
Julie Ryan


A Father’s Wishes

April from Charleston, WV, asked:

Hi Julie,

My father transitioned on August 12, 2021, after losing the ability to swallow and enduring nearly two weeks without food or water. Thankfully, my sister and I were able be at his side through the whole process, something for which I will be forever grateful.

His ex-wife was his caretaker and had power of attorney over his affairs. My sister and I are the only beneficiaries in his Will.

Our relationship with his ex-wife has always been rocky, and we do not trust her to fulfill our father’s wishes. We don’t know where his assets are located so Dad’s ex-wife is the one who must supply that information.

Because of all this, we have decided to pursue a full probate but don’t want to create unnecessary strife if it isn’t what our father would want. 

Any guidance you can offer would be so very appreciated.

Thank you!


Hi April,

My condolences on the loss of your father.

Thanks for submitting your question. Unfortunately, it’s one grieving families too often face.

The American Bar Association (ABA) says, “Probate is the formal legal process that gives recognition to a Will and appoints the executor or personal representative who will administer the estate and distribute assets to the intended beneficiaries.”

In order to get some more guidance for you, I consulted with my dear friend Diana, a retired judge. She said, “Probate can be acrimonious and costly but fruitful if someone is truly hiding assets. So, the real question is, do they believe she would/is hiding assets? If yes, then probate can force an investigation and hopefully disclosure as the court has the ability to order an independent investigation.” 

Having said all that, I connected with your dad’s spirit and asked him for his opinion. Here’s a summary of our conversation:

– Is it in your daughters’ your best interest to pursue full probate to settle your estate? He said YES.

– Is your ex-wife attempting to hide some of your assets? He said YES.

– Is it worth the legal fees your daughters will incur to pursue full probate on your estate? He said YES.

– Do you suggest your daughters pursue full probate in settling your estate. Again, he said YES.

Your story is a reminder that everyone, even people without assets, needs a Will. Add to that a Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney and Medical Power of Attorney. It’s a gift of love to make the settling of your estate as easy as possible on your loved ones.

Hope these suggestions and answers from your father help you decide what to do.



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Educate and Comfort

Shari from Columbus, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

I read your book Angelic Attendants and it is excellent!

I was by my mother’s side when she transitioned 21 years ago and it was actually a beautiful experience.

I sense her around me all the time and her spirit even showed up in a picture taken of me and my family four years after she passed away! I will treasure this picture forever.

For years, I’ve been wanting to reach out to other people to comfort them after their loved one has passed and let them know their spirit can still be present with them even when they are no longer in the physical world. Alas, I have no idea how to do this.

Any suggestions?

Thank you for taking time to read and answer my question.



Hi Shari,

Thanks for your kind comments and for reading Angelic Attendants.

Love the story about your mom’s spirit showing up in your family photo several years after she passed. What a great example of your mother letting you know she’s around you.

Regarding your desire to help comfort and educate those who’ve lost a loved one, I have several suggestions:

– Volunteer with a hospice organization.

– Get involved in grief support groups at local churches, hospitals, senior centers, and online.

– Gift a book on the topic. Two favorites are my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and Death Is But A Dream by Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD.

– Send people a link to my interview with Dr. Chris Kerr. It’s enlightening, heartwarming, and validates how spirits surround end-of-life patients.

– Consider taking my Angelic Attendant Training and learn to telepathically communicate with the dying person and tell how close to passing they are by identifying the Twelve Phases of Transition®. The information you’ll receive can be enormously helpful and comforting to the family.

Hope you find these ideas thought-provoking.

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Halloween Haunted House

Bryan from Imperial, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am staying in a room in the house of a friend and her fiancé. Upon my first day here, it felt like the energy wasn’t right in certain areas. I often hear thumps, cracks, and noises, and feel like I’m being watched.

During the day when I’m here alone, the fridge will start to hum, whirr, and buzz when I walk into the kitchen and I hear strange noises in the walls. The dogs react as well with growls and barking. I’ve given up trying to cleanse, protect, and fight off energies in the house.

Since I was a kid, I’ve been able to pick-up on spirit energies and voices. This ability makes me come across as mentally unstable to friends and family who don’t experience the same. I feel isolated at times because nobody believes what I tell them about the spirit phenomena I feel and hear.

What can I do to at least have the spirits stop bothering me? And, what can be done about how I pick up on things? Ignorance seems to be bliss and I’d rather not have this “gift”.



Hi Bryan,

Since Halloween is just a few days away, I appreciate the timeliness of your question.

Most cultures have a day that venerates the dead so how did we go from honoring our deceased loved ones to being afraid of them?

History.com says, Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31st. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in) 2,000 years ago marking the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred and that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. Emphasis on the word celebration.

Then, in the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as a time to honor every saint. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. Again, it was a celebration of the deceased.

Congratulations on recognizing your “gift” of being able to perceive spirits. It’s an ability every person and animal possess.

