
Julie Ryan

Love Interest

Meeting Mr. Right

Kym from St Marys Bay, New Zealand, asked:

Hello Julie,

I have just met someone and he feels very “right” for me, but I have been very naive in the past and misjudged men! 

Is he “the one”? 

Thank you for guiding me.


Hi Kym,

I’m delighted to hear you’re enjoying your new man.

Is he Mr. Right? Well, he seems to be at the moment, and the moment is all we have.

The best way to know you’re being led in a positive direction is to pay attention to how you feel.

If you enjoy this man’s company and you want to spend more time with him, he’s your guy. No second guessing needed.

If, however, there ever comes a time when you don’t relish being around him, it’s time to investigate your fear. If it’s a fear that he can physically harm you, immediately cut off the relationship.

Otherwise, if you’re just feeling unsure because of what happened with past loves, that’ll be a false fear and you’ll want to proceed with your connection.

The most important thing to remember, is, our thoughts create our reality, so go for it and have fun!

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Wait For Love

Bertha in Central Islip, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

I love your podcast so much and although this question is silly, I just need some relief.

My boyfriend and I broke up this week and I’m heartbroken.

It wasn’t because of something bad, just that his job got very demanding. This caused him to be tired and stressed. He is also going to take classes and temporarily move away (from Long Island to Brooklyn). Since he can’t make us a priority, he feels it’s best for us to go our own ways.

He mentioned we can find each other in a few years when his job is more stable and he moves back to Long Island.

My question is, should I even entertain the idea of us getting back together?

Thank you for your input and for your show!


Hi Bertha,

So sorry to hear you’re hurting after the breakup with your boyfriend. That’s something most of us go through multiple times in our lives and it’s never easy.

As for whether you should wait around for him with the hope his job becomes less demanding, he has more free time, and he moves back to Long Island, here are a few thoughts for you to ponder.

The old saying, “If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be,” applies in your situation.

Psychology Today says, “What is behind this old saying? Some interpret it as a description of fate. Only fate can determine whether a relationship was meant to be. So, if you let someone go, they will come back if that’s your destiny.

For those of us who don’t believe in determinism, this explanation does not ring true. A better interpretation is that you cannot force someone to love you. You have to give them the freedom to choose.” I tend to agree with the shrinks.

As you may know, I’m a volunteer sorority advisor at the University of Alabama and have had countless chats with girls in your position who’ve recently broken up with their boyfriend.

My advice to them is the same I’m giving you. Just remember one four-letter word … NEXT! Who’s next?

Get on with your life and if you and your former boyfriend’s paths cross, see how you feel then. It’s common for people’s lives to unfold in ways that make what was once a match, not make sense anymore.

Lastly, when I asked Spirit’s guidance about whether it was in your best interest to wait for your former boyfriend, the answer i “got” was NO!



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Finding Love

Falcon from Santa Fe, NM, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve had a series of bad relationships and I’m feeling hopeless. One resulted in a child. 

Do you think I’ll ever find the right person?



Hi Falcon,

Thanks for your question. It seems appropriate as we approach Valentine’s Day.

My answer is ABSOLUTELY! I believe you can and will have a wonderful relationship!

Psychology Today suggests seven tips for finding love. They are:

1) Know what you want

2) Be prepared to invest time, effort and money

3) Know your value as a potential partner

4) Have self-awareness

5) Show your humor

6) Let friends help

7) Hold high standards for a relationship.

Sounds like good advice to me with the most important one being the first … know what you want.

Be very specific about the qualities you want in your mate. I’m not talking about how they look, rather, their personality traits like dependable, kind, funny, likes kids, etc.

In addition, refrain from thinking of or talking about all the negative things about your past partners. Instead, focus on what was positive about them and add what else you’d like. That good old law of attraction thing will bring you more of what you think about so make it benefit you.

Find five things a day to be grateful for. Certainly, your child is a gift. What else? Even if it’s basic items like the air you breathe, the sunlight you see, the heat in your home, the water you drink, and a car that works. Being grateful raises your vibration and feels good. In addition, it will help you attract people who are happy and feel good.

Lastly, know your life is unfolding perfectly. Every experience has given you the opportunity to grow and get clearer about your preferences. You can’t reach the top of a staircase without touching each step on the way up. Life is like a staircase. We need to go through experiences (steps) so we resonate with exactly what we want in order to realize it.

Good luck!

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Catch The Bouquet

Patti from Woodhaven, NY, asked:

Hi Julie, 

Since 2009 I have been writing a book about how a retired Major League baseball player and I are soul mates in a past life. Each time I pray about whether or not I need to finish writing and publish this book, I receive a sign to proceed.

Recently my cousin Landa got engaged to a man named Joe and they want to introduce me to Joe’s cousin. I always decline because I want to focus on getting my book done and don’t have time for romantic distractions.

I believe once the book is published, I’ll understand my connection to the baseball player and that connection will be released. Then it will be the time for me to focus on looking for love.

