
Julie Ryan

Medical Intuitive

Advice From Spirit

Stefanie from Slidell, LA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I wanted to seek advice from my friend who recently transitioned from Covid-19 in February 2021. She’s the only one that knows me like the back of my hand.

She knows my relationship with the father of my children and I need to know her advice on moving on without him as a spouse and just as a father to my children.  

Any advice she gives will be amazing.

I miss her so much and I just know she can hear me.

Thanks for your help with this.


Hi Stefanie,

My condolences on the loss of your friend.

To get some information for you, I first connected with you and from you to your late friend.

She said, “You’re a rock!” She also said, “You’ve been through so much this year and it’s only September. Stay strong!”

Your friend wanted you to know she’s always around you and is supporting you from Heaven.

Now, with regards to your relationship, she suggests you move on with your life and find happiness with someone who loves you and your kids.

In addition, I asked God, the universe, your spirit guides, angels, and deceased loved ones the same question. They unanimously concurred.

Remember, you can chat with your late friend’s spirit and any other spirit any time you wish.

Just say something to them either in your head or aloud and your next thought will be their answer. It’ll feel like a thought in your head.

How you’ll know it’s them is, it’ll be the first thought you have and it’ll arrive within a second (sometimes even before your thought is finished).

If you think about the answer for more than a second, that’ll be your brain talking to you.

Hope this information helps.

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Developing Intuitive Abilities

Jay from Williamsville, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m curious to know what event (if any) initiated your ability to reach into the realms to help other living souls.

Can you share the what, when, where, and how that resulted in your healing and reading abilities?

Thank you.


Hi Jay,

Thanks for your curiosity and kind comments.

Although I jokingly tell people I’m not one of those psychics who’s had dead people chasing her since childhood, it’s the truth. I learned how to be a medical intuitive and psychic medium.

My “woo-woo” journey began about 30 years ago when a friend gave me Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Myss who calls herself a medical intuitive, a description I hadn’t ever heard before.

This piqued my curiosity since I was in the hospital supply industry developing, manufacturing and selling medical devices that helped people heal. So, I went to a bookstore to see what else I could find on the topic. (The internet wasn’t yet an option.)  

That’s where I found Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan, PhD. In her book, Dr. Brennan, a former NASA physicist, parlayed complicated quantum physics principles used in energy healing into understandable language a non-scientific person like me could understand.

These two books led me to enroll in a six-year program where I learned about energy fields, energy healing and other related topics at the School of Healing Arts in Nashville, TN.

Fast forward and I now teach people from all walks of life and many countries how to do every “woo-woo” thing I do in my Angelic Attendant Training. This includes medical intuitive scans, energy healing, pet communication and healing, conversing with spirits (both alive and deceased), past life scans, and being able to tell if a person is close to death. We’re all born with intuitive abilities, it’s just a matter of developing and enhancing them.

More details about my journey are in my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

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Angels and Dementia

Rebecca from Buckinghamshire, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

My mother is in the very late stages of dementia and is bed bound. I care for her at home. 

She sleeps most of the day, but when she’s awake, she often has conversations with people I can’t see. Sometimes she mentions them by name and smiles and laughs. I cannot understand the conversations as she’s no longer very coherent. My mother also gasped at seeing our old pet dog, “Henry!” This is all from a woman who can no longer give names in “normal” conversation.

It brings me great comfort, as I think she’s obviously straddling different realms. She’s been seeing these visitors for quite a few months. At times she seems to look in awe (possibly angels?). 

Do you know how the transitions work with dementia? 

I have a private reading booked with you but it’s not until January. 

Many thanks for your time.


Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for your note about your mom seeing angels, deceased relatives, and pets. I too find it comforting that we’re all surrounded by these spiritual entities as we transition from this life to Heaven.

Having dementia is of no consequence to the Twelve Phases of Transition™ process.

It has been my experience we all go through the Twelve Phases of Transition™ as we’re dying. This is the case regardless of whether we die instantly like in a homicide or suicide, or like your mom, over a prolonged period of time. 

