
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Guardian Angel and Intuition

Gori from Newcastle, DE, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just discovered you on a podcast episode of Enlightened Empaths.

I found your topics so fascinating and I was wondering if you could tell me the name of my guardian angel and if you think I have intuitive abilities?



Hi Gori,

Thanks for your kind comments.

The name of your guardian angel is Melchisedech who told me you can call it Mel as a nickname if you wish.

And yes, you absolutely have intuitive abilities. We all do.

Everyone is born with intuitive abilities and some of us choose to develop and enhance them as we go through life.

Please check out my intuitive trainings if you’d like to improve your intuitive skills.

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Autoimmune Healing

Wayne from Wakayama, Japan, asked:

Hi Julie,

My wife Noriko has lupus and a very defensive personality.

Any help you can provide would be most appreciated.

Thank you, bless you, and peace!


Hi Wayne,

The Mayo Clinic says, “Lupus is a disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs (autoimmune disease). Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems — including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs.”

The label “autoimmune disease” is used to categorize conditions (including type 1 diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and lots of others) when medical professionals don’t know the cause of symptoms.

And, although most physicians tell patients their “autoimmune disease” isn’t curable, it has been my experience in working with tens of thousands of clients, that everything can be healed.

To get some answers for you and especially your wife, I energetically connected to you and from you to Noriko. I then telepathically asked her permission to do a scan on her body. She said yes.

What I “saw” (in my mind’s eye), was, your wife has a lot of heavy metal toxicity, in particular, mercury, in her body. This condition could be the cause of her lupus and personality issues.

Does she eat a lot of fish and/or sushi? All fish contain some level of mercury, but most of the fish used in sushi and sashimi are large fish, such as tuna, yellowtail, bluefin, sea bass, and lobster, and they have the highest amounts of mercury.

Next, I “watched” (again in my mind’s eye), an energetic healing on Noriko that included a heavy metal detox, removal of mercury, and anti-inflammatory energy get applied.

Please consider having Noriko work with a functional medicine physician who can reverse engineer her symptoms to find the cause and help her heal. Go to the Institute For Functional Medicine to find a practitioner in your area.

In the meantime, since food is the best medicine, have Noriko consider doing a gut biome test that will help her learn the best foods to incorporate into her diet and what foods to avoid.

Hope this information helps Noriko feel better.

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Young Empathic Girl

Caroline from Scaly Mountain, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am reaching out about my ten-year-old daughter Beatrice. She is an empath.

Beatrice takes on others’ energy and has always had encounters with spirits since she was a baby. 

I am trying to foster confidence in her. Pre-teen and teenaged girls can be well … you know.

At this point, she gets scared by the spiritual experiences she has, and I would like her to be more comfortable and confident.

I welcome any advice you have. I’m just trying to foster my sweet girl’s uniqueness in a world where everyone wants to be the same.

Thanks for your consideration.


Hi Caroline,

Thanks for your note about Beatrice. She sounds extraordinary.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines empath as a person with the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Everyone has empathic abilities; we’re born with them. Some people, however, have a stronger, more developed sense for what others are feeling. Sounds like Beatrice falls into this category.

Likewise, we’re all born with intuitive/psychic abilities and can perceive and communicate with the spirits of deceased people and animals. It’s just that most of us shut down these innate skills around the age of seven. Parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and others who can’t perceive spirits convince us our experiences aren’t real.

Fortunately, we all can develop and enhance our abilities with a little interest and practice.

As for sweet Beatrice, encourage her to talk with you about what she’s seeing and perceiving.

Let her know all spirits are pure love. The whole evil spirit concept is nonsense. It doesn’t exist and was fostered by religions and civilizations to control people with fear.

When Beatrice senses a spirit, she may get goosebumps and/or an increased heartrate. That’s completely normal and is caused by spirit’s high vibration.

Also, please let Beatrice know spirits only send messages that feel neutral or good.

Please consider getting one of my children’s books for your daughter. They’re full of colorful illustrations and will help explain Beatrice’s spiritual experiences in a fun, simple-to-understand way.

Lastly, even though she’s young, consider looking into my new Angels and Enlightenment Training for Beatrice. She can do it at her own pace online and then participate in practice sessions that will help her hone her skills and validate the information she receives.

Having access to spirit will enhance Beatrice’s life in every way, for the rest of her life.

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Baby Possibilities

Natalya from Chicago, IL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am 38 years-old and have had only one pregnancy. If I wasn’t worried before, I am now.

I’ve decided I don’t want any fertility treatments but would absolutely welcome having a baby if it’s God’s will.

Would love any insight in what you see about my becoming a mom.

Thank you,


Hi Natalya,

To get some information, I energetically connected to you and saw three babies’ spirits attached to you. Good sign!

They look like little orbs over your right shoulder and are spaced out in the distance. That means they’re separate births (no twins).

A baby’s spirit attaches to the mother’s energy field before it’s conceived and can remain there for years. This is the case for both birth and adopted babies.

Next, I checked your “girly parts” (reproductive system) and cleared some scar tissue out of your left fallopian tube. Did you ever have an ectopic pregnancy?

I then energized your ovaries, tubes and uterus. Think of it as a maternal tune-up!

The Better Baby Book by Lana Asprey, MD and Dave Asprey is a wonderful resource with lots of helpful ideas about how to prepare for pregnancy and be healthy during and afterwards.

Hope this helps!

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Help With Parkinson’s

Sombra from Happy Valley, OR, asked:

Hi Julie,

I wanted to ask a medical question for my husband Steve.

He is 63 years old and in 2019 was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

I would like to know what he can do to heal his condition.

Thanks.   Sombra

Hi Sombra,

Thanks for your question about Steve.

