
Julie Ryan

What’s Causing My Respiratory Issues?

Maria from San Ramon, CA, asked:

“Why do I keep having chest congestion, coughing, and sinus issues?”

Hi Maria,

When scanning you, I saw a lot of upper respiratory inflammation (swollen, red, tissue), and an abundance of mold spores in your lungs, throat, and sinuses. There was such a large amount of mold spores in your sinuses, it looked like green moss.

I then scanned your house and saw mold behind the drywall going up your staircase. It’s in-between the right wall of your staircase (as you’re going up the stairs) and the wall it shares with the front bedroom. It looks like the flashing of an exterior wall above your front garage (left of window) needs attention and is allowing water to leak into your home.

Having said all that, here are some suggestions … find a doctor who specializes in treating environmentally caused medical conditions. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine is a good place to start. Other resources can be found at Ritchie Shoemaker, M. D., Tox-Sick,  and Moldy Movie. In addition, do a Google search on mold remediation to find a local contractor who can test your home for mold, check your roof/flashing, and make the necessary repairs.

Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon!

