pushed me over the edge.

My menstrual cycle is now out of whack and I’m feeling all kinds of uneasiness.

Please help. I’m so tired of fighting with my body to feel normal.

Thank you for your time, Julie.

Hi Ashley,

Sorry you’re feeling so punky.

Once I got you on my radar, I found you were full of inflammation from what looks to me like heavy metal toxicity. This condition can affect your menstrual cycle and cause lots of other symptoms.

In particular, you seem to have an excess amount of iron and cadmium in your system. I believe you’re ingesting both from your water supply and additional cadmium from cigarette smoke.

I “got” the iron was primarily from rusty pipes (do you live in an old house?) and the cadmium, a metal used to make batteries, could be leeching from waste sites into the ground and then into the water supply. Cadmium and other toxic metals can also get into our water in the form of road runoff. And then there are those cigs. Are you around a lot of smoke?

In any event, here’s what may help. Eat foods that will help you detox the heavy metals from your body. Some of those foods are: pears, green apples, citrus, grapes, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beets, garlic and cilantro. Here’s a more complete list and here’s a link to what other foods will help you feel better … the Bulletproof Diet.

In addition, find a functional medicine physician and work with them to heal your body. A functional medicine doctor is trained to reverse engineer your symptoms to find the cause of those symptoms and help you fix it. Just go to functionalmedicine.org, put in your city, province, and country, and choose from the list that will be displayed.

The best news is, I truly believe you can and will heal from this.

Thanks for your question.

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Yellow Rose Connection

Shann from Battle Creek, MI, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have just found your show. It’s amazing. The first show I listened to was the dad passing and the yellow roses.

My dad had just passed about 10 days before that and he had yellow roses at his funeral.

The moment I heard the story, I had an overwhelming feeling to go get a yellow rose bouquet for my mom and to tell her dad was well. He passed from cancer.

So many things from your show have touched a chord in me.

My question is … my mother is also fighting cancer for the 3rd time.

What is the best treatment for her right now?

Will she beat this again and what can I do for her? Thank you for your time.

Hi Shann,

My condolences on the loss of your father. It is amazing how our deceased loved ones get information to us.

Your hearing Allie’s story about her recently deceased dad asking her to give yellow roses to her mom and to say they were from him was how your dad got a message to you. Nothing is a coincidence. Just proves how we’re all connected.

As for your mom and her health situation, I attempted to do a scan on her. First I connected to you then from you to her. When I psychically asked her permission to scan her, she refused, so I didn’t do one.

Your mother told me she feels you have had enough stress in your life and don’t need to worry about her too.

She said she just wants your love. She also said she’d appreciate your helping her make this year’s Christmas holidays the “happiest ever” (her words).

Your mother told me she’d like to do holiday activities with you. Go to Christmas concerts and events. She said they don’t need to cost anything. The free ones would be fine. you might want to check out activities at local churches. You may find several free Christmas concerts/pageants/activities put on by the churches’ congregations.

I’ll be delighted to scan your mom in the future if she wants me to.

Thanks for letting me know about your dad and how you gave your mom yellow roses. What a touching, incredible story

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Miscarried Baby

Kiley from Pocatello, ID, asked:

Dear Julie,

I had a miscarriage 7 years ago that was very devastating for me.

One of the things that has been really hard was that I miscarried at 11 weeks and never found out the sex of my child.

Can you tell me what sex my child was and what has happened with them? Thanks.

Hi Kiley,

My condolences on the loss of your baby.

When I got you on my radar, I could see what looked like a newborn infant wrapped in a receiving blanket with bunnies on it next to you. Your baby was a girl.

She wanted me to let you know that everything unfolded perfectly. She told me she wanted to experience what it was like to be a miscarried fetus, and you wanted to experience what it was like to miscarry. You both got your wish.

Your daughter told me she had a genetic mutation/malfunction that caused the miscarriage. Although you may already know this, your baby wanted me to tell you what happened was perfectly normal.

Miscarriages are nature’s method of making sure the human species survives. She said miscarriages are way more common than we think. It’s just that most women aren’t aware they’ve miscarried.

Your baby’s spirit is always around you. So far, she has not reincarnated. She told me you two have been together in 73 previous lifetimes and will be together in many more.

You can talk with her anytime you wish. Just ask her a question in your head. Her answer will be the first thing that pops into your head. If the answer takes more than a couple of seconds, that’s your brain answering you.

Hope this brings you some peace.

Thanks for your question.

