
Julie Ryan

Energy Healing

Lack of Emotion

Shannon from San Diego, CA, asked:

Throughout my life I’ve never really had much emotion. All of my friends call me emotionless because I don’t cry in sad movies, I’ve never liked a guy, I don’t fight with people. If I am ever sad or depressed I never show it to anyone, not even my closest friends. Why am I so out of touch with my emotions? Also I’ve always felt like I have had a bland life. Not that it’s a bad thing, because I genuinely appreciate everything my parents have done for me. It’s just nothing bad or tragic has happened nor anything spectacular. I don’t feel like I have any special qualities about myself or life.  I want to know if it’s bad that I feel this way or if I’m just taking everything for granted.

Hi Shannon,

You’re not out of touch with your emotions; you just don’t wear them on your sleeve for everyone to see. My guess is you either weren’t allowed to express your emotions as a child, or weren’t around people who did.

In addition, I don’t get that you take anyone or anything for granted. I get that you sincerely appreciate your life and loved ones. Your ability to remain calm is an extraordinary quality, one your friends most likely appreciate in you.

Having said all that, everything you mentioned about yourself is good. You are the one who controls your reaction to something. If you want to be more demonstrative, you will. In the meantime, all is well.

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-05-17T22:39:25+00:00May 17th, 2015

Lack of Emotion Read More »

Shall I Move To CA?

Cynthia from Snow Hill, MD, asked:


I am very connected to spirits. Always have been. I am having lots of synchronistic experiences. One around Zhena and a solo show I am writing. I left Ojai two years ago. Living close to my hometown now. I think to finish my show not sure what else is here for me to learn. I feel I need to move back to CA. And wondering about Alice who is coming through my daughter Sophie and my writing. Any information is welcome.  Thank you for this work you do. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Cynthia,

I get it’s in your best interest to move back to CA. The people who can best help you are more easily accessible there.

The solo show you’re writing has tons of potential. I get NBC could in some way be involved with it.

Alice is suggesting you find a more peaceful/tranquil place to write. She thinks your current place is too frenetic.

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-05-17T22:46:34+00:00May 17th, 2015

Shall I Move To CA? Read More »

Uncontrollable Anxiety

Christine from Sacramento, CA, asked:

Julie, lately my anxiety has been uncontrollable and I do not know what to do. I have this overwhelming feeling that something bad is going to happen to me or someone close to me. I have had this feeling for weeks and I am unable to escape it. I am having trouble sleeping and eating and I’m scared that it will only get worse. I was hoping you could give me insight as to why I am feeling this way. Thank you so much for your help.

Hi Christine,

I’m not getting anything bad is going to happen to you or to someone close to you.

I’m getting your anxiety is being caused by someone or something else’s energy. You’re picking up the vibrations from outside of yourself and it’s negatively affecting you. It’s called resonance. The Physics Classroom defines resonance as – when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion. We all vibrate at the rate of others around us.

At the end of the day, we can only control our reaction to people and situations. My suggestion is to evaluate with whom you’re spending time. Do your best to avoid or lessen the time you find yourself hanging around negative, anxious people. If you begin to feel anxious, change your surroundings and companions as soon as possible.

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-05-17T22:52:33+00:00May 17th, 2015|

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