
Julie Ryan


Intuitive Kids: Are They Really Seeing Spirits?

Bertha from Las Cruces, NM, asked:

Hi Julie,

I love your YouTube podcast!

I have a six-year-old grandson who, during a sleepover, told me, “Your mom’s soul is behind you.” From his description, it was my biological mom. It did freak me out a bit, and I was wondering if you could share your thoughts on what she might want to convey or warn me about?



Hi Bertha,

Great question!

Children have a natural ability to see and communicate with spirits, and adults do too! Intuitive abilities are something everyone is born with, and, it’s about developing and enhancing them. That’s a component of what I teach in my classes.

Often, information children receive from spirits can be verified through historical records or by talking to friends and family who knew the person during their lifetime.

Kids often begin to ignore their intuitive skills around age seven when they’re told that it’s just their imagination.

If you’re curious about intuitive abilities in children, I recommend my children’s Angel Messages picture books which explain and validate these abilities in a way that’s easy to understand.

As for your biological mother, she wanted you to know she’s always around you, supporting and guiding you.

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Nighttime Spirit Visitors

Mary Ann from Steamboat Springs, CO, asked:

Dear Julie,

My very good friend is experiencing nightly paranormal visits in his dreams and sometimes wake states. 

He is at a loss where to turn. The situation is disturbing his sleep and is exhausting.

He has had a recent normal brain scan.

What is the best way to connect with you to see if you can be of help to this very kind man.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Mary Ann

Hi Mary Ann,

Sorry to hear your friend is missing out on sleep due to paranormal activity.

Spirits often visit us when we’re sleeping because it’s the easiest way to communicate with us.

It’s been my experience that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God in spirit and our natural vibrational state is extremely high.

When our spirits are attached to a body, it slows our vibration due to the body’s mass, and the various states of stress, fear, and negative emotions we experience throughout the day.

As we sleep, our bodies return to their pre-set, high vibrations, the vibration of spirit.

So, when our vibration is set to the spirit frequency, it opens a communication channel similar to a radio/tv station or two-way radio.

Since spirits are always a high vibration, they don’t communicate on the “I feel crappy” channels when we’re awake because the vibration is too low.

Furthermore, in his book Waking Up to the Dark, author Clark Strand discusses how, prior to the invention of electricity and the light bulb, all humans woke up during the night to communicate with spirit.

Now, having said all that, here are some suggestions for your friend:

– Before falling asleep, have him ask spirits to communicate with him after he’s rested, just before he wakes up.

– Have him learn how to control communicating with spirits while he’s awake. That way, his spirit posse can get information to him without disturbing his sleep.

– Ask him to consider taking one of my classes. In them, he’ll learn the spirit communication skills that will permit him to sleep like a baby!


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Dog Perceives Spirits

Sheree from Kilmore, Australia, asked:

Hi Julie,  

A few things have been happening lately and I would like to know if it’s just my imagination or something more is going on.

My dog will run into my empty loungeroom and/or bedroom and just start barking randomly.

Then, just tonight while getting my son ready for bed, my car alarm started going off.  

The car is in my locked garage, there was no one in there, and all doors leading outside are locked from the inside.

My dog was sitting at the garage door lightly whining just before the alarm started to go off.

Appreciate any insights you can share.



Hi Sheree,

Sounds like you have some spirit activity happening in your world.

To get some information for you, I connected to you and scanned your home and garage.

I “saw” in my mind’s eye, the spirit of a large, sandy-haired man who appeared to be 6’3” and weighed around 230 pounds. He called himself Sam.

Sam was wearing a plaid cotton shirt, khaki slacks, and a light brown jacket.

I “saw” him get into your car and back a holographic image of it through your garage door, down the driveway, and into the street.

He told me he had to go pick up his daughter Layla at school.

He also told me he was a widower and a single dad. His wife Martha died from breast cancer.

I “got” the year was 1963.

Now, that’s a lot to unpack.

It’s possible Sam and his daughter at one time could have lived in your home, on your property, or in your neighborhood, and it’s probable your dog can perceive them. Animals often do.

This very real phenomenon, sometimes called an echo signal, is the detection of a transmission of an energy frequency, can be sound or light, that happened long ago and is still detectable. Think of a star in the night sky. The light emanating from a star we see today was most likely transmitted millions or perhaps billions of years ago. That’s what the term light years means.

Here in the United States, astrophysicists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory use echo mapping to measure the distance of faraway planets and galaxies.

