
Julie Ryan

Ask Julie Ryan


Nicky from Bristol, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

I listened to your podcast, found it extraordinary, and felt the need to make contact and ask a question.

My life has been quite turbulent the past 4 years due to personal circumstances and so I was wondering whether this has had a profound effect on my overall health?

Thank you for taking the time to read this question, I hope to hear back from you.

Best wishes,


Hi Nicky,

Thanks for your kind comments about my show.

The answer to your question about whether stress can affect your health is … ABSOLUTELY!

Regardless of the cause, stress puts us into fight or flight mode raising our cortisol levels and causing inflammation in our bodies. And, as you probably know, inflammation is the root cause of most chronic health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.

My friend, health expert Dave Asprey, has the following suggestions for reducing stress:

– Get daily sunlight exposure in your eyes and on your skin

– Avoid checking your phone for the first couple of hours each day

– Be grateful

– Make a list of things you’ll accomplish and prioritize them.

I concur and also suggest following my Two-Minute Rule™.

Instead of worrying about your health and causing more stress, inflammation, and discomfort, take action and do something each day to improve your health and life.

Remember, everything can be healed!

Hope you find this information helpful.

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Forgiveness Requested

Elaine from Raleigh, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

My parents passed away within 10 months of each other.

My father’s passing was difficult for my mother. She had Covid and even though she thought she’d recover, she wanted to be with my father in Heaven.

The pandemic prevented valuable family moments. I couldn’t travel to see my parents before they became ill and I regret not spending more time with them.

At the end, I was able to be with my mother at the hospital when she told the nurses that my father and some angels were around her.

I now know my mom was not alone while passing to the spiritual world. She was with my dad, angels, her parents, and other family members.

Did she suffer while in the hospital? Is she now reunited with my father like she wanted?

Please ask my mom to forgive me for not going to visit when she asked me to and tell both of my parents that I miss them every day and love them.



Hi Elaine,

My sincere condolences on the passing of your parents.

You are absolutely right in believing your parents were surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets as they transitioned. In fact, no one dies alone.

That’s what I discuss in my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and it’s validated and corroborated by many healthcare, hospice, and funeral professionals. In addition, Christopher Kerr, MD, found close to 90% of end-of-life patients report seeing the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets in Death Is But A Dream.

Regarding your questions:
– Yes, your mother is now reunited with your dad and all deceased family members, friends, and pets.
– Yes, she did suffer in the hospital and appreciates the care she received.

As for your parents forgiving you for not spending more time with them, they said there wasn’t anything to forgive. They wanted you to know they’re always around you and your family and that they love you very much.

To help you heal, you may want to write a letter (using a pen and paper) to your parents and mention everything you’ve been feeling about your limited time with them and their passing. Include every thought and emotion you can think of and forget about spelling, grammar, etc. Just let your thoughts flow into the words you put on paper.

Once finished, take the letter outside and burn it. Watch the smoke rise toward Heaven and scatter the cooled ashes in your garden knowing your parents are receiving this special gift from you.

I believe you’ll find this exercise to be comforting, healing, and emotionally joyful.

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Horse Grief

Stephanie from Eureka, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Right before Christmas I had to put down one of my horses. Shanook hurt himself and the injury wasn’t recoverable. He’d been with me since 2004 and passed at the age of 26.

The decision to euthanize Shanook is like a knife in my heart daily. In addition, my other horse Ruger, hasn’t been the same since Shanook left us.

I can feel and see how much Ruger misses Shanook. His calls for him are less frequent and I get the feeling that Ruger may be angry at me for what happened because he is different with me now.

Ruger used to greet me daily and now he doesn’t acknowledge me unless i walk in front of him. He just stares off like he is waiting for Shanook to show up.

Is there a way you can tell Ruger I miss Shanook too and that he is no longer in pain? They were together for 24 years so I know Ruger is missing him too.

They were so beautiful together. Ruger is a black and white Paint and Shanook was a brown, white, and black Paint. They were best friends.

Thank you for your consideration.


Hi Stephanie,

My condolences on Shanook’s passing. Many of us find losing a beloved pet is just about as painful as losing a human loved one.

