
Julie Ryan


Astral Travel Adventure

Kelly from St. Louis, MO, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can someone experience one of the stages of death without dying?

For a few years now, I’ve been experiencing astral projections and sporadically seeing blue and white orbs at night.

A psychic once told me she thought I was healthy. She also said my spiritual family was trying to wake me up and would have a message for me on the next full moon.

That night I astral projected out of my body and started to float towards a white vortex of light. Scared I was going to die, I did everything I could to wake myself up. When I finally awoke, my ceiling was covered in blue orbs.

Although I’m young and healthy, after learning about your Twelve Phases of Transition®, I got worried.

Thanks for any insights you can offer.


Hi Kelly,

Terrific question, the answer to which is absolutely!

Many people go through the Twelve Phases of Transition® (described in my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next) without dying.

It has been my experience that a person can move around in the Phases and even come completely out and live.

My brother Jay’s friend did exactly that. He was in Phase 11 and I didn’t expect him to last even another hour. And yet, fifteen years later, he’s still very much alive and well.

What you’ve been experiencing at night isn’t the Twelve Phases of Transition®, rather, it’s simply good, old-fashioned, astral travel.

Astral travel also known as astral projection is described in many ancient cultures as the soul or “astral body” intentionally leaving the physical body while asleep or meditating and traveling to wherever it likes.

Many experts believe we all astral travel each night when we sleep. It’s how we meet up with deceased loved ones and pets along with other spirits. Research seems to validate this concept.

A 2014 study conducted at the University of Ottawa, School of Psychology, found in an fMRI of a person voluntarily producing an out-of-body experience, that, “There were significantly activated regions of the brain while the participant was having extra-corporeal experiences.”

The blue orbs you’re seeing are the spirits with whom you’ve traveled on your nighttime adventure.

In summary, you are not dying, you’re just astral traveling.

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Transcending Mortality

Louise from Bothell, WA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I listened to a recent interview with you and Alex Ferrari and then bought your book, which I’m 50-ish pages into.

You say the dying person’s mother, father, angels, spirit guides of family members, etc., show up and surround the person just prior to their transition. 

I’m curious why I’ve never heard this reported from the countless near-death (NDE) experiencers that I’ve heard over many years – on tv shows, in books, interviews, at IANDS meetings, etc.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Hi Louise,

What a great question!

It’s been my experience that we’re all surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets as we’re at the end of our lives and that’s what I describe in my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next book.

I call this series of events the Twelve Phases of Transition® and it occurs with everyone regardless of whether a person’s death is instant like in the case of a homicide or suicide or whether it’s prolonged over days, weeks, months or years. The Twelve Phases add a glorious component to what can often be described as a heart wrenching experience, losing a loved one.

In his book Death Is But A Dream, Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, discusses his university-based research in which 90% of patients saw deceased loved ones and pets either in dreams or visions as they were dying. And, critical care medical providers, hospice personnel, as well as funeral directors, family members, and others report the same.

So, you ask, why don’t people experiencing an NDE see the same configuration as the dying? After all, they too are experiencing a form of death temporary as it is.

Perhaps the Twelve Phases of Transition® are reserved for those who are actually dying.

Perhaps it’s just an EXPERIENCE of an aspect of death the NDE shows the person.

Perhaps the NDE is simply intended to broaden a person’s understanding of the afterlife and spirit world and enhance the rest of their human lives.

I believe my explanations are certainly feasible. Guess we’ll know for sure once we get to Heaven.



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Nighttime Spirit Visitors

Mary Ann from Steamboat Springs, CO, asked:

Dear Julie,

My very good friend is experiencing nightly paranormal visits in his dreams and sometimes wake states. 

He is at a loss where to turn. The situation is disturbing his sleep and is exhausting.

He has had a recent normal brain scan.

What is the best way to connect with you to see if you can be of help to this very kind man.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Mary Ann

Hi Mary Ann,

Sorry to hear your friend is missing out on sleep due to paranormal activity.

Spirits often visit us when we’re sleeping because it’s the easiest way to communicate with us.

It’s been my experience that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God in spirit and our natural vibrational state is extremely high.

When our spirits are attached to a body, it slows our vibration due to the body’s mass, and the various states of stress, fear, and negative emotions we experience throughout the day.

As we sleep, our bodies return to their pre-set, high vibrations, the vibration of spirit.

So, when our vibration is set to the spirit frequency, it opens a communication channel similar to a radio/tv station or two-way radio.

Since spirits are always a high vibration, they don’t communicate on the “I feel crappy” channels when we’re awake because the vibration is too low.

Furthermore, in his book Waking Up to the Dark, author Clark Strand discusses how, prior to the invention of electricity and the light bulb, all humans woke up during the night to communicate with spirit.

Now, having said all that, here are some suggestions for your friend:

– Before falling asleep, have him ask spirits to communicate with him after he’s rested, just before he wakes up.

– Have him learn how to control communicating with spirits while he’s awake. That way, his spirit posse can get information to him without disturbing his sleep.

– Ask him to consider taking one of my classes. In them, he’ll learn the spirit communication skills that will permit him to sleep like a baby!