We all experience what can be called a psychic moment when we think we see a spirit out of the corner of our eye or feel a strange sensation when entering a room. In the most recent few hundred years, people have been taught to be afraid of spirits by religions, cultures, and the publishing and entertainment industries. This is why people are uncomfortable discussing spiritual occurrences, because like you, they don’t want to look crazy.

Keep in mind, all spirits are pure love and “evil” spirits don’t exist so there’s nothing to fear. If you don’t want to be bothered by spirits, just ask them to leave and they will. But then, you may want to consider embracing the spirits around you and ask if they have a message for you or a message they’d like for you to convey to someone.

In the movie The Sixth Sense starring Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment, spirits contact a boy (Osment) to deliver messages to their loved ones. After initially resisting the spirits’ communications, the boy realizes by sharing the information, he helps people heal. I believe you’re being given the opportunity to do the same.

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Dying Wishes

Estelle from Manchester, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am 27 years old and I’m currently facing stage 4 terminal cancer.

Firstly, could you please send some healing energy my way?

Also, can you please help me meet my spirit guides to aid me in this journey? I think I have met one but would like to hear from you about my guides if possible.

Lastly could you send a message to my grandma and Uncle Steve and ask them to watch over me, my husband and beautiful baby girl through this time in our lives?

Thank you so much!


Hi Estelle,

Thanks for your note.

To help you in your journey, I energetically connected to you and saw you’re in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition®. This means you have begun the transition to Heaven and are surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones (including your grandma and Uncle Steve) and pets.

Everyone goes through all the Twelve Phases regardless of how they pass. It can happen instantly, take days, weeks, months or even years. And, you can completely withdraw from the Phases. I’ve seen people in Phase 11 decide to live and go on to experience a long life.

Having said all that, I’m unable to do a medical scan on you while you’re in the Phases since your spirit is out of your body. (Our spirit acts as the power source for the body.) I did, however, send healing energy to you.

Please remember, everything can be healed and a healing can take many forms. Sometimes, death is the healing.

As for your spirit guides, we normally have seven with us at any given time. You have 17 and they’re dispersed in the crowd of deceased loved ones around you!

Your main spirit guide’s name is David and you can chat with him anytime you wish. Just say something to him either aloud or in your head. His answer will immediately come in and will feel like a thought in your head. You’ll know it’s him when you get a response within a second.

I’m forwarding copies of my books Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and my children’s books Angel Messages For Kids and Angel Messages For Dogs. In addition, you may want to watch my interview with hospice director Dr. Chris Kerr whose research shows loved ones’ spirits surrounding people at the end of their lives.

Hope this information provides some comfort to you and your family.

Sending big hugs and lots of love from Sweet Home Alabama!

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Advice From Spirit

Stefanie from Slidell, LA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I wanted to seek advice from my friend who recently transitioned from Covid-19 in February 2021. She’s the only one that knows me like the back of my hand.

She knows my relationship with the father of my children and I need to know her advice on moving on without him as a spouse and just as a father to my children.  

Any advice she gives will be amazing.

I miss her so much and I just know she can hear me.

Thanks for your help with this.


Hi Stefanie,

My condolences on the loss of your friend.

To get some information for you, I first connected with you and from you to your late friend.

She said, “You’re a rock!” She also said, “You’ve been through so much this year and it’s only September. Stay strong!”

Your friend wanted you to know she’s always around you and is supporting you from Heaven.

Now, with regards to your relationship, she suggests you move on with your life and find happiness with someone who loves you and your kids.

In addition, I asked God, the universe, your spirit guides, angels, and deceased loved ones the same question. They unanimously concurred.

Remember, you can chat with your late friend’s spirit and any other spirit any time you wish.

Just say something to them either in your head or aloud and your next thought will be their answer. It’ll feel like a thought in your head.

How you’ll know it’s them is, it’ll be the first thought you have and it’ll arrive within a second (sometimes even before your thought is finished).

If you think about the answer for more than a second, that’ll be your brain talking to you.

Hope this information helps.

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Transparent Man

Cary from Wilmington, DE, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband has head and neck cancer and is currently undergoing chemo to treat it. 

This morning when I awoke, I saw what looked like a transparent man, with a checkered shirt and his hand in his pocket at the foot of our bed looking at my husband. I blinked and he was gone. Could that have been real and who was it? So strange for it to happen now.

I look forward to speaking with you in October, hard as I tried that is the earliest appointment I could schedule.

Thanks Julie.

Fondly, Cary

Hi Cary,

So sorry to hear about your husband. Hope his treatment goes well.

As for the transparent man, you saw a spirit, and yes, he was real. That’s exactly how they appear, like a hologram of a person.

To get some information for you, I did an “instant replay” of the spirit visiting your bedroom and asked the spirit his name. He said “Uncle John”.