What may often be interpreted as a symptom of dementia or a hallucination, seeing deceased loved ones in dreams or visions at the end of life has now been validated with university-based research.

In his book Death Is But A Dream, Dr. Chris Kerr, a hospice director, reports his research showed close to 90% of the 1,400 patients studied reported just that.

In my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next, I describe in detail how we’re surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones and pets as we’re dying.

My book addresses what your mom is experiencing from the spiritual perspective while Dr. Kerr’s book discusses the same findings from a medical/research point of view.

Your mom is currently in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition™. She tells me she isn’t ready to go, isn’t in pain, and just wants to spend a bit more time with her family.

Hope this information provides some additional comfort to you as you go through this time. Look for little miracles along the way. You’ve been given one already just knowing your mom is surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones.

P.S. – Regarding our January appointment, periodically check for earlier appointments by clicking on the “reschedule” button on your confirmation email. Clients often reschedule.

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Two Minute Rule™

Valentina from Kharkov, Ukraine asked:

Dear Julie: 

Sorry in advance about any mistakes in this note. I am 71 years-old and only speak Russian. I used the computer to translate my thoughts into English.

My letter is the cry of a soul tortured by grief. My only son needs help. His name is Artyom and he’s 37 years-old.

In childhood, Artyom survived two strong frights. These were severe emotional injuries that led to irreversible consequences including an obsessive fear of death, fear of people with mental disabilities, and the fear of looking crazy. As the years went by, his fears grew.

Medicine has been powerless. Now, my son lives in captivity of his obsessive fears causing panic attacks.  

Artyom understands his fears are unreasonable, but he cannot control them. He tells me, “Mom, I am no one and nothing. I have no future. There’s some malfunctioning malware in my head. My brain needs to be restarted like a computer.”

Can you please scan my son? Is there a way out of such a difficult situation? I beseech you, please help my son if possible.  

Thank you for your time. All good wishes for you and your loved ones. 

God Bless you.



Hi Valentina,

Thank you for your efforts to send your request to me. You are the epitome of the power of a mother’s love for her child. I’m honored you took the time to translate your Russian thoughts into English so I could understand them.

First and foremost, I recommend taking Artyom to a licensed mental health professional. My thoughts and perspectives are only as a medical intuitive.

In order to get some information for you about Artyom, I energetically connected to you and from you to your son. When I telepathically asked for permission to scan him, he declined. As you most likely know, I won’t scan someone without their approval. It’s an ethical code I have implemented for myself.

You may want to talk with Artyom about allowing me to do a medical scan on him. Please let me know if he agrees.

In the meantime, my Two Minute Rule™ may help.

Our heads are big satellite dishes that receive and transmit frequencies. Contrary to what most of us believe, thoughts don’t originate in our heads, rather, we pull them in from the ethers. Every thought has its own frequency. Furthermore, much like how a radio station broadcasts on a specific megahertz (MHz), our thoughts are broadcast on a certain frequency as well.

Thoughts feel neutral, good, or bad. When we feel neutral or good about something, we’re in alignment with our spirit which is pure love. When we experience thoughts that feel bad, they’re based in fear and our emotions let us know we’re out of alignment with our spirit. Now, bad-feeling thoughts are either a rational fear, something will harm or kill us or an irrational fear. Irrational fears are false and are 99.9% of thoughts we think that make us feel badly.

It’s important to remember, we’re all hardwired for fear. (We’re afraid of the saber-toothed tiger who may eat us for lunch although he’s been extinct for thousands of years.)

We’ve all experienced having a negative thought that leads to another negative thought, leading to many more unpleasant thoughts that eventually make us feel awful. Those thoughts are coming into our heads on a specific frequency so all we have to do is change the channel. Here’s how …

When we have an unpleasant thought, we can ask, is this going to kill me in the next two minutes? (I call this the Two Minute Rule™). If the circumstances will harm or kill you, change the conditions (get out of the street before the bus hits you). If not, you know your fear is false, it’s fake, you’re making it up.