Research shows horses actually do grieve. Equine Wellness Magazine says, “Some horses show easily observable expressions of grief, such as waiting for days by the gate through which their buddy disappeared, exhibiting reduced social interaction, or appearing depressed. Their eyes may be lackluster, their usual expressions of joy may fall by the wayside, and even food intake may be reduced. Sometimes they will just be a little quieter overall, which can easily go unnoticed. These signs of grieving are most likely to become apparent shortly after the loss.”

Speaking of equine grief, it’s interesting to note that wild horses have a good-bye ritual they perform when one of their fellow horses is dying. Similar to people coming to visit a human loved one at the end of their life, wild horses come in families and take turns individually sharing breath with the dying horse.

Katherine Houpt, DVM, Ph.D., physiologist and animal behaviorist at the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University says, “Behavioral treatment is aimed at getting the grieving horse interested in its environment again and may be assisted with medical and pharmaceutical options to treat anxiety, depression, not eating, etc.”

To get some personalized information for you, I spoke (telepathically) to both Shanook and Ruger.

Shanook wants you to know how much he appreciates your euthanizing him. He said his pain was tremendous and that when his spirit left his body, he felt like Pegasus. He even showed me an image of him flying upwards just like the mythological winged horse. He also said he visits you in your dreams.

When communicating (again, telepathically) with Ruger, he said he misses Shanook very much, understands why you had Shanook put down, and now just feels lonely most of the time. If possible, Ruger would like for you to get another horse, and asks that you get a younger horse who will be around for a long time.

Hope this information helps comfort you.

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Infertility Healing

Vera from Ceska Trebova, Czech Republic, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have been in the process of conceiving for 6.5 years now and have never been pregnant. I’m depleted mentally, energetically, and financially too. I will be 42 in less than 2 weeks and feel like I’m running out of hope and options.

Would you be able to do a scan and possibly some healing on me please?

I’d always had normal periods but then around the age of 27 they gradually became very light and extremely painful and have been like this since then. I have never found out why. At 37 I was told I had low AMH and only about a year ago I was told through an ultrasound I had suspected endometriosis including small endometriomas on my ovaries (something that was never seen before). I’m awaiting an MRI scan. IVF at the age of 38 didn’t work.

My partner has 4 children with his ex-wife, the youngest is 12 years old and his basic semen tests were fine.

Are you able to tell where the problem could be and why life is keeping me away from having my children? And, can anything can be done to improve my light and painful periods?

Thank you very much for you time.


Hi Vera,

Thanks for your questions. Since I work with a lot of future moms trying to conceive, I often hear of the heartache and frustration that goes with wanting to have a baby.

First and foremost, please know, when energetically scanning you, I “see” (in my mind’s eye) two baby spirits attached to your energy field. They look like little orbs and are above your right shoulder.

One baby’s spirit is fairly close and the other is a distance away. This means they’re not twins!

Babies’ spirits attach to the mother’s energy field before they’re conceived. Sometimes, they’re attached years before they incarnate.

It’s important to remember, these spirits can be babies you birth, adopt, use a surrogate to birth, etc. There are several ways to become a mother.

Next, I energetically scanned you and did see endometriosis. Endo looks like fake spider web material (used to decorate at Halloween). It was energetically removed.

Next, I did a DNA healing on you to help your body stop producing endometrial tissue.

Your ovaries have viable eggs (they look like blonde caviar), your fallopian tubes are open, and your uterine lining is fine.

Please consider avoiding sugar and refined foods. They’re known to exacerbate endometriosis. I believe changing your diet will also help eliminate your painful periods.

Lastly, consider getting The Better Baby Book by Lana Asprey, MD and Dave Asprey. The information you’ll learn by reading it will be a great help to you.

Best wishes with your baby adventure!

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Spiritual Growth

Diana from Sydney, Australia, asked:

Hi Julie,

My amazing father left us earth side in February 2020. I miss him every day and feel both pain and love in my heart every time I think about him.

It was in his passing that I also started my incredible spiritual journey and learned to love myself again and experience true joy and happiness.

As the Selena Gomez song goes, “I needed to lose you (dad) to love me”, and, I can’t help but feel guilty at times for thinking this way. How can I possibly be happy when my dad is no longer here with us in physical form? 

So, my question for my dad is, why did it take your death for me to be happy? And, how is life in Heaven? I love you dad!



