Julie Ryan

The Spiritual Journey of Suicide

Dayna from Cedarburg, WI, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have been a fan and client of yours for about a year now and I know it was not a coincidence that I was led to you! My angels and guides have been busy keeping me on track with my learning and awakening.

I have a question for you around suicide and transitioning. In your Angelic Attendants book, you state that no one dies alone. However, I am not certain how quickly this all works when someone takes their own life.  

My brother tragically took his life recently after what I believe were many years of dealing with mental illness.  

In Heaven, I believe he is getting the healing he was not able to get here on Earth.

What do your guides tell you about suicide and what happens next?  It would give me some peace knowing.

Thank you,


Hi Dayna,

My sincere condolences to you and your family with the passing of your brother.

Losing a loved one is never easy, especially when it’s sudden and/or tragic.

Regardless of how we transition, whether it’s instantaneous like in the case of a homicide or suicide, or whether it stretches out over days, weeks, months, or even years, we’re all surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets. I call this phenomenon the Twelve Phases of Transition® and it happens to everyone.

Time is a human creation and doesn’t exist in the spiritual realm so although it may be difficult to grasp this concept from a human perspective, it negates the time component when someone dies.

Everyone goes to Heaven, everyone is surrounded by angels and spirits of loved ones and pets, and no one ever dies alone. Please know, in Heaven, every spirit is pure love and joy, even your brother.

For more information, please read or listen to my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. For a free copy, please go to julieryangift.com.

Hope this information helps comfort you.

3 thoughts on “The Spiritual Journey of Suicide”

  1. Dear Julie,
    I have just had what I will call ‘a Julie Day’!
    It was so very interesting.
    First zi listened to your fascinating Q & A, number
    Today I managed to hear your wonderful interview with Dr Maria Amartini. Thank you so much for releasing this interview for people such as myself, who invariably suffers untoward side effects after taking prescription drugs (please excuse dreadful syntx!).
    We are in dire need of more doctors who practice according to the principles of espoused by Dr Amartini.
    Let’s hope your publicising of this interview will encourage more doctors towards practising more natural medicine.
    Thank you also for the information you imparted, such as the startling I formation on Calcium, and Statin drugs.
    I then read your comforting response to the sister of a man who committed suicide.
    You have such a lovely kind heart to go with your beautiful smile.
    I can barely wait to read your book ‘What Really Happens…’
    I’m looking forward to learning so much from your other interviews.
    Thank you so much Julie.
    Warm regards and cheers,
    Chris Morgan from Melbourne, Victoria, South Eastern Australia.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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