
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Finding K9 Dog

Derek from Arlington, VA, asked:

Hi Julie,

My girlfriend Celeste’s ex was a K9 trainer for a specialized military unit in Coronado, CA. Together, they purchased a Belgian Malinois, named Drew (in honor of a fallen Special Forces soldier in Afghanistan), which was both a beloved pet and a service K9 trained for explosive detection and bite work.

When they split, Celeste kept Drew and still had him when she moved in with me. When my work took me to the east coast, our living circumstances were such that she could no longer keep Drew, so she donated him to a police department in Texas.

Later, Celeste discovered she had been duped by some unscrupulous people in the service K9 industry. When she called a month later to check on her beloved pet, she was told Drew had gotten out of his kennel, had attacked the other K9 dogs, and was shot because they were unable to control him. 

After doing some research, we now believe the individual who took him was actually a private party posing as a K9 broker. We don’t know if Drew is really deceased, or if those that took him used him to breed other Malinois or sold him for a few thousand dollars.

I am writing to see if you can help us find some closure as to what really happened to Drew.

I found you through your interview with Dave Asprey. I have read your book, Angelic Attendants, and am an avid listener to your podcasts

Thank you for what you do.


Hi Derek,

Thanks for your note, for reading my book, and for listening to my show.

I’m so sorry to hear about your experiences in finding Drew a new home.

To get some information for you, I first connected to you in VA and then from you to Drew. He is indeed in spirit.

Upon asking him what happened, he confirmed he was shot and killed. The scene he showed me looked like a breeding kennel situation. He showed me he was being abused by the humans running the operation and when released from his kennel, he did what he could to escape. That included attacking other dogs and the man handling him.

The good news is, Drew’s spirit is around you and especially Celeste, all the time. He is happy, healthy, and pure love.

Although this information will be difficult to hear, I hope it brings some closure and comfort to you and Celeste.


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Holiday Stories Benefit Everyone

Why is it that we all love holiday stories?

I believe it’s because hearing stories during this special time makes us feel nostalgic and a part of a larger group of people who have heard the same tales over the years.

In addition, it seems there’s a physiological reason we feel elated when hearing a story.

Maria Amasanti, MD, says, “Neuroscience has shown that the brain processes stories differently compared to other types of information. The emotional connection with stories enables the brain to remember meaningful details. The brain activity of someone reading fiction has been shown to closely resemble that of someone going through the actual experience.

Furthermore, scientists are finding that chemicals like cortisol, dopamine and oxytocin are released in the brain when we’re told a story.

  • Cortisol helps to make memories.
  • Dopamine, which helps regulate our emotional responses, keeps us engaged.
  • Oxytocin, aka the love hormone, creates empathy which is key in deepening and maintaining good relationships.”

The University of California, Berkley agrees, stating, “If the story has a happy ending, it triggers the limbic system, the brain’s reward center, to release dopamine.”

And, Harvard University reports, “Stories appeal to our senses and our emotions, not only drawing our attention more easily, but also leaving an impact on us as audiences. This makes storytelling powerful in delivering any message. If you deliver a story right, as evidenced throughout history, it might last a lifetime.”

The Nativity story in the Bible, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Moore, are all great examples of stories that last not only one, but countless lifetimes.

So, during this holiday season, read the classics to your children and yourself. Encourage loved ones to do the same and to share family stories of holiday get-togethers and happenings. It’ll provide a special connection between all participants and entertain everyone.

Wishing you and those you love a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Cause of Sleep Paralysis

Christine from Bloomfield, MI, asked:

Hi Julie,

I wanted to get some insight on episodes of sleep paralysis I have experienced.

I had them on and off as a child – during sleep I would feel my whole body go rigid. It felt like I was being held down and I couldn’t move or speak. Thanks to all the horror movies I watched, I thought this was being caused by something sinister making it even more scary.

The episodes stopped for years but then I had another one last week.

This time, my cat was sleeping on my chest, except the feline didn’t really look like my cat and was much bigger. This made me wonder whether I was dreaming or awake because my cat doesn’t sleep on my chest at night, only at my feet.

At that point I felt this jolt of energy hit my chest, like I was being electrocuted! Again, I couldn’t speak but somehow managed to say “If this is of high vibration, what is your message? If this is of low vibration, leave my presence”. And then it stopped when I felt my real cat stretch at my feet.

Any insight into what on earth is happening to me would be great.



Hi Christine,

Thanks for your question. It’s one I’ve been asked several times before.

Research shows that over 7% of the general population will experience sleep paralysis at some point in their lives. 

The literature shows sleep paralysis to be a mixed state of consciousness, combining elements of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep with elements of wakefulness.