Hi Diana,

I’m sorry for your loss with your dad’s passing and I’m thrilled it seemed to be the catalyst for what sounds like an amazing spiritual journey.

It’s completely natural to feel the gamut of emotions you describe ranging from sorrow to elation. We all process grief differently and how it shows up is perfect for us as individuals.

Regarding your questions about how you can feel good when your father’s gone and why it took your dad’s death for you to experience happiness, my answer focuses on vibration.

We’re all eternal spirits (energy) attached to a body having a human experience. When our life is over, our human bodies die and the everlasting part of us, (our spirit), continues.

In each lifetime, we explore experiences that raise our vibrational level. This allows us to understand concepts that heretofore may not have made sense to us.

When your dad passed, what you experienced, raised your vibrational level. And since his death, you’ve continued to raise your vibrational level, access and comprehend more complex concepts that allow you to be in alignment with your spirit, attract divine guidance, and live a more abundant, joyful, life.

It’s like diving into the deep end of a pool. If you can’t swim, you probably won’t think of being in deep water because it’s too scary. So, you go into the shallow water, wade to your waist, then to your shoulders, learn how to tread water, and eventually swim. Then, equipped with these skills, you resonate with the idea of diving into deep water and easily do it.

At this point, your spirit has expanded enough to access this new concept of easily living a joyful life regardless of what’s happening around you. Everything is unfolding perfectly. Trust that and continue to follow where you’re led. If it feels good, take action. If not, investigate and find out if your hesitation is based in a real or fake fear.

Hope this helps clarify things for you.

P.S. – Your dad said to let you know life in Heaven is amazing and he loves you back!

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Messages From Heaven

Sammi from Naperville, IL, asked:

Hi Julie,

Thanks to you and your podcast for giving me hope for the afterlife and the ability to live a fuller life today.

My dad tragically died in a work-related accident in the 70s, just a month before I was born. He was only 20yrs old.

Since then, I have felt his presence by my side, guiding and encouraging me.

Can you ask him if he has something he would like to tell me? I’ve never actually been able to communicate with him, and all I have are a few pictures and stories shared by family.

Thank you ever so kindly. This would mean so much to me.


Hi Sammie,

I’m delighted to hear the messages I receive from Spirit provide hope and comfort to you.

In addition, it’s wonderful you feel your dad’s presence, guidance and encouragement and recognize it’s him.

We all have the ability to perceive the spirits of our deceased loved ones, it’s just most of us don’t recognize it.

To get some answers for you, I energetically connected through you to your dad. Here’s what he wants you to know:

– You will always be his precious baby girl.

– Your career is on a trajectory to soar if you just believe in yourself.

– Your fear of hurting other people’s feelings holds you back.

– You don’t have a malicious bone in your body and if you keep your and others’ best interests in mind, you’ll do just fine.

– Figure out a way to share your point of view in a way that conveys your thoughts and beliefs and trust your superiors will appreciate your input.

– He loves and will always love you and appreciates how you love those around you.

Sounds like you have some career opportunities happening.

Our deceased loved ones are always close by and readily available.

To converse with your dad, just think of and say something to him (either silently or aloud). His answer will immediately come into your head and feel like it’s your thought. If you think about his answer for longer than a couple of seconds, that’ll be your brain talking to you.

The more you talk with your dad or any spirit, the more answers you’ll receive, and the more validation you’ll get. That’ll help you trust the information you’re given and talking with any spirit will become second nature to you. It’s really that easy.

Hope you find these messages from your dad helpful!


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Celebrities in Heaven

Andie from Fair Oaks, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m writing on January 17, 2022, the 100th birthday of actress Betty White.

My question is, are celebrities in Heaven or do they go somewhere else?

Would my parents be able to meet Betty since they’re on the other side also?

Thanks for your advice.


Hi Andie,

What a great question. The answer is absolutely!

Everyone goes to Heaven.

Regardless of who we are, what we do, who we know, etc., all humans are a spirit connected to a body having a human experience. And, when we transition, our spirit, the eternal part of us, separates from our body and becomes non-physical or pure energy.

Spirit has repeatedly told me when in Heaven, our spirit just thinks of something and it instantly materializes.