In the meantime, Landa’s wedding is on the same day as my baseball player’s birthday and over the past few years I’ve had several dreams in which I catch the bouquet at a wedding. Are these signs? My cousin thinks they’re all pointing to what should be the last chapter of my book … how I met my soulmate on my baseball player’s birthday … and how that soulmate ended up being Joe’s cousin.

Your thoughts?  Thanks for reading my question.

Wow Patti,

This sounds like the script of a terrific romantic comedy. You may want to finish the book and immediately sell it to Hollywood as a movie screenplay. Just from the little bit I’ve read here, I want to know the story and the outcome!

Now, having said all that, let’s do our best to decipher all of this.

First, I don’t believe in coincidences. Everything in our lives is intertwined with those around us including family, friends, and strangers, so I do believe you are in fact receiving signs.

Second, I believe you are receiving inspiration for your book from a past life you have lived and it did include your baseball player. Some may call your ideas and imagination a form of channeling from the spirit world. I think all inspiration, whether it manifests in literature, movies, inventions, businesses, charities, etc. is a result of channeling information.

In addition, I don’t believe you need to wait until the book is finished or to catch a wedding bouquet to have a love life. In fact, I “get” you might really enjoy going out with Joe’s cousin.

We forget our past lives on purpose so we can have the human experience we intended in this lifetime. Holding on to what happened in a past life can act as an excuse for us not to engage in what our soul intended this time around.

In addition, we tend to get overwhelmed when we think too far in the future. There are so many variables that can affect an outcome, it can literally make our head spin and paralyze us from moving forward.

So, just take one step at a time. The next step will present itself. Take that step. Then another step will follow that, etc. You get the idea.

Lastly, I did “get” there is a very good chance you will get married before your book is finished.

Thanks for submitting such a fun question!

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Secret Agent

Suzy from Seattle, WA, asked:

Hi Julie!

My sister told me about your show and I was wondering if you’d be able to answer a question for me?  My husband and I have been having relationship problems and I want to know if he’s been faithful to me. 

There is one day, in particular, that I am questioning … Thursday, December 1, 2016 between 3 and 5pm.   Can you answer this for me?  I also wonder what our future holds. I don’t think he’s been honest with me the past year or so and I want to know if it’s worth thinking about all the time.

Can you tell me why he chooses to be dishonest with me? Is he afraid of how I will react or is it more of a psychological issue? What can I do to help him? He just seems to feel so comfortable lying to me.  


Hi Suzy,

When I asked if your husband has been faithful to you, I got a NO. But, when I asked the more specific question … Has Suzy’s husband had sexual relations with any other women while he’s been married to Suzy, I also got a NO. Remember, spirits are very literal so we need to be as specific as possible when asking them for information and guidance. Bottom line, I believe he has indeed been faithful to you.

With regards to December 1st between 3-5pm, I got he was having a drink with guy friends.

I also got he lies to you to keep you from being upset. He loves you and feels like you’re very controlling. He wants to make the relationship work and wants you to back off a bit and not question his every move.

I believe your marriage has a great chance of succeeding long term if you want it to. Focus on and be grateful for all of the good things about your husband. As soon as a negative thought about him enters your mind, immediately switch it to something positive. Make it a habit. With practice you’ll be amazed at how automatic it becomes. You may even want to write 3 things you appreciate about him every day in a journal. That way, if you become angry at him, you can read it and realize what’s important.

If you choose to try this technique, you have a wonderful opportunity to make him feel appreciated and possibly have him do the same for you.

Good luck!

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Jordanian Romance

Wafa from Amman, Jordan, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have strong feelings towards a guy and I want to know if it is mutual or not?

Thank you!

Hi Wafa,

In order to get some spiritual guidance for you, I asked the following questions. All are prefaced with … At this moment in time …

1) Is the guy for whom Wafa has strong feelings interested in a romantic relationship with her? I got a YES.

2) Will Wafa have a romantic relationship with this man? I got a YES.

3) Is it in Wafa’s best interest to be in a romantic relationship with this man? I got a YES.

4) Is it in Wafa’s best interest to be in a long-term romantic relationship with this man? I got a NO.

Keep in mind, this information is probable not certain. It has the potential to change based on an unlimited number of variables. 

An example of this could be the long-term relationship answer. It may be that neither you nor he (nor both of you) aren’t interested in a long-term commitment right now but may be after you’ve dated for a while.

It seems you have a good chance to be in at least a short-term romantic relationship with this man.


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Soul Mate Search

Andre from Lagoa, Portugal, asked:

Will I find my soul mate?

Hi Andre,

Yes you will. In fact, you actually have … many times.

Most of us believe there is but one perfect person intended to be our life partner. That premise is false. It’s an entertainment industry concept concocted to sell movies, records, and books.

The truth is, the people who surround us are our soul mates. They’re our parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, and acquaintances.

