
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Forgiveness Requested

Elaine from Raleigh, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

My parents passed away within 10 months of each other.

My father’s passing was difficult for my mother. She had Covid and even though she thought she’d recover, she wanted to be with my father in Heaven.

The pandemic prevented valuable family moments. I couldn’t travel to see my parents before they became ill and I regret not spending more time with them.

At the end, I was able to be with my mother at the hospital when she told the nurses that my father and some angels were around her.

I now know my mom was not alone while passing to the spiritual world. She was with my dad, angels, her parents, and other family members.

Did she suffer while in the hospital? Is she now reunited with my father like she wanted?

Please ask my mom to forgive me for not going to visit when she asked me to and tell both of my parents that I miss them every day and love them.



Hi Elaine,

My sincere condolences on the passing of your parents.

You are absolutely right in believing your parents were surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets as they transitioned. In fact, no one dies alone.

That’s what I discuss in my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and it’s validated and corroborated by many healthcare, hospice, and funeral professionals. In addition, Christopher Kerr, MD, found close to 90% of end-of-life patients report seeing the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets in Death Is But A Dream.

Regarding your questions:
– Yes, your mother is now reunited with your dad and all deceased family members, friends, and pets.
– Yes, she did suffer in the hospital and appreciates the care she received.

As for your parents forgiving you for not spending more time with them, they said there wasn’t anything to forgive. They wanted you to know they’re always around you and your family and that they love you very much.

To help you heal, you may want to write a letter (using a pen and paper) to your parents and mention everything you’ve been feeling about your limited time with them and their passing. Include every thought and emotion you can think of and forget about spelling, grammar, etc. Just let your thoughts flow into the words you put on paper.

Once finished, take the letter outside and burn it. Watch the smoke rise toward Heaven and scatter the cooled ashes in your garden knowing your parents are receiving this special gift from you.

I believe you’ll find this exercise to be comforting, healing, and emotionally joyful.

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Horse Grief

Stephanie from Eureka, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Right before Christmas I had to put down one of my horses. Shanook hurt himself and the injury wasn’t recoverable. He’d been with me since 2004 and passed at the age of 26.

The decision to euthanize Shanook is like a knife in my heart daily. In addition, my other horse Ruger, hasn’t been the same since Shanook left us.

I can feel and see how much Ruger misses Shanook. His calls for him are less frequent and I get the feeling that Ruger may be angry at me for what happened because he is different with me now.

Ruger used to greet me daily and now he doesn’t acknowledge me unless i walk in front of him. He just stares off like he is waiting for Shanook to show up.

Is there a way you can tell Ruger I miss Shanook too and that he is no longer in pain? They were together for 24 years so I know Ruger is missing him too.

They were so beautiful together. Ruger is a black and white Paint and Shanook was a brown, white, and black Paint. They were best friends.

Thank you for your consideration.


Hi Stephanie,

My condolences on Shanook’s passing. Many of us find losing a beloved pet is just about as painful as losing a human loved one.

Research shows horses actually do grieve. Equine Wellness Magazine says, “Some horses show easily observable expressions of grief, such as waiting for days by the gate through which their buddy disappeared, exhibiting reduced social interaction, or appearing depressed. Their eyes may be lackluster, their usual expressions of joy may fall by the wayside, and even food intake may be reduced. Sometimes they will just be a little quieter overall, which can easily go unnoticed. These signs of grieving are most likely to become apparent shortly after the loss.”

Speaking of equine grief, it’s interesting to note that wild horses have a good-bye ritual they perform when one of their fellow horses is dying. Similar to people coming to visit a human loved one at the end of their life, wild horses come in families and take turns individually sharing breath with the dying horse.

Katherine Houpt, DVM, Ph.D., physiologist and animal behaviorist at the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University says, “Behavioral treatment is aimed at getting the grieving horse interested in its environment again and may be assisted with medical and pharmaceutical options to treat anxiety, depression, not eating, etc.”

To get some personalized information for you, I spoke (telepathically) to both Shanook and Ruger.