During REM sleep, we experience a brief loss of muscle control commonly known as REM atonia

REM atonia prevents us from acting out our dreams, keeping our physical bodies safe and still while we rest. When REM sleep ends and we experience a state of wakefulness, the muscle paralysis caused by REM atonia ends. 

During sleep paralysis, however, REM sleep ceases and we wake up while REM atonia is still active. That means our brains are awake while our bodies are not, resulting in a feeling of being paralyzed.

Add to this, the fear a person experiences sends them into a fight or flight response. This prompts their body to release cortisol which increases their heart rate, allows panic to set in, and scares them even further.

In addition, parasomnia researchers claim this mixed state of consciousness can lead to strange mental and physical imagery in the form of hallucinations lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes and can feel like hours.

Furthermore, research shows 75% of people who encounter sleep paralysis claim to experience hallucinations different from regular dreams and 93% of people report feeling extreme fear during or after the episode.

In conclusion, no evil or other spirits are at play when you experience sleep paralysis, rather, there is a physiological phenomenon happening.

And remember, ALL spirits are pure love!

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Music in Heaven

Kristin from Phoenix, AZ, asked:

Hi Julie!

I have a fun question.

Do they have concerts in Heaven?



Hi Kristin,

That is a fun question.

When I think of music in Heaven, I envision angels playing harps and trumpets and singing celestial-sounding melodies.

In fact, music is mentioned several times in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments.

For example, Moses and the Israelites sing a song in Exodus 15, while Revelation 5:8-9 and 14:2-3 talk about harps and Revelation 8-11 talks about trumpets.

In addition, there is music that generates an energetic and/or emotional response from us mere mortals. Have you ever heard music that gave you chill bumps or made you teary? I believe that’s heavenly music or at least heavenly-inspired music.

When our son Jonathan was a freshman in high school, his choir sang Poulenc’s Gloria.

Although I hadn’t ever heard of the composer Francis Poulenc or his Gloria, when I heard it performed, tears streamed down my cheeks because it was so beautiful and felt spiritually inspired.

So, to answer your question, yes, all types of music are played and sung in Heaven and right here on earth too! I love the thought of angels accompanying the great masters like Beethoven, Bach, and Tchaikovsky as well as the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Frank Sinatra, and Pavarotti!

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Two-Minute Rule™

Since our thoughts control our reality, how can we tell if something is a real fear or a fake fear?

Here’s a technique I call the Two-Minute Rule™ that will help you identify what’s reality and what’s imagined.

Download the Two-Minute Rule™ so you’ll know how to access clarity in any situation that feels less than optimal to ensure the best possible outcome.

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Miracle Babies

Janet from Santa Barbara, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Forty years ago, I was pregnant with quadruplets. I had undergone fertility treatments in Los Angeles with the best doctors (I’m a nurse, and my husband is a doctor). My physician couldn’t ever explain why there were so many babies because all my scans were normal. They said I was just meant to have four children.

At twenty-four weeks, while on bed rest at a nearby hospital, I was accidentally overdosed with medication. My water bag broke and I delivered three girls and a boy on Christmas Day, 1982. The babies survived a day and all succumbed to prematurity. I felt badly for the nurse and forgave her, I know how mistakes can happen. Nonetheless, I was heartbroken.

Six months later, the fertility doctor felt I should try again and said the result of being pregnant with four babies was a fluke and couldn’t be explained. Well, this time I got pregnant with five, one child in my fallopian tube, four in my uterus.

I had surgery to remove the baby and tube. The doctors figured out I was still pregnant on a scan a few days later and was able to carry the babies to twenty-nine weeks, three boys and one girl … thirty-nine years old today and healthy. A miracle for sure, especially back in 1983.

After the four babies were born, the doctors told me I could never get pregnant again and funny, a year later, I got pregnant and had another daughter.

I often think about the babies I lost. I know I will see them again, but often wish I could converse with them and let them know how much I’ve loved them.

All five of my children are true miracles and I often think God blessed me abundantly for trusting and believing He had my best interest at heart.

Can you let me know that my four angels in spirit (five with the baby in the fallopian tube), are going to be there to greet me in Heaven someday?

Thank you,


Hi Janet,

Wow, what a story!

Calling your children, all ten of them, miracle babies, is an understatement!

Not only will all of your deceased babies greet you when you arrive in Heaven (along with the spirits of many other deceased relatives, friends, and pets), they’re around you now and you can communicate with them anytime you wish.

Here’s how. Our heads are like big satellite dishes that transmit and receive frequencies. And since every spirit, whether or not it’s currently attached to a body, has its own frequency, all we have to do is tap into that frequency. So, in order to communicate with your babies (or any spirit), just think of them. That’ll tune your satellite dish head to their frequency. It’s similar to a radio station. When you choose 94.7 to listen to classic rock, you connect to 94.7 megahertz, the frequency on which that music is being broadcast.

