
Julie Ryan

Unborn Baby Spirits

Anonymous from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a question about something that has been plaguing me with guilt and shame for many years. This question may be controversial for some.  

In your book, Angelic Attendants, you describe how the spirits of deceased loved ones show up when we are dying to help us transition into the spirit world. You state that you have seen spirits of unborn babies show up as well. My impression is that you are mostly talking about miscarried babies.  

In my 20’s, I had an unplanned pregnancy and I made the difficult decision to abort. At that time, I didn’t feel that I was in a position to raise a child.

I am now a proud mother of two beautiful teenage boys, and when I think back, I wonder if I made the wrong decision.  

Have you seen aborted babies show up during transition as well?  Would that baby have made a contract on when it would die, or was my decision (self-will) overriding its contract? 

Any insight that you have on this is much appreciated. 

Thank you.

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for having the courage to ask such a heart-felt question, one many women wonder about.

It has been my experience in working with countless families over the past couple of decades that indeed, the spirits of miscarried, stillborn, and aborted babies are present when their mother is dying.

And, most importantly, these babies’ spirits are around their mothers throughout their whole lives.

We all choose where, when and to whom we’re born and our spirits attach to our mother’s (and if applicable), our adopted mother’s energy field before we’re conceived.

Baby spirits look like small orbs, the kind you see in photographs. They remind me of the orb Glenda the Good Witch rode inside in the Wizard of Oz movie. These baby spirit orbs can be seen over their mother’s shoulder.

In addition, our spirits decide when, where, how, and who’s with us when we die. It’s my perception there isn’t a set “contract” about when we decide to leave, rather, when we’re finished exploring this lifetime, we simply choose to transition back into non-physical. This pertains to aborted babies as well as anyone who has ever lived.

If you wish, you can communicate with your aborted baby anytime. Just say something to it either aloud or silently. Its response will immediately come into your head. It’ll feel like one of your thoughts. If you think about the answer for more than a couple of seconds, that will be your brain answering you.

Hope this information provides some comfort to you.

Picture of Julie Ryan

Julie Ryan

I’m a psychic medium and medical intuitive. I can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has, I can facilitate energetic healings, I can see energy fields and I can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. I can work from anywhere; it’s rare I’m with someone while scanning them.


Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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