That can include having a conversation with Betty White, Moses, Aristotle, Mother Teresa, whomever. It can also be an activity like skiing in the Alps, being on safari in Africa, climbing Mt. Everest, absorbing all known information on a topic, whatever.

If your parents want to meet and have a conversation with Betty’s spirit, they can.

More importantly, you can have a conversation with Betty or any spirit whether or not you knew them when they were alive.

Here’s how. Our heads are big satellite dishes that receive and transmit frequencies. Every spirit has its own frequency it keeps throughout all its lifetimes. All you have to do is think of the person and you’ll be connected to their spirit.

Then, just ask a question or make a statement. The spirit will answer you within a second. It’ll come in like a thought in your head. If you think about the answer for more than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain talking with you. It’s really that easy.

Now, go have fun communicating with your deceased loved ones and anyone you wish.

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A Father’s Wishes

April from Charleston, WV, asked:

Hi Julie,

My father transitioned on August 12, 2021, after losing the ability to swallow and enduring nearly two weeks without food or water. Thankfully, my sister and I were able be at his side through the whole process, something for which I will be forever grateful.

His ex-wife was his caretaker and had power of attorney over his affairs. My sister and I are the only beneficiaries in his Will.

Our relationship with his ex-wife has always been rocky, and we do not trust her to fulfill our father’s wishes. We don’t know where his assets are located so Dad’s ex-wife is the one who must supply that information.

Because of all this, we have decided to pursue a full probate but don’t want to create unnecessary strife if it isn’t what our father would want. 

Any guidance you can offer would be so very appreciated.

Thank you!


Hi April,

My condolences on the loss of your father.

Thanks for submitting your question. Unfortunately, it’s one grieving families too often face.

The American Bar Association (ABA) says, “Probate is the formal legal process that gives recognition to a Will and appoints the executor or personal representative who will administer the estate and distribute assets to the intended beneficiaries.”

In order to get some more guidance for you, I consulted with my dear friend Diana, a retired judge. She said, “Probate can be acrimonious and costly but fruitful if someone is truly hiding assets. So, the real question is, do they believe she would/is hiding assets? If yes, then probate can force an investigation and hopefully disclosure as the court has the ability to order an independent investigation.” 

Having said all that, I connected with your dad’s spirit and asked him for his opinion. Here’s a summary of our conversation:

– Is it in your daughters’ your best interest to pursue full probate to settle your estate? He said YES.

– Is your ex-wife attempting to hide some of your assets? He said YES.

– Is it worth the legal fees your daughters will incur to pursue full probate on your estate? He said YES.

– Do you suggest your daughters pursue full probate in settling your estate. Again, he said YES.

Your story is a reminder that everyone, even people without assets, needs a Will. Add to that a Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney and Medical Power of Attorney. It’s a gift of love to make the settling of your estate as easy as possible on your loved ones.

Hope these suggestions and answers from your father help you decide what to do.



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Educate and Comfort

Shari from Columbus, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

I read your book Angelic Attendants and it is excellent!

I was by my mother’s side when she transitioned 21 years ago and it was actually a beautiful experience.

I sense her around me all the time and her spirit even showed up in a picture taken of me and my family four years after she passed away! I will treasure this picture forever.

For years, I’ve been wanting to reach out to other people to comfort them after their loved one has passed and let them know their spirit can still be present with them even when they are no longer in the physical world. Alas, I have no idea how to do this.

Any suggestions?

Thank you for taking time to read and answer my question.



Hi Shari,

Thanks for your kind comments and for reading Angelic Attendants.

Love the story about your mom’s spirit showing up in your family photo several years after she passed. What a great example of your mother letting you know she’s around you.

Regarding your desire to help comfort and educate those who’ve lost a loved one, I have several suggestions:

– Volunteer with a hospice organization.

– Get involved in grief support groups at local churches, hospitals, senior centers, and online.

– Gift a book on the topic. Two favorites are my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and Death Is But A Dream by Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD.

– Send people a link to my interview with Dr. Chris Kerr. It’s enlightening, heartwarming, and validates how spirits surround end-of-life patients.

– Consider taking my Angelic Attendant Training and learn to telepathically communicate with the dying person and tell how close to passing they are by identifying the Twelve Phases of Transition®. The information you’ll receive can be enormously helpful and comforting to the family.

Hope you find these ideas thought-provoking.

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