Shanook wants you to know how much he appreciates your euthanizing him. He said his pain was tremendous and that when his spirit left his body, he felt like Pegasus. He even showed me an image of him flying upwards just like the mythological winged horse. He also said he visits you in your dreams.

When communicating (again, telepathically) with Ruger, he said he misses Shanook very much, understands why you had Shanook put down, and now just feels lonely most of the time. If possible, Ruger would like for you to get another horse, and asks that you get a younger horse who will be around for a long time.

Hope this information helps comfort you.

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Infertility Healing

Vera from Ceska Trebova, Czech Republic, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have been in the process of conceiving for 6.5 years now and have never been pregnant. I’m depleted mentally, energetically, and financially too. I will be 42 in less than 2 weeks and feel like I’m running out of hope and options.

Would you be able to do a scan and possibly some healing on me please?

I’d always had normal periods but then around the age of 27 they gradually became very light and extremely painful and have been like this since then. I have never found out why. At 37 I was told I had low AMH and only about a year ago I was told through an ultrasound I had suspected endometriosis including small endometriomas on my ovaries (something that was never seen before). I’m awaiting an MRI scan. IVF at the age of 38 didn’t work.

My partner has 4 children with his ex-wife, the youngest is 12 years old and his basic semen tests were fine.

Are you able to tell where the problem could be and why life is keeping me away from having my children? And, can anything can be done to improve my light and painful periods?

Thank you very much for you time.


Hi Vera,

Thanks for your questions. Since I work with a lot of future moms trying to conceive, I often hear of the heartache and frustration that goes with wanting to have a baby.

First and foremost, please know, when energetically scanning you, I “see” (in my mind’s eye) two baby spirits attached to your energy field. They look like little orbs and are above your right shoulder.

One baby’s spirit is fairly close and the other is a distance away. This means they’re not twins!

Babies’ spirits attach to the mother’s energy field before they’re conceived. Sometimes, they’re attached years before they incarnate.

It’s important to remember, these spirits can be babies you birth, adopt, use a surrogate to birth, etc. There are several ways to become a mother.

Next, I energetically scanned you and did see endometriosis. Endo looks like fake spider web material (used to decorate at Halloween). It was energetically removed.

Next, I did a DNA healing on you to help your body stop producing endometrial tissue.

Your ovaries have viable eggs (they look like blonde caviar), your fallopian tubes are open, and your uterine lining is fine.

Please consider avoiding sugar and refined foods. They’re known to exacerbate endometriosis. I believe changing your diet will also help eliminate your painful periods.

Lastly, consider getting The Better Baby Book by Lana Asprey, MD and Dave Asprey. The information you’ll learn by reading it will be a great help to you.

Best wishes with your baby adventure!

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Educate and Comfort

Shari from Columbus, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

I read your book Angelic Attendants and it is excellent!

I was by my mother’s side when she transitioned 21 years ago and it was actually a beautiful experience.

I sense her around me all the time and her spirit even showed up in a picture taken of me and my family four years after she passed away! I will treasure this picture forever.

For years, I’ve been wanting to reach out to other people to comfort them after their loved one has passed and let them know their spirit can still be present with them even when they are no longer in the physical world. Alas, I have no idea how to do this.

Any suggestions?

Thank you for taking time to read and answer my question.



Hi Shari,

Thanks for your kind comments and for reading Angelic Attendants.

Love the story about your mom’s spirit showing up in your family photo several years after she passed. What a great example of your mother letting you know she’s around you.

Regarding your desire to help comfort and educate those who’ve lost a loved one, I have several suggestions:

– Volunteer with a hospice organization.

– Get involved in grief support groups at local churches, hospitals, senior centers, and online.

– Gift a book on the topic. Two favorites are my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and Death Is But A Dream by Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD.

– Send people a link to my interview with Dr. Chris Kerr. It’s enlightening, heartwarming, and validates how spirits surround end-of-life patients.

– Consider taking my Angelic Attendant Training and learn to telepathically communicate with the dying person and tell how close to passing they are by identifying the Twelve Phases of Transition®. The information you’ll receive can be enormously helpful and comforting to the family.