As soon as you use the Two Minute Rule™, you disconnect from the unpleasant thought frequency, change the channel, raise your vibrational level, get back into alignment with your spirit and immediately feel better. Curiosity is based in love. When we’re curious, it’s fun, we’re interested and want to know more.

Utilizing the Two Minute Rule™ and making it a habit can enhance your life in every area. Teach it to Artyom. Practice it with him. Pretty soon he may feel substantially better and that will help him attract more good-feeling thoughts. It’s really that simple.

The best part of the Two Minute Rule™ is, it’s free and convenient. It works wherever your brain is, and your brain is usually with you wherever you are.

Hope this helps. Sending love to you in the Ukraine.



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Transparent Man

Cary from Wilmington, DE, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband has head and neck cancer and is currently undergoing chemo to treat it. 

This morning when I awoke, I saw what looked like a transparent man, with a checkered shirt and his hand in his pocket at the foot of our bed looking at my husband. I blinked and he was gone. Could that have been real and who was it? So strange for it to happen now.

I look forward to speaking with you in October, hard as I tried that is the earliest appointment I could schedule.

Thanks Julie.

Fondly, Cary

Hi Cary,

So sorry to hear about your husband. Hope his treatment goes well.

As for the transparent man, you saw a spirit, and yes, he was real. That’s exactly how they appear, like a hologram of a person.

To get some information for you, I did an “instant replay” of the spirit visiting your bedroom and asked the spirit his name. He said “Uncle John”.

I then asked “Uncle John” if he had a message for you or your husband. His response was, “This will, at times, seem like a tortuous journey for both of you. Please remember, as you progress down this path, you have the full support of the spirit community. That includes Spirit (God), your angels, guides, deceased loved ones, the whole group. Feel free to call on us when you need to be propped up and know we’re always there for you.”

Remember, you can communicate with Spirit any time you like. Just say something. They’ll answer you within a second. It’ll feel like a thought in your head. If you think about an answer, for more than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you.

As for our October appointment, periodically check the “reschedule” button at the bottom of your confirmation email. It’ll show earlier appointments when they become available. Clients often reschedule.

Sending big hugs to you and your husband!


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Finding Our Purpose

Monica from Lisbon, Portugal, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve always had a strong desire to search for answers to what my mission is in this world, on this planet.

At the age of 35, I am exhausted trying to find my purpose, what I’m good at and what I should do for living. 

Please help me.

Thank you.


Hi Monica,

Thanks for your question. It’s one I’m often asked.

Most of us believe we should know our purpose in life and know a route that will direct us to a destination of total fulfillment.

Hate to break it to you, but life doesn’t work that way. No wonder you’re exhausted trying to find a path that doesn’t exist. The missing link here, is, we create our purpose/destiny one step at a time as we progress through life.

Every spirit incarnates to have the human experience and that boils down to exploring and experiencing all life has to offer.

Furthermore, each spirit comes in with a very generalized script of something it wants to create. It may involve being a teacher.

As you can imagine, there are many ways to teach. It can be in a school, university, hospital, company, etc. The options are endless and may involve multiple scenarios in a lifetime (e.g., a schoolteacher becomes a corporate educator).

We create our purpose/destiny as we go through life by following where we’re led.

Pay attention to what you find interesting, enjoyable, and just plain fun. That’ll be your clue to figuring out your next step. Use your feelings to guide you. If something feels bad in any way (boredom, anxiety, fear, etc.), that’s your spirit letting you know you’ve veered off course. Think of emotion as an internal GPS we all possess.

One last thing, it’s impossible to make a mistake. Everything always unfolds perfectly in our lives and benefits us in some way. Knowing what we don’t want helps us create what we do want.

Enjoy the adventure!


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Angels, Spirits, Transition

Suz from East Hanover, NJ, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can someone be in the middle of the twelve phases and actively be living their lives, like going on errands and doing chores?

Love your show!



Hi Suz,

First, thanks for your kind comments about my show. I love doing it.

Second, what a great question about the Twelve Phases of Transition™.

