Julie Ryan

Two Minute Rule™

Valentina from Kharkov, Ukraine asked:

Dear Julie: 

Sorry in advance about any mistakes in this note. I am 71 years-old and only speak Russian. I used the computer to translate my thoughts into English.

My letter is the cry of a soul tortured by grief. My only son needs help. His name is Artyom and he’s 37 years-old.

In childhood, Artyom survived two strong frights. These were severe emotional injuries that led to irreversible consequences including an obsessive fear of death, fear of people with mental disabilities, and the fear of looking crazy. As the years went by, his fears grew.

Medicine has been powerless. Now, my son lives in captivity of his obsessive fears causing panic attacks.  

Artyom understands his fears are unreasonable, but he cannot control them. He tells me, “Mom, I am no one and nothing. I have no future. There’s some malfunctioning malware in my head. My brain needs to be restarted like a computer.”

Can you please scan my son? Is there a way out of such a difficult situation? I beseech you, please help my son if possible.  

Thank you for your time. All good wishes for you and your loved ones. 

God Bless you.



Hi Valentina,

Thank you for your efforts to send your request to me. You are the epitome of the power of a mother’s love for her child. I’m honored you took the time to translate your Russian thoughts into English so I could understand them.

First and foremost, I recommend taking Artyom to a licensed mental health professional. My thoughts and perspectives are only as a medical intuitive.

In order to get some information for you about Artyom, I energetically connected to you and from you to your son. When I telepathically asked for permission to scan him, he declined. As you most likely know, I won’t scan someone without their approval. It’s an ethical code I have implemented for myself.

You may want to talk with Artyom about allowing me to do a medical scan on him. Please let me know if he agrees.

In the meantime, my Two Minute Rule™ may help.

Our heads are big satellite dishes that receive and transmit frequencies. Contrary to what most of us believe, thoughts don’t originate in our heads, rather, we pull them in from the ethers. Every thought has its own frequency. Furthermore, much like how a radio station broadcasts on a specific megahertz (MHz), our thoughts are broadcast on a certain frequency as well.

Thoughts feel neutral, good, or bad. When we feel neutral or good about something, we’re in alignment with our spirit which is pure love. When we experience thoughts that feel bad, they’re based in fear and our emotions let us know we’re out of alignment with our spirit. Now, bad-feeling thoughts are either a rational fear, something will harm or kill us or an irrational fear. Irrational fears are false and are 99.9% of thoughts we think that make us feel badly.

It’s important to remember, we’re all hardwired for fear. (We’re afraid of the saber-toothed tiger who may eat us for lunch although he’s been extinct for thousands of years.)

We’ve all experienced having a negative thought that leads to another negative thought, leading to many more unpleasant thoughts that eventually make us feel awful. Those thoughts are coming into our heads on a specific frequency so all we have to do is change the channel. Here’s how …

When we have an unpleasant thought, we can ask, is this going to kill me in the next two minutes? (I call this the Two Minute Rule™). If the circumstances will harm or kill you, change the conditions (get out of the street before the bus hits you). If not, you know your fear is false, it’s fake, you’re making it up.

As soon as you use the Two Minute Rule™, you disconnect from the unpleasant thought frequency, change the channel, raise your vibrational level, get back into alignment with your spirit and immediately feel better. Curiosity is based in love. When we’re curious, it’s fun, we’re interested and want to know more.

Utilizing the Two Minute Rule™ and making it a habit can enhance your life in every area. Teach it to Artyom. Practice it with him. Pretty soon he may feel substantially better and that will help him attract more good-feeling thoughts. It’s really that simple.

The best part of the Two Minute Rule™ is, it’s free and convenient. It works wherever your brain is, and your brain is usually with you wherever you are.

Hope this helps. Sending love to you in the Ukraine.



Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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