Julie Ryan

Toddler’s Skin Rash

Whitney from Vero Beach, FL, asked:


Hi Julie,


Thank you for your time and for sharing your incredible gift.


My husband and I have been struggling with our two-year-old son’s skin condition for a while. He’s experiencing Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) from eczema creams, which has caused severe itching, skin irritation, painful cuts, hair loss, weight loss, and sleepless nights. It’s been heartbreaking to watch.


I’m hopeful for a speedy recovery and a normal life again with the help of your beautiful gift of healing.


Julie, I’m deeply grateful and look forward to connecting with you.




Hi Whitney,


I’m so sorry to hear your little one is suffering from TSW. Until now, I hadn’t heard of it, but my research led me to several studies on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website. It seems that while many dermatologists don’t yet recognize this condition, holistic practitioners recommend soothing ingredients like cold packs, aloe vera, chamomile, oatmeal, and emollients to help calm the skin. They say avoiding fragrances, dyes, and other irritants is also essential.


To learn more, I energetically connected with you and, from you, to your son. Once he gave me permission (telepathically) to scan him, I saw his little body was inflamed and immediately began a healing session. I applied anti-inflammatory energy, followed by a heavy-metal detox that removed microscopic metallic particles. Then, I watched as a thick, white healing cream covered him from head to toe. As it absorbed, his skin appeared calm and healthy. (Remember, it’s always Spirit working through and with me).


From my experience, eczema and other skin rashes often stem from Candida yeast overgrowth in the gut. This was the case with your son and the yeast overgrowth was energetically removed. I encourage you to speak with his pediatrician about an antifungal like Nystatin to help heal his tummy and GI tract.


I hope your toddler feels better soon!





5 thoughts on “Toddler’s Skin Rash”

  1. Dear Julie, This story is very interesting. My husband has had a itchy pimples on his back for quite some time. His doctor does not know what is causing this. Nothing seems to be helping or getting rid of these itchy pimples. Would you be able to scan him and see if you can tell us what the problem is? Thank you so much. Maria Tomasini

    1. Please join my show and we can find out!

      Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT
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  2. Thank you, Julie. Your help in enabling healing is excellent.
    I would like you to give me your help with my wife, she has been in a state of anxiety and depression for 8 months now. She has been with the help of psychology and psychiatry, but she has not improved. This situation affects the whole family, it has been very difficult to manage, especially for her because she suffers a lot.
    Thank you very much if you can give me some help
    Pablo Correa correap@hotmail.com
    from Medellin Colombia

    1. I’m so sorry to learn of this, Pablo.

      Please join my show and we can find out from Spirit:

      Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT
      Visit askjulieryanshow.com to enter the queue
      Video capabilities required – you will be on camera

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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