We are eternally connected to everyone we currently know and anyone who has ever been in our lives. And, we interact with them in multiple lifetimes.

Our parents could have been our children, spouses or friends. Our boss might have been our employee. Perhaps our teachers were our students. You get the idea.

Now, as for your finding a romantic soul mate, the answer to that question is also YES.

In order to do that, get involved in activities you enjoy. Consider volunteering for a charitable organization or joining a group of like-minded people (like a book or hiking club).

Be sure to spread the word you’re looking for someone special. Ask people if they know anyone they think you should meet. Include parents and grandparents in the equation. They’re sometimes your best match-makers.

Most of all, have fun with the process!

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Chester from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

I met a guy named Nathan a couple years back quite by chance while on vacation and completely fell for him. At the time it did appear he felt the same way. It was strange because I felt a deep connection with him as if it was meant to happen. 

Back in the UK, we live at opposite ends of the country and although we have constantly stayed in touch, he doesn’t seem quite as in to me as he used to be, so I started to convince myself I had imagined everything. Still though, whenever I tried to forget Nathan and move on, signs of him would pop up, either in the form of out of the blue communication or in some other coincidental way. It made me wonder if someone was trying to tell me something.

This year, I returned to the same vacation spot – at a completely different time of the year – and lo and behold, Nathan had booked the exact same date and duration as I had, arriving and leaving on exactly the same day. We had no discussion of this prior, it just happened, and again, we re-bonded and had a wonderful two weeks.

Since that time, Nathan has invited me to spend the Christmas period with him and his family (which I accepted).

Can you provide insight into this relationship? Perhaps contact my deceased grandmother to get her “feelings” on the matter? Is he really into our relationship or am I imagining it? Am I just wasting my time?

Lastly, the obligatory gushing part – I am a huge fan of your show and love what you do. I know a lot of people who do very similar things to what you do but none articulate it in such a personable and knowledgeable way as you. You’re a total gem, and long may you continue to provide peace, comfort and guidance to those who seek your help.

Thanks for your guidance.

Hi Chester,

Thank you for your kind comments about my show and me. They touched my heart and made my weekend!

As for your question, I wanted to get back with you quickly since you’re making holiday plans.

Instead of asking your grandmother, I asked the universe (which includes God, spirits, angels, and deceased loved ones, etc.) for guidance. The reason I do this is because I have found asking just one deceased person a question can elicit a response based only on that spirit’s opinion. And, that opinion isn’t necessarily what’s best for the person wanting the information. Over the years I’ve found that by asking the Universe a question, it encompasses all of the many beneficial scenarios that we humans don’t have the capacity to envision.

So, I asked the following two questions:

At this moment in time …

Is it in Chester’s best interest to spend the holidays with Nathan and his family? I got a “YES”.

Is Nathan as smitten with Chester as Chester is with Nathan? I also got a “YES”.

Keep in mind, those answers are predicated with “at this moment in time” because they pertain to future events (well at least the holidays with Nathan’s family question does). As you know, future events have yet to happen and will involve a lot of variables that can affect outcome. This is where “free will” and a multitude of other occurrences come in to play. Anytime we talk about something in the future, although it may be a probability, it’s never a certainty.

Having said all that, we can get more detailed with a private consult if you wish. We can also get specific advice from your deceased grandmother at that time. I frequently have conversations with people in Europe. Skype and the use of a UK (or other country) conference call number work great for that.

In the meantime, have an amazing holiday season!



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Dallas Boyfriend

Brooke from Dallas, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years now. Lately I’ve been feeling like maybe it isn’t working out anymore.

Should I try and make this work with him or is there someone else better out there for me?

If I hear it from you it’ll be more of a push since I’m in a weak place right now.

Thank you!

Hi Brooke,

With regard to your relationship, sounds like you’re already receiving intuitive guidance.

There are a couple of main ways our spirits communicate with us about relationships or anything else for that matter.

In your case, when you begin to question whether or not you want to spend time with your boyfriend or want to explore someone new, that’s guidance.

Also, when you think of him or are around him and you feel what we consider to be negative emotions (uneasiness, emotional pain, anger, etc.), that too is guidance.

The easiest way to get answers is to ask “Is it in my best interest to” and finish the sentence. Be as specific as possible. Spirits are very literal.

An intuitive response will come immediately, as fast as you can snap your fingers. If you think about it for more than a second, it’s your brain answering you.

So, when I ask, is it in Brooke’s best interest to continue a romantic relationship with her current boyfriend? I get a NO.

Is it in Brooke’s best interest to terminate her relationship with her current boyfriend? I also get a NO.

When I ask is it in Brooke’s best interest to terminate a romantic relationship with her current boyfriend? I get a YES.

See the difference? Perhaps it’s better for you to have your current boyfriend as just a friend who’s a boy!

You already know what to do. Life is supposed to be fun, so go find some fun!

Thanks for your question.

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