
Julie Ryan

Spirit Guides

Transparent Man

Cary from Wilmington, DE, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband has head and neck cancer and is currently undergoing chemo to treat it. 

This morning when I awoke, I saw what looked like a transparent man, with a checkered shirt and his hand in his pocket at the foot of our bed looking at my husband. I blinked and he was gone. Could that have been real and who was it? So strange for it to happen now.

I look forward to speaking with you in October, hard as I tried that is the earliest appointment I could schedule.

Thanks Julie.

Fondly, Cary

Hi Cary,

So sorry to hear about your husband. Hope his treatment goes well.

As for the transparent man, you saw a spirit, and yes, he was real. That’s exactly how they appear, like a hologram of a person.

To get some information for you, I did an “instant replay” of the spirit visiting your bedroom and asked the spirit his name. He said “Uncle John”.

I then asked “Uncle John” if he had a message for you or your husband. His response was, “This will, at times, seem like a tortuous journey for both of you. Please remember, as you progress down this path, you have the full support of the spirit community. That includes Spirit (God), your angels, guides, deceased loved ones, the whole group. Feel free to call on us when you need to be propped up and know we’re always there for you.”

Remember, you can communicate with Spirit any time you like. Just say something. They’ll answer you within a second. It’ll feel like a thought in your head. If you think about an answer, for more than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you.

As for our October appointment, periodically check the “reschedule” button at the bottom of your confirmation email. It’ll show earlier appointments when they become available. Clients often reschedule.

Sending big hugs to you and your husband!


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Smoking Spirit

Vita from Tampa, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am writing to you because I need help figuring out who the ghost is I keep smelling in my house. 

Intuitively, I can feel a presence, but can’t communicate with it. It also feels like someone sits on my bed at night when I am laying down. 

Since I am very sensitive to energies around me, I’d like to know if this spirit is good or bad and what it needs from me. 

Why am I the only one in my house who can smell and feel it? 

How can I help it get to the light or if it’s a guide, what is it trying to communicate to me? 

Please help me.  I do not smoke so it really bothers me when the odor becomes really strong.

Thank you,


Hi Vita,

Thanks for your question about the smoky smell in your home. It’s an interesting one and speaks to a phenomenon I too have encountered many times.

Psychic or intuitive information can be communicated a multitude of ways. Visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), olfactory (smelling), and direct knowing are all modalities spirits use to convey information to us and let us know they’re around.

To get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and “saw” in my mind’s eye, the spirit using the smell of smoke and sitting on your bed to get your attention.

While alive, his name was Thomas Pennington, he was a writer who lived in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1924 and he told me he’s one of your spirit guides.

Thomas wants you to consider doing automatic writing to enhance your intuitive skills. A how-to book I highly recommend is Michael Sandler’s Automatic Writing Experience.

By the way, all spirits are pure love. Evil or bad spirits don’t exist. Personality traits, both positive and negative a person had while alive cease to exist when they die.

In addition, we all come in with intuitive abilities and yours seem to be a bit more developed than others who live with you. That’s why they aren’t perceiving the smoke.

Lastly, if you really want to strengthen your intuitive skills, please consider taking my Angelic Attendant Training class. In it, you’ll have a blast and learn how to do all the woo-woo things I do.

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Spirit Guide Defined

Marie from Corby, North Northamptonshire, England asked:

Hi Julie,

I just have connected with my spirit guides and I was wondering if you could see and tell me more about them.

Thank you,


Hi Marie,

Thanks for your question. Congrats on connecting with your spirit guides.

It has been my experience that at any given time, each of us (including you) is surrounded by multiple spirit guides, normally seven.

A spirit guide is the energy (spirit) of a deceased person who advises us while we’re having a human experience. In most instances, our spirit guides have lived one or more lifetimes involving similar situations as to what we’re exploring in our current lifetime.

For example, your main spirit guide is a fellow who lived in County Derry (now Londonderry) in Ireland in 1817. His name was John O’Malley and he grew up on a dairy farm. He told me he is advising you on being able to focus on the tasks at hand and completing them in a punctual way.

There’s always a correlation between what the spirit guide did/learned in the past life that’s shown and what’s happening in your life.

Are you working on a project that requires your focus within a certain time window? Or, do you perhaps struggle with completing tasks in any area of your life?

You can communicate with your spirit guide or guides any time you wish. Just ask them a question or make a statement either aloud or in your head. They’ll immediately respond and it’ll feel like a thought in your mind. You’ll know the answer is from spirit when the thought arrives within a second or less after you say something to them. And remember, spirits are very literal so be specific when looking for guidance.