Hope you find these ideas thought-provoking.

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Irish Hernia Repair

Brian from Duleek, Meath, Ireland, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a hernia in my stomach and I have difficulty swallowing.

If you could do something for it, that would be great.



Hi Brian,

I’ll be delighted to help you any way I can.

First, I energetically connected to you in Ireland and saw (in my mind’s eye) a hiatal hernia on the left side of your esophagus.

Then, I watched (again in my mind’s eye) a healing happen where the hiatal hernia was removed and energetic stem cell energy was used to heal your esophageal tissue.

Next, I checked your GI tract and saw an inguinal hernia in your lower abdomen. It too was repaired with an energetic healing.

It has been my experience that healings happen on the energetic level and integrate into the body. This can happen instantly, take days, weeks, or months, and may need complimentary care in the form of western medicine.

In your case, I believe it’s in your best interest to consult with a medical doctor.

In the meantime, do your best to stay low on the food chain. If God made it, eat it, and avoid processed foods.

Hope this helps you feel better.

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Past Life Blockages

Harpreet from Dubai, UAE, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am not able to have a stable life journey. Every 7 to 9 years I start over not only career wise but I move countries. (Not necessarily a bad thing.)

But I would like guidance on how to remove past life blockages and live the best life I can before I leave this body.

Thanks for your guidance.


Hi Harpreet,

Most of us have heard of past life blocks and believe they affect us in a negative way. I have a different opinion about the subject.

Yes, we all live many, many lifetimes. Information we glean from past life regressions and scans are often validated with historical data.

In each life, we explore a multitude of general ideas or concepts, similar to a script. For example, we may decide to incarnate and experience what it’s like to be a teacher.

Now, there are countless ways to teach. It can be in a classroom, corporate, or environmental setting. You can teach as an author of a book, a parent, a grandparent, coach, or dog trainer, each life in a different gender, different country and timeline. You get the idea.

In each life we realize new experiences that expand our spirit. All lifetimes give us the opportunity to look at similar situations from a different perspective.

My favorite past life analogy is to think of Hamlet. How may times has that play been performed since Shakespeare wrote it in 1603? Who knows! But think about the different countries, languages, actors, costumers, set designers, etc. involved, not to mention what was happening in the world at that moment in history. The same script was used, each time with a different perspective. Past lives are the same.

Regarding your life’s journey, it has and is unfolding perfectly. Your adventures in multiple careers and living in different countries has led you to experience a life your spirit wanted to explore.

We create our lives with our thoughts so all you have to do is think of what is exciting, joyful and fun and you’ll create a life filled with those concepts. There’s no need to clear anything from a past life. Everything has led you to where you are now which is allowing you to live your best life.

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Seeing Faces

Kathryn from Battery Point, Tasmania, Australia, asked:

Hi Julie,

For the past few months, I have been seeing faces when I close my eyes and try to sleep. It’s quite surreal and beautiful.

Some of the faces are black and white and some are in colour. They’re in both 2 and 3D. The faces are in succession and there isn’t time to really examine them.

Do you know what this is? I have done an internet search and learned it may have to do with my third eye or an awakening of parts of myself.

Any insight and what to do next would be most appreciated.

Regards and hugs (as you say),


Hi Kathryn,

Welcome to the club!

What you’re describing sounds like intuitive or psychic visions, sometimes called clairvoyance and I believe it is a step in the process of developing your intuitive skills.

Everyone is born with psychic/intuitive abilities. We all naturally enhance our “knowingness” or “gut reactions” as we age and many of us, like me, choose to consciously enhance our intuitive abilities with study and lots of practice.

When scanning a person, animal, or place, I normally have my eyes closed. It helps me be less distracted from what I’m “seeing” in my mind’s eye. The same may pertain to what happens with you when you close your eyes.

Regarding the faces you’re seeing, I did an instant replay (often used with a sporting event on television) of what you’re experiencing. I saw (in my mind’s eye) both faces rapidly moving across a screen (like a slide show) and faces moving around in a circular motion like a kaleidoscope.

