
Julie Ryan

The Spiritual Side of Helping

Damon from Los Angeles, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

As someone newly spiritual after having a month of totally unexplainable paranormal experiences two-years ago and listening to many 100’s of NDE stories, I have a lot of questions for you.

My main question is, aren’t we interfering with someone’s journey by helping them? Perhaps we’re keeping them from learning or experiencing something.

What are your thoughts on this?



Hi Damon,

Your question is profound. Helping others might seem like interference, but spiritually, it’s part of a greater plan. Our interconnectedness means our actions contribute to the universe’s design.

NDE stories often highlight love and oneness. Helping with a pure heart enhances the divine tapestry of life, fostering growth for everyone.

When working with clients and callers into my show, Spirit, through pure love, works through me and with me to provide the healing best suited for that person.

It’s been my experience that when we trust in the synchronicity of life, we’re led to the people and situations that will benefit us the most and have the opportunity to experience how, in the end, love guides us all.

Hope that answers your question.

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