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Guardian Angel and Grandma

Lushan from Dubai, UAE, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please connect with my grandmom and guardian angel and see if either or both have a message for me?

I’d also like to know the name of my guardian angel.



Hi Lushan,

I’ll be delighted to connect with your grandmother and guardian angel.

First, your grandmother said you’re a beautiful girl and you shy away from any reference to your looks. She went on to say your beauty is a gift from God and to embrace it. She also said if you work on enhancing your self-esteem, more people will notice you and you can then spread your inner beauty to many others.

As for your guardian angel, I was told its name is Michaela.

Remember, spirits don’t have a gender. We’re just used to equating a name with a gender and that’s fine. It helps us have a frame of reference for what we understand as humans.

Michaela wanted you to know it is always around you and is available to assist you at any time. All you have to do is ask.

Angels and spirits don’t interfere with our lives but they love to help us if invited to.

So, ask away and let your grandmother and guardian angel assist you.

Thanks for such a great question.

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Lisa from Odenville, AL, asked:

Hi Julie,

We hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Our court date is quickly approaching and our attorney contacted us with an extremely low offer from the company we’re suing (plaintiff). Our attorney asked what would make us happy and we are supposed to communicate with him soon.

We have told the truth about everything. I could have been killed by this company being extremely negligent and I have had issues with terrible anxiety since the event happened (actually there were two events).

We’re not sure what anxiety and stress are worth and our attorney doesn’t believe they will offer anything over $60,000. The company we’re suing caused approximately $12,000-$15,000 in damage to our property in addition to the anxiety and stress this nightmare has created.

What are your thoughts and suggestions about our situation?

Thank you for your time and thank you for your podcast!

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for your sweet holiday wishes. My family and I had a wonderful time together.

Regarding your pending legal issue, I have a few thoughts I’ve gathered from personal experience and from your spirit guides.

First, when I asked your spirit guides if it was in your best interest to settle the case, I “got” a YES. When I asked if your current lawyer was competent and acting in your best interest, I also “got” a YES. I then asked if you would realize a higher amount of money settling the case than proceeding to trial, I also “got” a YES.

The American Bar Association says 97% of all civil cases are settled prior to going to trial. In your case, I imagine the plaintiff’s insurance company is the one offering a settlement. Every good negotiator will start with a low offer and go up from there if necessary. In addition, insurance companies will always do their best to avoid going to trial. It’s expensive and risky. They don’t want to pay attorney fees or risk a sympathetic jury siding with you and awarding some astronomical sum to you.

Now, here’s my take. As you may know, I am a businesswoman and entrepreneur. During my career over the past almost four decades, I’ve had a fair amount of experience dealing with attorneys and a variety of legal matters including trial experience. In January of 1990, I spent 10 days in Federal Court when I sued a multi-billion-dollar global corporation for breach of contract and won! I’ve also been involved in a couple of other lawsuits I initiated and settled those satisfactorily.

I suggest you settle your case for as much as you can without going to trial. Although there are settlement calculators available online, it’s hard to prove and put a monetary value on emotional suffering.

In addition, it’s very expensive to have your case be tried in a court. It’s a crap shoot because attorney fees and expenses quickly add up and the plaintiffs will normally have way more financial resources than you. They will stretch out the proceedings with delays, changes of venue, etc. as much as possible with the hope you’ll run out of money.

At the end of the day, your legal fees and expenses will be minimized by settling sooner rather than later and you’ll most likely end up with more money in your bank account.

Hope this information helps. Good luck!

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Spiritual Career Advice

Johanna from Montgomery Village, MD, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband and I moved to Maryland in Oct 2017 from Puerto Rico.

Since we arrived, he has been looking for work and has not found anything. He would like to work as an independent IT consultant and have his own business.

What do spirits think regarding this?

Thanks, Johanna

Hi Johanna,

To get in touch with your husband’s spirit guides, I first energetically connected to you and then through you to him.

All seven of his main spirit guides were standing in a horseshoe formation behind him. They were all males dressed in long white gowns and had long white hair and beards. They resembled Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies or Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies. That’s how they initially appear to me so I can recognize them as spirit guides. Then, once I focus on a particular spirit guide, it morphs into what it looked like in the lifetime that corresponds with what it’s advising about.

Your husband’s main spirit guide’s name is Walter. He was British, born in 1932, and was a mathematics professor at the University of Bath in England.