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Child’s Nightmares

Suzy from Palmetto Bluffs, SC, asked:

Good morning Julie,

Quick question if you have time. Last night my little grand nephew Warren (age 4) had a horrific nightmare that lasted about 20 minutes.

His grandmother (my sister) and I were babysitting him and his siblings. We tried to calm him down and nothing seemed to work.

When his parents arrived home, his mother told us Warren had recently started having nightmares.

Just wondered if you are able to give us some clues as to what is happening to this sweet baby who screams in terror.


Hi Suzy,

Children are very intuitive and can sense and communicate with spirits . As a matter of fact, we all are born with these innate intuitive abilities that usually lessen as we get indoctrinated with our scientific-based, linear-thinking culture through our education system.

It’s common for children at Warren’s age to begin to be able to differentiate between physical and non-physical realities and it can be frightening for them.

Sometimes children have “imaginary” playmates who are actually very real little spirits undetectable to most adults. And sometimes while sleeping, when the barrier between realities is lessened, children see spirits in their bedrooms. This too can be frightening for the child who’s just beginning to develop cognitive abilities.

I believe this is what’s causing your grand nephew’s nightmares. He is sensing spirits around him.

In the short run, ask for help from the spirit world to create a boundary between this reality and the non-physical in order to help Warren not be afraid.

Normally a deceased great or great, great-grandmother (usually on the maternal side of the family) will immediately appear and create a golden bubble around the child. The bubble normally extends about 5 feet from the child’s body and will totally encompass them and their little energy field. This will serve as a barrier (buffer if you will) until the child gets more comfortable with his/her spiritual companions.

Although the spirits around Warren may currently appear to him as a bunch of scary, grown-up strangers, they are all pure love and positive energy there to advise and watch over him.

Please contact me for a private session at askjulieryan.com if I may be of further assistance.


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Pinched Nerve

Bob from Bonney Lake, Washington, asked:

Hi Julie,

My doctor thinks I have nerve loss probably in the left shoulder. I cannot fully open my left hand.

He also thinks it could take up to two years for the nerve to heal. I can use my left hand working but have difficulty getting things out of my left pants pocket.  

Maybe you can see what’s going on?   Thank you so very much.

Hi Bob,

Initially, when I got you on my radar, your left shoulder and arm weren’t illuminated. I see this phenomenon when a nerve has been pinched for a long time.

So, I shot energy from the ground up through your entire body and was able to see the cause.

From a rear view, it looks like the nerve coming from your neck is being pinched under the right lower side of your left shoulder. Imagine looking at the back of a plastic skeleton. Then picture a nerve looping under the lower part of the skeleton’s left shoulder that is closest to its spine. That’s where your nerve is caught.

I was able to energetically unhook it, which caused the nerve running down your left arm into your hand to immediately light up on its own.

I’m not getting you’ll need surgery to correct this situation, however, I am getting it would benefit you to see a chiropractor. When I energetically placed you lying on your stomach, your left shoulder was substantially higher than your right. A chiropractor can fix that for you. Once you’re balanced, I believe it will help you heal your left arm and hand quicker.

Thanks for your question.



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High Blood Pressure

Joan from Courtdale, PA, asked:

Hi Julie!

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure this February and put on 20mg of Lisinopril.

Recently, I started taking Hawthorne Berry extract 2 or 3 times a day and also Magnesium. For the last 7 days my pressure came down below 120/80 just about every reading twice a day. I cut back my Lisinopril to 1 pill of 10 mg.

I also walk 2 brisk miles a day on a treadmill. I am not a fan of pills and would like to ultimately get off the one pill. Am I doing the right things?

Thank you sooooo much! 


Hi Joan,

Since I’m not a medical doctor, and especially since I’m not your medical doctor, I can’t make prescription recommendations. My advice is to continue to consult with your physician about your medications and doses of those medications.

Having said all that, I did scan you and your arteries look open to me. Do your best to get your weight down, eat organic produce and grass fed, free-range, wild caught protein, and continue to walk.

In addition, you may want to check out a new device I recently learned about called the Zona Plus that’s intended to lower blood pressure.

It’s based on technology used to help fighter pilots with G-forces, and utilizes isometrics to make positive physical changes in your body that naturally promote healthy blood pressure.

The Zona website cites at least 22 clinical studies including ones from the American Heart Association, the Harvard Heart Letter, and the Mayo Clinic Health Letter that all say Zona Plus therapy can lower blood pressure.

The manufacturer claims regular use of their device can result in an average decrease of 10 percent or more in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. They also say the Zona Plus is safe to use and completely drug-free. Go to Zona.com for more information.



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