Julie Ryan

Weight, Diet and Hormones

Ambi from Brighton Beach, East Sussex, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

Thank you in advance for all your help and advice.

When I got married, I was just over 11 stone (154 lbs) but after three children, my weight has risen to 15 stone (210 lbs). No matter how much I diet or exercise the weight doesn’t seem to budge.

This year as I turned 40, my periods have not been regular, I’ve had my thyroid checked and the doctors say it’s fine.

Lastly, I seem to be angry a lot, my hair is very thin and brittle and I have a chocolate addiction. Could this be a hormone issue?

Thanks for any light you can shine on my situation.


Hi Ambi,

Thanks for submitting you question. It’s a reality most of us have had or are currently experiencing.

Excess weight issues are perplexing to even the most well-read person. What diet and how much exercise is best? Why isn’t something that seems to be working for others not working for me? There seem to be so many weight-loss strategies it can make our heads spin.

Having said all that, what I’ve learned from a life-time of weight struggles is, it’s all about insulin resistance and hormones. If we can balance our hormones, especially in the post-partum, peri-menopause and menopausal times in our lives and combine it with a healthy diet, we have a better chance of weight management success.

Optimal hormones combined with a low carbohydrate, whole-foods menu seems to be what our bodies crave. A simple mantra I use is, if God made it, eat it, and if man made it avoid it. Even a small child when shown an apple and a cookie can tell which item was man-made.

In order to get more information, I energetically scanned you in the UK and “saw” (in my mind’s eye) a hologram of your body and it needed hormones, estrogen in particular. So, I added energetic estrogen to your body and you immediately responded.

Next, I noticed a lot of inflammation over your whole body. Inflammation looks like red fog over body parts. I used a royal blue anti-inflammation energy to calm it down. Then I “got” (received information) your inflammation was caused by the eco-system in your gut being less than optimal.

Since food is the best medicine, please consider doing a gut biome test. It’ll tell you the best foods to eat and avoid making your gut and therefore immune system healthy. In other words, this information will allow you to do the Ambi diet, one that makes sense for your body.

In addition, some of my favorite books on the weight conundrum are:

Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD

Eat Smarter: Use The Power of Food by Shawn Stevenson

Fast This Way by Dave Asprey

The Pegan Diet: 21 Practical Principles for Reclaiming Your Health by Mark Hyman, MD

Lastly, please consider consulting a physician about bioidentical hormones. To learn more about how hormones diminish as we age and how to replenish them to keep our brains, bones and hearts healthy, I recommend visiting Dr. Christiane Northrup’s website and to find a physician in your area specializing in bioidentical hormones, please go to Institute for Functional Medicine.

Hope this information helps you feel better soon.


Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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