
Julie Ryan

What’s Causing My Heartburn?

Sheridan from Hayward, CA, asked:

“For the past month I have been experiencing heartburn. It comes around the same time each night and is now waking me up early in the morning. I’ve tried linking it to certain foods and no luck. Never happens during the day. Any thoughts on what’s causing it? Thank you!”

Hi Sheridan,

Thanks for your question, sorry about your heartburn.

When scanning you, I see that your whole GI tract is inflamed, especially your esophagus. After watching anti-inflammatory energy applied to your red, swollen, tissues, I could see the culprit. It’s an overabundance of Candida yeast. Your GI system is full of what looks like the white powder found on a yeast roll.

The good news is, this situation is completely fixable and shouldn’t cause any damage to your body.

Please refer to my recent post for quick, easy, inexpensive, suggestions to help your body heal.

