
Julie Ryan

C-Section & Candida

Angie from Schenevus, New York, asked:

Hi Julie!

Since having my daughter by C-section 2 1/2 years ago I have not felt like myself.

I have had increased weight gain, severe bloating, fatigue, vertigo, chronic diarrhea (yikes, sorry to mention that), headaches, and pain in my foot.

I went from being active and energetic to completely not feeling like myself and having a hard time with the day-to-day routine.

I want to be healthier for my little ones! They are my soul purpose and I don’t feel like I am the best me I can be feeling the way I do.

I would love to have your medical intuitive scanning. I have had several ultrasounds and tests for gluten, etc, and they have yet to find the root cause.

Thank you in advance Julie! What a blessing you are to the world.

Hi Angie,

When scanning you, I see an overabundance of Candida (a systemic yeast infection) throughout your whole body. It looks like the white powder you see on a yeast roll and I believe is what’s causing your symptoms.

Once I energetically blew out the white powder, I could see your organs look like those of an elderly woman. No wonder you’re exhausted.

This condition has probably been caused by two things. First you were most likely given antibiotics (probably through an IV) when you had your C-Section. Those antibiotics killed off a bunch of the good bacteria in your stomach. Second, your estrogen levels are affected by the Candida yeast.

The “yeasties” are crafty little critters. They replicate at an amazing rate and cause all sorts of problems. Candida can release over 100 known toxins into the blood stream through tears in the lining of your GI tract and cause a large variety of symptoms. This condition is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome and is called the missing diagnosis because so few doctors are knowledgeable enough to detect and treat it.

For most of my life, I had similar symptoms to yours (due to serious overuse of antibiotics for chronic streph throat and sinus infections), and finally found a doctor (at the age of 40) who properly diagnosed my Candida problem. The late Dr. Orian Truss, MD is widely considered to be the godfather of systemic yeast issues. Patients came from all over the world to see him.

Over the years Dr. Truss and I had many lengthy discussions about Candida and I learned a lot from him. One time, he took me into his lab and showed me slides of a 30 year-old woman. This patient’s blood tests indicated a normal estrogen level, while the slides from a vaginal swab showed the cells of a 90 year old post-menopausal woman.

Dr. Truss explained when systemic yeast is rampant, the outer cell wall can become impenetrable. In this patient’s case, and I believe in your case, the estrogen in the blood isn’t getting in to the cell and nourishing it. This results in symptoms like the ones you describe as well as many others that are usually found in elderly people with low hormone levels.

So, I suggest doing a search on “Candida Yeast Overgrowth” and following the dietary recommendations from the Bulletproof Executive. Bulletproof has an easy to follow food chart you can download for free.

Basically, avoid processed foods, sugars, wine, beer, alcohol, dairy, and aged and fermented foods. You may want to get your doctor to prescribe an anti-fungal medication like Nystatin (a natural bacteria found in the ground that kills yeast), to initially aid in getting rid of the yeast. You may feel a bit worse the first few days of treatment as the yeast dies off. Just stick with it and know your condition is completely fixable and won’t cause any permanent damage to your body.

Lastly, you have a large energy field leak in your pelvic area. This is caused by emotional trauma experienced either at some point in your life, or in a past life. Emotional issues always precede physical/medical conditions by disrupting the body’s energy flow. I’ll be delighted to help you explore the cause and heal that leak one on one.

Hope this helps.



1 thought on “C-Section & Candida”

  1. Julie Thank you so much!!! You have provided so much wisdom and insight and help that I cannot thank you enough!!! You are amazing and I am so glad I found you! Keep doing your wonderful work in this world and I cannot wait to see all of the lives that are touched by your gifts.

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