And, Jim Tucker, MD, a scientist in Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia Medical School and his colleagues have extensive research about past lives and concurrent lifetimes happening simultaneously.

So, you’re not imagining things, your dog is very perceptive, and if you want Sam and his daughter Layla’s spirits to leave, just ask them to do so. Spirits will always honor and comply with our wishes.


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Halloween Haunted House

Bryan from Imperial, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am staying in a room in the house of a friend and her fiancé. Upon my first day here, it felt like the energy wasn’t right in certain areas. I often hear thumps, cracks, and noises, and feel like I’m being watched.

During the day when I’m here alone, the fridge will start to hum, whirr, and buzz when I walk into the kitchen and I hear strange noises in the walls. The dogs react as well with growls and barking. I’ve given up trying to cleanse, protect, and fight off energies in the house.

Since I was a kid, I’ve been able to pick-up on spirit energies and voices. This ability makes me come across as mentally unstable to friends and family who don’t experience the same. I feel isolated at times because nobody believes what I tell them about the spirit phenomena I feel and hear.

What can I do to at least have the spirits stop bothering me? And, what can be done about how I pick up on things? Ignorance seems to be bliss and I’d rather not have this “gift”.



Hi Bryan,

Since Halloween is just a few days away, I appreciate the timeliness of your question.

Most cultures have a day that venerates the dead so how did we go from honoring our deceased loved ones to being afraid of them?

History.com says, Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31st. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in) 2,000 years ago marking the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred and that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. Emphasis on the word celebration.

Then, in the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as a time to honor every saint. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. Again, it was a celebration of the deceased.

Congratulations on recognizing your “gift” of being able to perceive spirits. It’s an ability every person and animal possess.

We all experience what can be called a psychic moment when we think we see a spirit out of the corner of our eye or feel a strange sensation when entering a room. In the most recent few hundred years, people have been taught to be afraid of spirits by religions, cultures, and the publishing and entertainment industries. This is why people are uncomfortable discussing spiritual occurrences, because like you, they don’t want to look crazy.

Keep in mind, all spirits are pure love and “evil” spirits don’t exist so there’s nothing to fear. If you don’t want to be bothered by spirits, just ask them to leave and they will. But then, you may want to consider embracing the spirits around you and ask if they have a message for you or a message they’d like for you to convey to someone.

In the movie The Sixth Sense starring Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment, spirits contact a boy (Osment) to deliver messages to their loved ones. After initially resisting the spirits’ communications, the boy realizes by sharing the information, he helps people heal. I believe you’re being given the opportunity to do the same.

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Carpooling With Ghosts

Sara from Louisville, KY, asked:

Hello Julie,

I would like to first let you know I’m 100% serious, 100% sane, and 100% believe spirits can materialize.

I have been known to pick up ghost buddies from time to time. I can feel their energy and sometimes just know I’m not alone. Prayer usually takes care of this.

Well, yesterday I purchased a nice, little, used car, a Honda. As I was driving home alone to show off my new ride, I felt panicked because I felt a presence.

I took a video with my cell phone and clear images were captured as were audio sounds. I prayed all the way home and found my family outside waiting for me.

Once I arrived, my aunt asked if I had people in the car with me.  At that point we took another video, and a woman, 2 children, and 2 demonic-looking creatures showed up inside my car. The ghosts didn’t seem to notice me. I keep praying but I am still looking at them in the car from my window inside the house.

I checked the news and didn’t find any recent fatal accidents reported.

Do you have any idea why this haunting is happening inside my car?  

Thank you,


Hi Sara,

Thanks for submitting such a great question. I 100% believe you and hope to clarify a few things for you.

In order to get some information about your experience, I energetically connected to you in Louisville, and through you to your car.

While doing a replay of the scene you described, I could see the spirits and the “demonic-looking creatures” you mentioned. Those “creatures” were actually the spirits of the family’s grandparents. These spirits were with you because they knew you could perceive them. They were helping you learn to trust your intuitive skills so you can use them to benefit yourself and others.

Most of the world’s religions and sacred texts refer to spirits. They come in the form of angels, deceased prophets like Moses, and other holy people. And, some of history’s greatest theologians acknowledge supernatural visions by humans. For example, St. Thomas Aquinas said, “Souls are able to appear wondrously to the living when they will.”

Having said all that, here are a few things to remember:

1) All spirits are pure love and light. The Bible says we’re made in the image and likeness of God (I believe in spirit form), and it’s said we all contain a spark of the Divine. How can that be anything but good?

