
Julie Ryan

Pet Psychic

Developing Intuitive Abilities

Jay from Williamsville, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m curious to know what event (if any) initiated your ability to reach into the realms to help other living souls.

Can you share the what, when, where, and how that resulted in your healing and reading abilities?

Thank you.


Hi Jay,

Thanks for your curiosity and kind comments.

Although I jokingly tell people I’m not one of those psychics who’s had dead people chasing her since childhood, it’s the truth. I learned how to be a medical intuitive and psychic medium.

My “woo-woo” journey began about 30 years ago when a friend gave me Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Myss who calls herself a medical intuitive, a description I hadn’t ever heard before.

This piqued my curiosity since I was in the hospital supply industry developing, manufacturing and selling medical devices that helped people heal. So, I went to a bookstore to see what else I could find on the topic. (The internet wasn’t yet an option.)  

That’s where I found Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan, PhD. In her book, Dr. Brennan, a former NASA physicist, parlayed complicated quantum physics principles used in energy healing into understandable language a non-scientific person like me could understand.

These two books led me to enroll in a six-year program where I learned about energy fields, energy healing and other related topics at the School of Healing Arts in Nashville, TN.

Fast forward and I now teach people from all walks of life and many countries how to do every “woo-woo” thing I do in my Angelic Attendant Training. This includes medical intuitive scans, energy healing, pet communication and healing, conversing with spirits (both alive and deceased), past life scans, and being able to tell if a person is close to death. We’re all born with intuitive abilities, it’s just a matter of developing and enhancing them.

More details about my journey are in my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

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Angels and Dementia

Rebecca from Buckinghamshire, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

My mother is in the very late stages of dementia and is bed bound. I care for her at home. 

She sleeps most of the day, but when she’s awake, she often has conversations with people I can’t see. Sometimes she mentions them by name and smiles and laughs. I cannot understand the conversations as she’s no longer very coherent. My mother also gasped at seeing our old pet dog, “Henry!” This is all from a woman who can no longer give names in “normal” conversation.

It brings me great comfort, as I think she’s obviously straddling different realms. She’s been seeing these visitors for quite a few months. At times she seems to look in awe (possibly angels?). 

Do you know how the transitions work with dementia? 

I have a private reading booked with you but it’s not until January. 

Many thanks for your time.


Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for your note about your mom seeing angels, deceased relatives, and pets. I too find it comforting that we’re all surrounded by these spiritual entities as we transition from this life to Heaven.

Having dementia is of no consequence to the Twelve Phases of Transition™ process.

It has been my experience we all go through the Twelve Phases of Transition™ as we’re dying. This is the case regardless of whether we die instantly like in a homicide or suicide, or like your mom, over a prolonged period of time. 

What may often be interpreted as a symptom of dementia or a hallucination, seeing deceased loved ones in dreams or visions at the end of life has now been validated with university-based research.

In his book Death Is But A Dream, Dr. Chris Kerr, a hospice director, reports his research showed close to 90% of the 1,400 patients studied reported just that.

In my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, I describe in detail how we’re surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones and pets as we’re dying.

My book addresses what your mom is experiencing from the spiritual perspective while Dr. Kerr’s book discusses the same findings from a medical/research point of view.

Your mom is currently in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition™. She tells me she isn’t ready to go, isn’t in pain, and just wants to spend a bit more time with her family.

Hope this information provides some additional comfort to you as you go through this time. Look for little miracles along the way. You’ve been given one already just knowing your mom is surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones.

P.S. – Regarding our January appointment, periodically check for earlier appointments by clicking on the “reschedule” button on your confirmation email. Clients often reschedule.

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Energy Field Membrane

Marci asked:                     

Hi Julie,

I saw your presentation for Helping Parents Heal. Luckily, I have not lost a child. I am agnostic and watch a lot of these videos to learn and grow.

You described the energy fields of the body being like saran wrap and holding the spirit in. I’m an autopsy assistant and have often thought the body looks like it is held together by cellophane. I’ve also thought how amazing it is we don’t fall apart being held together by a thin membranous cellophane.

Your description of what you called the energy field membrane struck me as such a similar comparison to what I observe that I felt urged to connect with you about it.