Although these faces aren’t readily recognizable, I believe they relate to people you knew in countless past lives and many of them are soulmates.

And, there’s a good chance these soulmates are assuming different roles in your current life.

There are many online and in-person classes available (including my Angelic Attendant Training) that will help you continue to develop and enhance your intuitive abilities.

Hope my explanation helps clarify things for you.

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Wait For Love

Bertha in Central Islip, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

I love your podcast so much and although this question is silly, I just need some relief.

My boyfriend and I broke up this week and I’m heartbroken.

It wasn’t because of something bad, just that his job got very demanding. This caused him to be tired and stressed. He is also going to take classes and temporarily move away (from Long Island to Brooklyn). Since he can’t make us a priority, he feels it’s best for us to go our own ways.

He mentioned we can find each other in a few years when his job is more stable and he moves back to Long Island.

My question is, should I even entertain the idea of us getting back together?

Thank you for your input and for your show!


Hi Bertha,

So sorry to hear you’re hurting after the breakup with your boyfriend. That’s something most of us go through multiple times in our lives and it’s never easy.

As for whether you should wait around for him with the hope his job becomes less demanding, he has more free time, and he moves back to Long Island, here are a few thoughts for you to ponder.

The old saying, “If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be,” applies in your situation.

Psychology Today says, “What is behind this old saying? Some interpret it as a description of fate. Only fate can determine whether a relationship was meant to be. So, if you let someone go, they will come back if that’s your destiny.

For those of us who don’t believe in determinism, this explanation does not ring true. A better interpretation is that you cannot force someone to love you. You have to give them the freedom to choose.” I tend to agree with the shrinks.

As you may know, I’m a volunteer sorority advisor at the University of Alabama and have had countless chats with girls in your position who’ve recently broken up with their boyfriend.

My advice to them is the same I’m giving you. Just remember one four-letter word … NEXT! Who’s next?

Get on with your life and if you and your former boyfriend’s paths cross, see how you feel then. It’s common for people’s lives to unfold in ways that make what was once a match, not make sense anymore.

Lastly, when I asked Spirit’s guidance about whether it was in your best interest to wait for your former boyfriend, the answer i “got” was NO!



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Angels Around Mom

Ryann from Richmond, VA, asked:

Hello Julie,

My mother is suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s and has been in hospice for almost 2.5 years. She lost her eyesight, almost all her memory, and barely speaks anymore. She is young (69), but looks 20 years older than her biological age.

My mom hasn’t had any quality of life since she went into hospice. She lives in a dark, dingy, nursing home where she is being kept alive without any stimulation.

Our situation has been very painful because of how long she and my family have been in this holding pattern.

I’m wondering if you could scan her and tell me what phase of transition she is in, whether she is ready to pass, and if there is anything we can do to help her let go.

Her name is Debbie and she lives in Deerfield, IL.

I am so grateful for any insight you can share.



Hi Ryann,

Love your name!

So sorry to hear about your mom.

To get some information for you, I first connected with you in Virginia and then from you to your mother in Illinois.

At the time of this writing, she is in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition®. This means she is surrounded by angels, and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets.

Everyone goes through the Twelve Phases of Transition® regardless if they pass instantly like in the case of a homicide or suicide, or over a long period of time including days, weeks, months, or like your mom, years.

I asked your mom my standard three questions …

Are you ready to go? She said, “YES”.

Are you in pain? She said, “NO”.

What do you need? She said, “To see the sunlight”.

It’s easy to find out where your mom is in her leaving process. Just ask, “What Phase of Transition is my mom in?” You’ll get an answer in your head within a second. When the thought is immediate, you’ll know it’s from Spirit. Then, just refer to the chart on my website and you’ll have an illustration to guide you.

When your mom seems to be advancing through the Phases quickly, you’ll know to gather any family or friends that want to see her before she passes.

Always keep in mind, as we’re dying, your mom (and all of us), are surrounded by angels, and deceased loved ones. Knowing this adds a glorious component to what is usually a heart-wrenching situation.

Sending lots of hugs your way!

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