Parkinson’s Disease affects the body’s central nervous system causing tremors, stiff muscles, difficulty walking, and other symptoms.

David Perlmutter, MD, is a neurologist in Miami with whom I resonate.

Dr. Perlmutter’s Parkinson’s patients seem to respond well when incorporating a ketogenic (low carb) diet and adding glutathione (an antioxidant produced in the cells) into their treatment plans.

In the meantime, some foods that help boost glutathione in the body are: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, garlic, onions, eggs, nuts, and lean protein.

I’ll be delighted to do a medical intuitive scan and energetic healing on Steve if he wishes. Please go to askjulieryan.com to schedule an appointment.

Hope this information helps.

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Evil People

Don from Ontario, Canada, asked:

Dear Julie:

I understand that the 12 phases of transition are experienced by most.

What happens to those who commit acts of evil or harm to others?

Are they separated from others in the afterlife because of their low energy field or are they brought into the afterlife like all others?

Many mediums say different things.

What is the truth?



Hi Don,

What a great question. It’s one I’m often asked.

Everyone is a spirit connected to a body having a human experience and all spirits are pure love.

The human side of us has what we call personality traits, and those characteristics stay with the body when someone dies.

So, every person goes through the Twelve Phases of Transition®, a sequence of events involving angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets at the end of their lives.

And, everyone’s spirit transitions into a non-physical state, often called Heaven.

All acts, whether they be judged by us humans as good or evil, are seen purely as neutral human experiences by spirit.

Hope this clarifies things for you.

To learn more about what happens when someone dies, please read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.


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Cause of Headaches

Gini from Bavaria, Germany, asked:

Dear Julie,

What´s with the headaches I am experiencing ALL THE TIME?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Many greetings from sunny Bavaria!



Hi Gini,

Greetings back to you, from sunny Sweet Home Alabama!

To learn what may be causing your headaches, I energetically connected to you in Germany and saw (in my mind’s eye), a hologram of your body. Two things stood out.

First, you look like you’re currently being or have been exposed to mold. I cleared it from your energy field.

To learn more about how to heal from mold toxicity, please watch the documentary called Moldy Movie and listen to an interview with Dr. Neil Nathan and Dr. Margaret Christensen, two physicians helping people heal from mold exposure.

Second, you look like you’re low in estrogen. Are you in menopause or perimenopause? If not, it’s highly likely you have a malabsorption issue going on. In the meantime, I energetically added estrogen to your body.

Please visit global women’s health expert Dr. Christiane Northrup’s website to learn about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

I believe these two issues, mold exposure and lack of estrogen are the cause of your headaches. I also believe you can heal your body and eliminate the headaches.

Hope this information helps and hope you feel better!

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Grieving Mom Questions

Susan from Queensland, Australia, asked: 

Hi Julie,

I heard you on ‘The Grief Coach’ podcast and really liked how you explained spirit.

In March of 2021, I tragically lost my 24-year-old daughter Scarlett from a pulmonary embolism.

I am wracked with guilt thinking that I missed something and should have taken her to the doctor.

I just hate to think of her collapsing and going into cardiac arrest alone on her bedroom floor. I’d like to know if she suffered and if it was quick.

Could we have saved her if the ambulance had gotten there sooner?

Thanks so much from a grieving mother,


Hi Susan,

My sincere condolences on the loss of your daughter Scarlett. I can’t even imagine what you and your family are going through.

To get some answers for you, I first connected to you in Australia and then from you to Scarlett.

Here’s a synopsis of her replies:

Scarlett wants you to know she (her spirit) chose to transition when, where, how, and alone. There wasn’t anything you or anyone else could’ve done to prevent this from happening.

Scarlett also wants you to know she was indeed surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones so she was (as she put it), far from alone, and she didn’t experience any suffering.

She said that’s why she chose to exit the way she did. It was quick, easy, and painless.

Scarlett wants you to know she’s always around you and appreciates your taking care of her dog.

You may want to investigate the Helping Parents Heal organization. It’s a fabulous global community that provides support to parents who’ve lost a child. I’ll be speaking at their conference later this summer and look forward to meeting the families who will be attending.

In addition, everyone can communicate with a deceased loved one. Here’s how …

Just think of Scarlett, then say something to her either silently or aloud.

Her response will immediately come into your head and feel like a thought.

You’ll know it’s Scarlett answering you when the thought arrives instantly or even before your question or statement is spoken. It’s really that simple.

To learn how to communicate with deceased loved ones, consider taking my new online, self-paced, Angels and Enlightenment Training. It comes with post-training practice sessions to help you develop, validate, and enhance the natural abilities we all have.

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Healing Career Suggestions

Shweta from Kolkata, India, asked:

Dear Julie,

I have a beautiful seven-year-old daughter and a deep inner calling to devote my life as a healer but due to recurring financial blockages, I’m stuck and not able to see and feel clearly.

I have tried all those physical earthly means to have a good career but nothing seems to be working.

Kindly help me clean my energy so that I can move into a more connected and abundant way with my daughter and myself and fulfill my inner calling.



Hi Shweta,

Thanks for wanting to have a career as a healer. You’ll undoubtedly help many people.

When asking Spirit for guidance to help you realize your calling, I “got” the following suggestions:

  • Use social media to establish a following 
  • Do healings on family and friends and ask them to recommend you
  • Get involved with a local group of healers, perhaps through a spiritual bookstore
  • Join and participate in online spiritual groups on Facebook
  • Volunteer healings at philanthropic organizations (can be done remotely).

All of these suggestions are free and will help you hone your skills and keep your vibration high which will allow you to continue to receive guidance from Spirit.

Remember, our thoughts create our reality and all thoughts are neutral until we give them meaning so never give up.

Best wishes for your success.

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