Please explain once again, how the membrane ruptures and causes an energy leak that inevitably contributes to poor health.

I am going to explore your site and learn more about you. The way you describe healing the body resonates with me and I’m eager to learn more.

Have a great day!


Hi Marci,

Thanks for watching my Helping Parents Heal presentation. What a terrific service that organization does to comfort and inform parents who’ve lost a child.

Thanks too, for your comments about what I call the energy field membrane. It sounds like we’re sensing the same thing.

The energy field membrane is the container that holds the energy comprising our body and spirit.

It’s my perception the body is inside the spirit and the spirit is the power source for the body. That’s why when a person dies and their body and spirit separate, the body doesn’t work any longer.

If you think about it, all energy used to power something specific (like a body), needs to be in some type of container. Electricity is contained in wires, natural gas in pipes, and a body and spirit are in an energy field membrane.

When I “see” (in my mind’s eye) a tear or hole in the energy field membrane, I envision going into the opening and I’m shown a scene of an emotional event that has occurred either in this or a past lifetime.

I’ll be given specific information such as when, where and some details about what happened. It could be something relatively minor or something tragic and it doesn’t matter whether my client remembers the event.

The experience identified has caused an energy block to form and other life events’ energy has piled on top of it causing enough pressure to create a rupture in the energy field membrane. Energy leaks always precede any kind of medical condition and are caused by an emotional event.

Once the cause of the energy block is illuminated, it’s immediately eradicated and the membrane instantly heals. This allows the body to return to operating on full power thus helping the person restore and maintain health.

To learn more, please consider enrolling in my Angelic Attendant Training. You’ll learn how to do (among other things), energy healings, communicate with spirits and angels, do past life scans and communicate and heal animals. It will also greatly enhance your life and the lives of everyone you encounter.

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Angel Messages For Dogs


Just in time for the holidays, my new book Angel Messages For Dogs is now available!

It’s a sweet, beautifully illustrated children’s book with angels teaching kids about dogs. 

Both my daughter-in-law veterinarian Dr. Mallory and my son Jonathan are included in the illustrations.

And speaking of the illustrations, they’re all water color and pastel paintings (yes I have the originals) which makes them extra special.

I hope Angel Messages For Dogs will be a treasured edition to your family library and will be enjoyed by current and future generations.

Get one for every child, grandchild, and dog lover in your life. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!



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Frisbee Jack

Amy from St. Petersburg, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have an urgent situation with my dog Jack, a 10-year old yellow lab. He was scheduled for orthopedic shoulder surgery yesterday, but it had to be cancelled at the last minute due to elevated kidney levels.

Jack’s pain is so significant, he can’t walk without limping and can only walk a very short distance to potty. I saw the pain in his eyes for the first time this weekend.

Jack’s arthroscopic bilateral shoulder surgery is to complete a very long diagnostic process to get at the root of his pain. He played Frisbee in the most extreme way (running top speed, flying through the air …) for most of his life until he started having orthopedic issues in his hind legs in 2018 and then in the front legs a few months later. We believe this is what caused the layers of injuries in his shoulders and possibly low back.

Jack has kept me going (literally) through some really hard times. I will do whatever is necessary to take away his pain.

Yesterday, I told him telepathically that it was okay if he wanted to cross over and today, for the first time in his life, he’s not following me around like my shadow. I wonder if that means his soul is ready?

If he’s able to have the shoulder surgery, will it, along with injections and physical therapy, help him? Are we on the right track?

I’d love to get a pet scan if you find you have any openings and if not, I’d love to see what you get on your radio show. Thanks so much for reading and listening Julie!



Hi Amy,

Sorry to hear about your dog Jack. It’s so hard to watch our pets suffer, especially when no one seems to be able to identify what’s causing the pain.

In order to get some information for you, I first energetically connected to you and from you to Jack.

When I got Jack on my “radar” (got an image of him in my mind’s eye), the energy went to his lower spine over his back legs. I “saw” (again in my mind’s eye) what looked like bone spurs in his lumbosacral spine over his hips and back legs. I also “saw” what looked like arthritis. To me, arthritis looks like whitish mineral deposits found on a leaky copper pipe. An energetic healing was done to remove the bone spurs and arthritis.