Everyone goes through a process I call the Twelve Phases of Transition when they die. It involves a configuration of angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets and changes as we approach death. This occurs whether we die instantly like in the case of a homicide or suicide or whether we take days, weeks, months or even years to pass.

If we remember time doesn’t exist in the spirit world, (it’s a human creation), it’s easier to wrap our heads around this concept.

Having said all that, yes, it’s entirely possible to be living life to the fullest and then transition. Happens all the time.

In addition, it’s also possible to move backwards from advanced phases of transition and to even decide to live.

My brother’s friend was in Phase 11 and I fully expected him to quickly pass. His spirit had other ideas because he healed and is still living … 15 years later!

Hay House founder Louise Hay had the right idea when she said, “Happy, Healthy, Dead”!

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Tragedy To Hope

Sally from Tampa, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

Our 8 year-old daughter transitioned in 2020 following a very long cancer journey. We also have a 10 year-old son and would like to increase our family.  

Although we know this wouldn’t replace our daughter, we believe our son would like a sibling and our home is painfully quiet at the moment.  

We talked about expanding our family before our daughter was diagnosed at age 3 but then life happened and plans changed.  

Is having another child possible for us? And if so, what that would that look like (adoption, surrogacy, IVF)?  

Can you please ask our daughter what she thinks of this idea? I know she’s still with us, but I miss her – in the physical world – every second of every minute of every hour of every day.   

Thank you Julie. 


Hi Sally,

My condolences on the loss of your daughter. I can’t even imagine what you and your family have experienced with her illness and subsequent passing.

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and “saw” (in my mind’s eye) two babies’ spirits attached to your energy field. They look like little orbs and are positioned over your right shoulder.

No, they aren’t twins, rather, they are spaced with one out front and the other behind it in the near distance.

As to if these little spirits will incarnate? At this time, I get a “YES”.

How will they be conceived? I get “With the help of IVF”.

Now, having said all that, keep in mind, a future event is fluid and has a bazillion variables that can affect its outcome. This means, the answers I “get” today, may be different in the future.

Lastly, your daughter thinks your having more children is a (in her words) brilliant idea!

Hope this information provides some comfort and at the same time some joy to you and your family.

Sending big hugs from Sweet Home Alabama down to you in Florida!

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Sugar Addiction and Infertility

Danielle from Indian Rocks Beach, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m super interested in spirituality and I’m blown away by you!

I suffer from what I think is an eating disorder (extreme addiction to sugar) and experience infertility. Are the two related?

Can you help?

Thank you!


Hi Danielle,

Thanks for your kind comments.

Regarding your sugar addiction, welcome to the club!

Most of us have an addiction to sugar and I, in particular, have an enormous issue with it. So much so, that I completely gave up eating sugar over two years ago.

Statistics show the average American adult ingests 22 teaspoons of sugar a day while children eat a whopping 34 teaspoons of sugar a day!

The Cleveland Clinic suggests the following to break the sugar habit in 10 days:

1) Make the decision to quit

2) Avoid all sugars and artificial sweeteners

3) Drink unsweetened coffee or tea and avoid all juices

4) Add protein to every meal

5) Only eat non-starchy vegetables

6) Include good fats at every meal (I like Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil)

7) Manage stress

8) Avoid Gluten and dairy

9) Sleep

Now, to your other question about sugar interfering with your fertility. The answer is absolutely!

Stonybrook Medicine at the State University of New York says, “When processed sugars are eaten, insulin levels spike and flood the body. For purposes of fertility, they can interfere with the process of egg maturation. Insulin and hormones that make egg cells mature are so chemically similar, that when there is too much insulin in the bloodstream, the body confuses the insulin with the egg-maturing hormones, causing the levels to lower. Consistent occurrence of this may cause the amount of maturing eggs to decrease and interfere with ovulation.

Plus, when your hormone production is stunted, too much testosterone is released by the body which can lead the woman to developing PCOS, which make conceiving difficult.”

Lastly, there is hope. If I can completely give up sugar after a lifetime of failed attempts, you can too!

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