I then asked “Uncle John” if he had a message for you or your husband. His response was, “This will, at times, seem like a tortuous journey for both of you. Please remember, as you progress down this path, you have the full support of the spirit community. That includes Spirit (God), your angels, guides, deceased loved ones, the whole group. Feel free to call on us when you need to be propped up and know we’re always there for you.”

Remember, you can communicate with Spirit any time you like. Just say something. They’ll answer you within a second. It’ll feel like a thought in your head. If you think about an answer, for more than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you.

As for our October appointment, periodically check the “reschedule” button at the bottom of your confirmation email. It’ll show earlier appointments when they become available. Clients often reschedule.

Sending big hugs to you and your husband!


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Smoking Spirit

Vita from Tampa, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am writing to you because I need help figuring out who the ghost is I keep smelling in my house. 

Intuitively, I can feel a presence, but can’t communicate with it. It also feels like someone sits on my bed at night when I am laying down. 

Since I am very sensitive to energies around me, I’d like to know if this spirit is good or bad and what it needs from me. 

Why am I the only one in my house who can smell and feel it? 

How can I help it get to the light or if it’s a guide, what is it trying to communicate to me? 

Please help me.  I do not smoke so it really bothers me when the odor becomes really strong.

Thank you,


Hi Vita,

Thanks for your question about the smoky smell in your home. It’s an interesting one and speaks to a phenomenon I too have encountered many times.

Psychic or intuitive information can be communicated a multitude of ways. Visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), olfactory (smelling), and direct knowing are all modalities spirits use to convey information to us and let us know they’re around.

To get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and “saw” in my mind’s eye, the spirit using the smell of smoke and sitting on your bed to get your attention.

While alive, his name was Thomas Pennington, he was a writer who lived in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1924 and he told me he’s one of your spirit guides.

Thomas wants you to consider doing automatic writing to enhance your intuitive skills. A how-to book I highly recommend is Michael Sandler’s Automatic Writing Experience.

By the way, all spirits are pure love. Evil or bad spirits don’t exist. Personality traits, both positive and negative a person had while alive cease to exist when they die.

In addition, we all come in with intuitive abilities and yours seem to be a bit more developed than others who live with you. That’s why they aren’t perceiving the smoke.

Lastly, if you really want to strengthen your intuitive skills, please consider taking my Angelic Attendant Training class. In it, you’ll have a blast and learn how to do all the woo-woo things I do.

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Spirit Locations

Mel from Colfax, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

First off, thank you for all your amazing words of wisdom. I’m so grateful you have come into my life. 

My question is, what happens when our spirit wants to incarnate back into the human form on earth? 

Since the spirits of our loved ones are there at the time of our death to welcome and help us transition to heaven, can a spirit be in heaven and earth at the same time?

Or, will we not see them when we die because they have chosen to incarnate into another human life? 

Is it our destiny to always continue to incarnate?

Thanks, and many blessings and hugs to you,


Hi Mel,

What a great question!

It’s my understanding and belief that we all decide where, when, to whom and the circumstances into which we’re born. That’s so our lives are on a trajectory to explore and experience what it is our spirit wanted to in this lifetime.

Regarding your question about how our deceased loved ones can be present when we’re dying even if they’ve reincarnated, it’s also my understanding and belief that spirits can be many places at the same time.

The Bible says, “God is spirit” (John 4:24) and “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). Although many people interpret these verses to mean God looks like a human, (an old man resembling Father Time – long white hair and beard), I believe they mean we humans are like God in spirit form.

Therefore, if God can be everywhere at the same time and we’re made in His image and likeness, it’s feasible our spirits can also be everywhere at the same time, even in multiple lifetimes.

As for destiny, our spirits incarnate to experience and explore what it’s like to be a human as many times as we want. It’s always our spirit’s choice.

Hope my understanding of these topics help clarify things for you. For more information, please read or listen to my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

One thing I know for sure is, we’ll all find out the answers to your questions when we die and transition back into spirit form.

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Guardian Angel and Grandma

Lushan from Dubai, UAE, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please connect with my grandmom and guardian angel and see if either or both have a message for me?

I’d also like to know the name of my guardian angel.



Hi Lushan,

I’ll be delighted to connect with your grandmother and guardian angel.

First, your grandmother said you’re a beautiful girl and you shy away from any reference to your looks. She went on to say your beauty is a gift from God and to embrace it. She also said if you work on enhancing your self-esteem, more people will notice you and you can then spread your inner beauty to many others.

As for your guardian angel, I was told its name is Michaela.

Remember, spirits don’t have a gender. We’re just used to equating a name with a gender and that’s fine. It helps us have a frame of reference for what we understand as humans.

Michaela wanted you to know it is always around you and is available to assist you at any time. All you have to do is ask.

Angels and spirits don’t interfere with our lives but they love to help us if invited to.

So, ask away and let your grandmother and guardian angel assist you.

Thanks for such a great question.

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