Next, the energy went to Jack’s left shoulder. It looked like he had a pinched tendon. I watched a healing performed that released the tendon.

As for his problematic kidney function levels, did your vet tell you they didn’t want to do the surgery because his kidneys may have trouble processing the anesthesia that would be used? I’m sure they’ll have a protocol to help Jack with his kidney issues. In the meantime, I energetically flushed and gave his kidneys a tune-up.

The most important thing for you to know is, right now, Jack isn’t dying. His spirit is very much in his body.

When I asked if Jack’s shoulder surgery would be successful, I “got” a yes. When I asked if it would relieve his pain, again I “got” a yes. When I asked if Jack would benefit from injections and physical therapy post-op, I “got” a yes for the third time.

These answers tell me you are indeed on the right track and that Jack will recover from the pain he is now experiencing.

Hope this helps and hope Jack feels better soon.

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Jamie from Black Creek, WI, asked:

My Blue Heeler pup Dandy has had urinary issues since she was born and has been on antibiotics since July of 2019.

She went through a heat cycle and we hoped it corrected anything physical inside and out, but does she need anything more other than to be spayed?

I’m not quite sure she’s ever felt 100% in her lifetime … albeit short.

Thank you so much in advance.

Hi Jamie,

Hate to hear your pup Dandy hasn’t been feeling well. It always seems harder to watch any kind of baby, human or animal, be sick or in pain.

In order to get some information for you, I first energetically connected to you and from you to Dandy.

Once I got her on my radar (saw an image of her in my mind’s eye), I saw what looked like a partial blockage in her urethra.

The American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) says urinary obstructions in the urethra can be caused by calculi (stones), injury, a tumor, or scar tissue. I believe Dandy’s issue was congenital, meaning she was born with a partial obstruction.

Next, an energetic healing occurred where a small, corkscrew-like device tunneled through her urethra clearing the blockage. Her urethra was then irrigated, clearing any remaining debris and looked completely open.

At the end of the healing, I “watched” urine flowing from her bladder and out of her body.

At this time, I’m not “seeing” any infection.

Hope this helps and hope Dandy is soon feeling dandy!

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Dorothy from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie,

My best friend Debbie just lost her beloved dog Chloe in a tragic accident.

Last week Chloe broke through a barrier my friend had made on her balcony, fell from the 9th floor and was killed instantly.

Debbie found Chloe’s little body on the concrete floor in her building and was hysterical. She is completely devastated and feels guilty and ashamed.

She would like a message from Chloe to try and understand the spiritual reason why she decided to exit so tragically.

Many thanks Julie!


Hi Dorothy,

So sorry to hear about Chloe. I can only imagine what your friend Debbie is going through.

The loss of a pet can feel almost as painful as when a family member or friend passes. For some, the grief may seem more intense simply because a pet often provides companionship and unconditional love.

In addition, many of us have routines that revolve around our pets. Taking them for walks, letting them outside, feeding and play times all help form our daily lives, lives that now need to be reimagined.

The American Kennel Club says, “Just how long grief lasts varies for everyone. For some, bringing a new dog into the home sooner rather than later can help ease the pain. For others, it takes longer to open their hearts and home again. Just remember, it’s completely natural to mourn the loss of a dog, and you’re never alone in your grief.”

Per your request, I did connect with Chloe’s spirit with the hope of getting some answers for Debbie.

Chloe wanted Debbie to know her death was quick, easy, painless and instant. Just like humans, animals decide when, how, where and with whom they are when they die.

Chloe also wanted Debbie to know she is around her all the time. She said Debbie thinks she hears her and at times feels her nearby. She is correct. Chloe’s spirit is in fact letting Debbie know she’s there.

In addition, Chloe said it was a convenient time for her “go” and now is a good time for Debbie to get and train a puppy. She suggested Debbie consider getting another female dog.

Lastly, Canada Pet Loss Resources, the American Kennel Club and an organization called Chance’s Spot all offer pet loss grief support Debbie may find helpful.

Thanks for your question. Hope this information helps comfort your friend.