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Soul Cat Goodbye

Carrie from Nuevo, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Just last week I had the heartbreaking task of saying goodbye to my best friend, my little soul cat, Willow.

Her passing was unexpected and the level of pain and grief has been immense. I have struggled with the guilt and hope my decision was the best for her.

Willow was more than “just a cat.” She was so much of my world and not having her here with me has been excruciating.

I asked my mom’s spirit to please keep Willow safe and to love her as I do. My mom died 15 years ago.

Please tell me if my decision was appropriate and if Willow is happy, safe, loved, and with my mom.

Thank you for your consideration.


Hi Carrie,

I am so sorry to hear of Willow’s passing and how difficult this grieving period is for you.

Your beloved cat is absolutely with your mom and both of their spirits are around you.

Your mother showed me an image of her holding Willow. Your cat’s head was snuggled into your mom’s left shoulder.

Then, your mom showed me a scene of Willow chasing and playing with a bunch of butterflies in a beautiful meadow. The butterflies were a variety of colors and sizes.

Lastly, Willow and your mom want you to know you made the perfect decision to let her go.

You may enjoy my book Angel Messages For Cats.

Hope this information comforts you!

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Solving Chronic Indecisiveness

Jen from Portland, OR, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m a mom of four whose kids are getting older and I’m beginning to dream about my life’s next chapter. 

What should be such an exciting time is privately painful for me. I am plagued with indecision and insecurities which keep me feeling very stuck.

I am working on following what “feels” good but the pressure I put on myself is almost unbearable. This indecisiveness has been a lifetime pattern and it feels to me like a subconscious, energetic, or spiritual block.

Could you please scan my body to discover what might be the culprit? I am 53 years-old and I really want to elevate my vibration to march confidently on my path of purpose! 

Thank you in advance — I appreciate all that you do!


Hi Jen,

As you’ve realized, new chapters in life can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time.

The good news, however, is that we can train our brains to minimize fear and maximize the enjoyment aspect of any situation.

Thoughts don’t have meaning unless we give it to them. And, unlike what most of are led to believe, thoughts don’t originate in our heads, rather, they are attracted to us based on what we’re thinking at any given moment.

Now, like everything else in our reality, thoughts have a vibration. They either feel good or bad. If they feel good, they’re most likely true. If, however, a thought feels bad, it’s always based in fear.

Anger, grief, jealousy, boredom, etc., are all examples of fear. The key is to figure out if the fear is real (called a rational fear) or imagined (irrational fear).

So, when you have a thought come into your head like I can’t do that job because (fill in the blanks), just ask yourself, “Is this going to kill me in the next two-minutes?”

If the answer is yes, change the conditions before you get hurt or killed. If the answer is no, then you’re suffering over an irrational fear that’s false. I call this technique the Two-Minute Rule™ and it works great.

When we identify fake fears, we can avoid losing clarity and prevent our bodies from going into fight or flight mode. This alone will enhance your decision-making abilities.

By the way, you don’t have any blocks or physical issues, only irrational fear that’s causing your indecisiveness.

Give the Two-Minute Rule™ a try. It’s free and convenient because it works anywhere your brain is, and your brain is usually with you wherever you go!

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Healing Relationship With Deceased Mother

Cathy from Albemarle, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

When you talk about the maternal spirit coming first when a person is dying, is that always the case?

My mother disowned me years before she died and while dying, told my brother and sister not to tell me when she had died. She carried her anger with her until the moment of her death.

I think of her often and wonder if she will be present when I am ready to make my journey to the next phase.

I often tell my children I now understand why my mother felt she needed to disconnect from me. In addition, I’m thankful I am strong enough to accept my children’s “shortcomings” and not feel I have to divorce myself from them for my own survival.

I’m sure my mother knows I “get it” and wonder if I’ll ever have the opportunity to tell her spirit to spirit.

Thank you!


Hi Cathy,

My heart goes out to you not only with the loss of your mother but also because of your unresolved issues with her.

It has been my experience in working with thousands of people and their families at the end of life, that the maternal spirit closest to the dying person is the first one to arrive.

An important point to remember is, all spirits are pure love. We all assume character and personality traits like actors in a movie when we’re in human form, and those characteristics, regardless of how awful or evil, stay with the body when someone dies.

As for your unsettled relationship with your mother, you can heal that now.

Here are a couple of suggestions:

– Write a letter to your mother and include everything you want to tell her then take it to a park with BBQ grills, place the letter inside the grill and burn it. Watch the smoke rise and know you’re releasing those pent-up emotions and at the same time, sending them to your mom.

– Listen to my chat with Nina Mongendre (episode #385) about ancestral healing. In it, Nina and I discuss how to heal emotional wounds with past, present, and future generations.

Hope this information provides some comfort for you.

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Dog Perceives Spirits

Sheree from Kilmore, Australia, asked:

Hi Julie,  

A few things have been happening lately and I would like to know if it’s just my imagination or something more is going on.

My dog will run into my empty loungeroom and/or bedroom and just start barking randomly.