2) Evil spirits and demons don’t exist. They’re fabrications of civilizations and religions intended to control the masses and have been perpetuated through the ages. Fear is a powerful motivator.

3) The “demonic-looking creatures” you described are just spirits looking distorted in our dense physical world. Spirits are a non-physical, high vibrational energy that can get slowed in our physical universe. This phenomenon can affect how our human senses perceive them. It’s much like a satellite TV image getting distorted during a storm. The transmission of the satellite signal can be affected by dense cloud cover or other types of weather.

4) If you see or sense a spirit and it makes you uncomfortable, just tell them to leave and they will.

Most people are oblivious to the spirits constantly around them. You just happen to be very intuitive and are able to perceive the spirits surrounding you. Perhaps if you learn to connect with spirits, you’ll be able to receive useful guidance for yourself and those you love.

My Angelic Attendants Training will teach you how to communicate with any spirit, alive or deceased, and how to validate the information you receive. Please consider enrolling in the next session starting April 6th.

Hope this information is both helpful and comforting.

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Child’s Nightmares

Suzy from Palmetto Bluffs, SC, asked:

Good morning Julie,

Quick question if you have time. Last night my little grand nephew Warren (age 4) had a horrific nightmare that lasted about 20 minutes.

His grandmother (my sister) and I were babysitting him and his siblings. We tried to calm him down and nothing seemed to work.

When his parents arrived home, his mother told us Warren had recently started having nightmares.

Just wondered if you are able to give us some clues as to what is happening to this sweet baby who screams in terror.


Hi Suzy,

Children are very intuitive and can sense and communicate with spirits . As a matter of fact, we all are born with these innate intuitive abilities that usually lessen as we get indoctrinated with our scientific-based, linear-thinking culture through our education system.

It’s common for children at Warren’s age to begin to be able to differentiate between physical and non-physical realities and it can be frightening for them.

Sometimes children have “imaginary” playmates who are actually very real little spirits undetectable to most adults. And sometimes while sleeping, when the barrier between realities is lessened, children see spirits in their bedrooms. This too can be frightening for the child who’s just beginning to develop cognitive abilities.

I believe this is what’s causing your grand nephew’s nightmares. He is sensing spirits around him.

In the short run, ask for help from the spirit world to create a boundary between this reality and the non-physical in order to help Warren not be afraid.

Normally a deceased great or great, great-grandmother (usually on the maternal side of the family) will immediately appear and create a golden bubble around the child. The bubble normally extends about 5 feet from the child’s body and will totally encompass them and their little energy field. This will serve as a barrier (buffer if you will) until the child gets more comfortable with his/her spiritual companions.

Although the spirits around Warren may currently appear to him as a bunch of scary, grown-up strangers, they are all pure love and positive energy there to advise and watch over him.

Please contact me for a private session at askjulieryan.com if I may be of further assistance.


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House Alarm Activated

Rashada from Canton, MS, asked:

“Hi Julie,

My house alarm went off in the middle of the night and scared my entire family.

My husband ran around the house checking the entries for possible intrusion however there was no one to be found.

Then I suddenly remembered my mom came to me one night crying hysterically because she swore there was a spirit trying to scare her. She said it sounded like growling or heavy panting.

I was curious if this was actually a spirit and if so, did it make my alarm activate?”


Hi Rashada,

I can only imagine how terrifying the alarm sounding in the middle of the night must have been for you and your family.

A spirit named Henry set off your alarm. He apologizes for scaring all of you. Sometimes spirits forget that their energy can affect our everyday electronics.

He is the spirit your mother felt. He is her spirit guide, is around her most of the time, and doesn’t have any intention of scaring her. He’s there for support.

Henry said the heavy breathing and growling your mom heard was part of a dream as she woke up and felt his presence.

Hope this clarifies some things for you.



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Car Alarm Spirit?

Sharrie from Helena, Alabama, asked:

“Recently, my car alarm sounded in the middle of the night and scared the daylights out of me.

Since the car was in my locked garage, I was afraid someone had broken in and called the police. They found no one in the garage and no trace of forced entry.

Could a spirit cause a car alarm to activate? And, if so, can you tell me who it was and what they wanted?”


Hi Sharrie,

Spirits can absolutely set off car and other types of alarms. Their energy can cause all sorts of electrical and other phenomenon to occur either on purpose or by mistake.

In this case, the spirit of a deceased family member named Gladys was the culprit.

She just wanted to let you know she was there with you in order to lend support.




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