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Animal Healer

Jennifer from Roscoe, IL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am a full-time foster for various animal shelters in my community. In the past 8 years I have fostered over 200 animals but due to health issues, I have recently started taking on just single animals with disabilities.

I am very interested in energetic healing and would love to someday just visit shelters and do energy healing for any animal that needed it.

Right now, I have a 12-week-old puppy with Cerebellar Hypoplasia I’m trying to help with balance issues. Can you please do a scan on him and see what you could energetically do for him?

Also, I’m wondering if there is a special meditation that you would recommend prior to doing a healing?

I know I am destined to help shelter animals in a bigger way than fostering and I’m incredibly drawn to energy healing. Just not sure where to begin.

Thank you so much for your time and any info you have regarding this subject. It would mean the world to me if you responded.

I listen to your show every week and you are what got the ball rolling with my idea.

Thank you for all that you do.



Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for listening to my show and especially for the care you give shelter animals. What a calling!

I did some research on Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH) and learned it’s a malformation of the cerebellum, the portion of a dog’s brain responsible for motion control.

In addition, I spoke with my favorite veterinarian, daughter-in-law Mallory about CH and your puppy. The brilliant Dr. Mal said, “Hypoplasia can occur in both puppies and kittens. The cause is idiopathic (unknown) in most cases, however, it’s most likely related to in utero viral infections, toxins or genetic disorders. In puppies, canine herpes is the most common viral cause.” She went on to say, “Most puppies with Cerebellar Hypoplasia have a good prognosis and go on to live normal lives, just with an abnormal gait.”

In order to scan your pup, I energetically connected to you and from you to him. When I got him on my “radar” I “saw” (in my mind’s eye) what looked like an underdeveloped section of his brain with scar tissue on the end. It reminded me of a scar seen on the stump of an amputee. Then I watched (again in my mind’s eye), a healing where the scar tissue was removed and stem-cell energy was used to regenerate the missing part of his brain.

Next, I watched a wave of energy go from your puppy’s head to his tail encapsulating him in a transparent cloud. It was as if this energy gave him strength and balance. Hope it helps.

As for how best to become an animal healer, I recommend enrolling in my Angelic Attendants Training where (among many other skills), you’ll learn to communicate with any spirit (human or animal) and facilitate energetic healings.

In the meantime, here’s a meditation to enhance clarity. You can use clarity to discern the best way to help your current puppy and future rescues.


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Blind Cat

Fabia from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie,

I came across you on Instagram and am hoping to have a general reading with you some day.

In the meantime, I was wondering if you could answer a question about my beloved cat, which is 19 years old.

My fur baby has had some health issues lately and just recently went blind. Since that happened, he now hides in the basement. I have to bring him up to take him outside.

Is there anything else I can do to help him stay upstairs and make him comfortable? 

Thank you,


Hi Fabia,

In order to get more information for you, I energetically connected to you in Canada and from you to your cat.

When I scanned him, I could see (in my mind’s eye) what looked like damaged nerves to both of your cat’s eyes. The pet health network website says, “Optic neuritis or inflammation of the optic nerve is relatively uncommon in cats but does occur and is associated with viral infections, protozoal infections and fungal infections. The term “optic neuritis” compromises all diseases of the optic nerve that cause deterioration and usually produce a sudden visual field problem or total loss of vision in one or both eyes.

In addition, I asked my brand new daughter-in-law Mallory who is a veterinarian about your cat. Dr. Mal said, his blindness is most likely caused by hyperthyroidism and or hypertension that has caused retinal detachment. I “got” (received information) these issues were also at play.

So, in order to help your cat, I did an energetic healing that generated new nerve tissue on both of his eyes and also fixed his detached retinas.

When looking through his eyes from behind, I could see a small hole of vision begin to appear in the center of his eyeballs. I believe his vision may improve with time.

Lastly, your cat told me he’s hanging out in the basement because sunlight hurts his eyes. He said he’s more comfortable in low light or darkness. You may want to see about getting a pair of feline sunglasses for him. Perhaps the pet store or your vet can help you with that.

Hope you find this information useful and hope your cat’s vision improves.

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