Then, just tonight while getting my son ready for bed, my car alarm started going off.  

The car is in my locked garage, there was no one in there, and all doors leading outside are locked from the inside.

My dog was sitting at the garage door lightly whining just before the alarm started to go off.

Appreciate any insights you can share.



Hi Sheree,

Sounds like you have some spirit activity happening in your world.

To get some information for you, I connected to you and scanned your home and garage.

I “saw” in my mind’s eye, the spirit of a large, sandy-haired man who appeared to be 6’3” and weighed around 230 pounds. He called himself Sam.

Sam was wearing a plaid cotton shirt, khaki slacks, and a light brown jacket.

I “saw” him get into your car and back a holographic image of it through your garage door, down the driveway, and into the street.

He told me he had to go pick up his daughter Layla at school.

He also told me he was a widower and a single dad. His wife Martha died from breast cancer.

I “got” the year was 1963.

Now, that’s a lot to unpack.

It’s possible Sam and his daughter at one time could have lived in your home, on your property, or in your neighborhood, and it’s probable your dog can perceive them. Animals often do.

This very real phenomenon, sometimes called an echo signal, is the detection of a transmission of an energy frequency, can be sound or light, that happened long ago and is still detectable. Think of a star in the night sky. The light emanating from a star we see today was most likely transmitted millions or perhaps billions of years ago. That’s what the term light years means.

Here in the United States, astrophysicists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory use echo mapping to measure the distance of faraway planets and galaxies.

And, Jim Tucker, MD, a scientist in Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia Medical School and his colleagues have extensive research about past lives and concurrent lifetimes happening simultaneously.

So, you’re not imagining things, your dog is very perceptive, and if you want Sam and his daughter Layla’s spirits to leave, just ask them to do so. Spirits will always honor and comply with our wishes.


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High Blood Pressure Help

Ursula from Durham, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

I had an appointment with you scheduled for August 14th but unfortunately had to rebook to the next available appointment in March 2024.

In the meantime, I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure, a big surprise to me. I have normal weight and try to eat healthy but I do have a stressful job.

Do you know why I have persistent high blood pressure, and what can I do about it?

Thank you,


Hi Ursula,

In addition to pharmaceuticals, it seems as if there are a lot of recommended diets to help control high blood pressure.

Many experts say low carb while others proclaim low fat and lots of grains. All seem to suggest some fruits and vegetables and to avoid sugar and refined foods. These differing opinions create a lot of confusion.

Although I’m not a physician, many of my clients seem to thrive on a low carb, whole food, eating plan. Some experts I follow and with whom I resonate are Dave Asprey, Mark Hyman, MD, and Maria Amasanti, MD.

In addition, I always recommend the Zona Plus to clients with high blood pressure.

The Zona Plus is a device that uses isometric exercise to enhance cardiovascular fitness and can be used by anyone in their home.

Its technology was mistakenly discovered by military scientists who recognized a side effect of having pilots grab and squeeze the joystick in the cockpit of a fighter jet when going Mach speed not only helped them manage g-forces, it normalized the blood pressure of pilots prone to hypertension.

If you decide to try the Zona Plus, just go to zona.com and use julieryan as the coupon code for a $50 discount.

To help manage stress, try Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 Breathing Method. You may also want to read my Two-Minute Rule book. It can help you discern between real and fake fears helping to lessen your stress levels.

As for our appointment, please periodically click on the reschedule button in your confirmation email. It’ll show earlier dates and times as they become available. Just like you, clients often reschedule and sometimes you can get in within a few days.

Hope this information helps.


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Dealing With Fraudulent Psychics

Christine from Narberth, PA, asked:

Hi Julie, 

I allowed myself to be scammed by a “psychic”. She told me lies and because I was vulnerable, I believed her. 

She told me that after I die, I would wander in Limbo forever unless I did what she told me to do. She convinced me to give her a lot of money so she could bury it in her backyard and draw evil spirits away from me. It was extortion and a bunch of hooey. Of course, I knew better.

My dilemma is, now what do I do about it? Do I go back and confront her about her lies or do I let it go? I feel a responsibility to others to expose her because most likely if she did this to me, she is hurting others as well.

It’s been several years but it still bothers me. What is the best course of action? Confront her or let it go?

Thanks for your input.


Hi Christine,

I’m so sorry to hear you were swindled by a psychic.

Unfortunately, every industry has unscrupulous people and the psychic field is not exempt.

The “give me money and I’ll bury it in my back yard” scam is one I’ve heard before.

My best advice is to let it go and report the fraudulent psychic to your local police. That way, there will at least be a paper trail on her.

In Catholic theology, Limbo was believed to be the border place between Heaven and Hell where the souls who died without being baptized, though not condemned to punishment, were deprived of eternal happiness with God in Heaven.

I believe the evil spirit and Limbo concepts were used for millennia to control the masses with fear and are total nonsense. In today’s world, the concept of Limbo isn’t really discussed. Kudos to the ones who made that decision!

In the future, only go to a reputable psychic and pay with a credit card. That will help protect you from fraudsters.

And, no need to worry about evil spirits, or the threat of Limbo.

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