Professor Walter said your husband has an unusually robust aptitude for complicated mathematical equations which sets him apart from other IT professionals. He recommended your husband find a way to incorporate this asset into his resume. He also suggested your husband consider teaching at a local community or technical college because he believes your husband would enjoy it and in order to network with companies hoping to hire soon-to-be graduates for various job positions. Lastly, Professor Walter proposed the idea of your husband being willing to work as an employee for a company. He thought this could open doors and potentially lead to a consulting job down the road.

Hope this information helps. Good luck!

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Hawk Messengers

Lisa from Powell, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

A pair of large hawks have been hanging out in our heavily wooded yard for the past several weeks and they seem to be watching us as much as we watch them.

When we go to different areas of our home, the hawks fly to trees directly outside of the rooms we’re in and position themselves so they can be seen and can see us.

During the 23 years we’ve lived here, we’ve seen an occasional hawk in our yard but never a pair and never for this length of time.

These hawks have proven to be a much needed distraction for my seriously ill husband and me and our family.

What do you think their presence means? Thanks.

Hi Lisa,

Before I connected to you and through you to the hawks, I was inspired to research the symbolism of these birds of prey. What I learned was fascinating.


– Are messengers from angels, the spirit world, and the Divine;

– Signal a time in your life when you need to focus on what’s ahead and prepare for a leadership role;

– Symbolize you are ready to fly higher than ever before and have an increased power of focus;

– Indicate you will take the lead when the time is right;

– Symbolize a strong connection to spirit; increased spiritual awareness;

– Are reminders to open our eyes and see what is there to guide us.

I imagine all of these symbolic meanings may resonate with you considering your husband is ill.

When connecting with the hawks, I “got” they were there to provide entertainment and be a distraction as well as a soothing presence for you and your family.

They told me they like it when you come outside and talk to them and they requested you put out some popped popcorn in a metal pie tin for them. They showed me they’d like the pie tin placed in the woods.

When I Googled hawks and popcorn, I discovered they do indeed eat popped popcorn!

Hope this information shines some light on your new pet hawks.

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Mekong Delta

Sue from Wayzata, MN, asked:

Hello Julie,

Could you please tell me about my guides and if my deceased friend has any messages for me? 

Will he come back to me in this life?

Thank you!

Hi Sue,

In order to answer your questions, I connected to you and through you with your spirit guides and deceased friend.

You have seven spirit guides, each initially appearing as a version of Father Time (picture the Dumbledore figure in the Harry Potter movies or Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies). When I focus on them individually, they morph into a figure representing a lifetime that correlates with something happening in your life.

Your main spirit guide showed himself in camouflage army fatigues and wore a helmet. He was Captain John Kelly (not to be confused with General John Kelly, current chief of staff to President Trump), an Army Ranger who led a troop of soldiers in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam in 1967 and he had a lot to say.

Captain Kelly is advising you to be prepared, be on alert, to transgress obstacles, and understand the mission at hand. He’s helping you do your due diligence and know the facts about situations you encounter. He wants you to imagine different scenarios of a task before you engage. He also said if you follow these steps, success will be yours.

Does this make any sense to you? Do you see a connection with Captain Kelly’s advice and what’s currently happening in your life?

To learn more about Captain Kelly and your other guides, please schedule a private session with me. That way we’ll have a whole hour to learn about and converse with any and all of your spiritual advisors.

Regarding your deceased friend, he has already come back to you, just in a non-physical form. He wants you to know he is always around you.

Hope this information is useful!

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Missing Aunt

Natalie from Brooklyn, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

Thanks so much for all you do in this world!

My aunt mysteriously disappeared from her family as a late teen and her whereabouts and body were never found.

I feel deeply connected to her and wonder if you have any information on what happened to her.

All the best, Natalie

Hi Natalie,

Thanks for your kind comments.

In order to see what I could learn about your aunt, I first connected to you and then from you to her.

She is deceased and her spirit immediately showed up right next to you.

Your aunt said she left town with a guy and moved to Pennsylvania.

Both she and her boyfriend were killed in a car accident near Scranton, Pennsylvania. She said she was 19 when she died.

Since the authorities couldn’t identify her, they were unable to notify her family.

Your aunt is often around you and said she thinks you look like her. She also said you take care of everyone and that she wants you to stop putting others’ needs before your own.

And, she asked me to teach you how to talk with her.

Just ask your aunt a question in your mind or aloud. You will instantly hear her answer in your head. If you wait longer than a second or two, that’ll be your brain answering you. The more you practice communicating with your aunt or any deceased loved one, the better you’ll get at receiving (and believing) their answers.

Hope this information brings you some comfort.

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