Just say something to one or all of your spirit babies either aloud or in your mind. Their answer will immediately come into your head and feel like one of your thoughts. How you know the thought is from your spirit baby is, it’ll be the first thought you think and will happen within a second or less. Try it and you’ll realize how easy it is.

For more information about what spirits surround us at the time of our death, please read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

And to develop and enhance the intuitive abilities you and everyone else naturally possess, please consider enrolling in one of my trainings.

Thanks for your question. I hope my answer comforts you.

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Cause of Eczema

Jackie from Londonderry, UK, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have eczema on the soles of my feet which prevents me from walking.

Please help me!



Hi Jackie,

Thanks for your question. I can only imagine how painful your feet must be.

To learn more, I energetically connected to you in the UK, and saw (in my mind’s eye) what looked like a combination of open sores, cracks in the skin, crusty/scaly skin, and lots of inflammation.

Next, I watched an energetic healing occur in which a thick white cream was applied to your feet. It has anti-inflammatory and robust healing properties in it.

In addition, I saw (again in my mind’s eye), that your GI system is full of yeast, causing what’s known as a “leaky gut”.

Mark Hyman, MD, says, “Leaky gut creates low-grade inflammation in reaction to food particles (deemed foreign by your immune system) that literally leak through your gut wall. This causes food sensitivities, especially to gluten and dairy, which are the biggest food causes of eczema.”

I energetically cleared the yeast overgrowth and stitched the intestinal wall separations in your leaky gut.

Please consider getting a gut biome test done. It’ll tell you about the eco-system in your GI tract, where most of our immune system is based, and in turn will let you know the best foods to eat and avoid. Since food is the best medicine, it makes sense to use the Jackie diet, one that’s specifically designed for you.

In the meantime, do your best to eat whole foods and avoid sugar, refined foods, gluten and dairy. And, you may want to add purified fish oil, Vitamin A, zinc, and Vitamin D to your diet.

Hope you feel better!

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Feeling Deceased Parents

Candy from Brockport, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

Since my parents’ deaths over two decades ago, I have felt very connected to them and other family members both on my side and my husband’s side. 

I sense messages in various ways. Primarily, I just “feel” their presence and usually quickly understand what they’re trying to convey. 

Can you confirm this? I do not feel it’s my imagination. 

If my assumptions are correct, could you please elaborate/explain? 

Thank you,


Hi Candy,

Thanks for your question.

You are absolutely correct! You are “feeling” their presence and receiving information from your deceased parents.

We’re all born with intuitive abilities and receive information from deceased loved ones, pets, angels, spirit guides, and others telepathically. It feels like a thought in our head.

The primary method through which we process information from spirit depends on how a person learns.

For example, if you need to see something to remember it, you’re a visual learner. Likewise, if you need to hear something to remember it, you’re an auditory learner, and if you need to feel something to remember it, you’re a kinesthetic learner. You fall into the last (kinesthetic) category.

Once a person learns to trust the information they receive from spirit, the easier it becomes and often additional modalities (visual, auditory, direct knowing) can be realized.

You’ll know you’re communicating with spirit when they respond within a second or less.

One of my Intuitive Trainings can help you further develop your telepathic/medium/psychic skills.

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Burial Strips of Linen

Linda from Daytona Beach, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently read your book Angelic Attendants, (which is amazing), and I have a question about the white gauze.

You only mention it once when describing a death.

Were the other people who had passed also wrapped in it?

Thank you,


Hi Linda,

Thanks for reading Angelic Attendants and for your terrific question.

I “saw” (in my mind’s eye) the energetic white gauze to which you’re referring get wrapped around my mother’s body as she was in the last hours of her life.

It looked like strips of white linen. The wrapping began at her feet, and over time, included her whole body and head. It reminded me of how ancient Egyptians were wrapped for burial and is what, in present day, we’d call a mummy.

The practice of wrapping a dead body in strips of linen was customary in first century Judea and Egyptians gave the cloth symbolic significance as a representation of purity and called it “woven moonlight.” They considered linen to be a symbol of “purity” and “light.” 

In the Bible’s New Testament, when referring to the resurrection of Jesus, John 20:6-7 talks about an empty tomb, only containing the strips of linen used to bury Jesus.

In the thousands of end-of-life scans I’ve done, I’ve only seen the strips of linen procedure done on two people, my mother and a nun.

When asking Spirit why, I was told, wrapping the body as its spirit is preparing to transition, is an honor bestowed on spirits/souls who have lived countless lifetimes and have greatly served the masses. It’s interesting to note, however, the “holy” people we expect to get this spiritual recognition don’t necessarily receive it. For example, when scanning the last moments of Saint Pope John Paul II’s transition, I didn’t see any linen strips being wrapped around his body.

Lastly, the thought occurred to me that we normally dress our loved one’s corpse in their best clothing for burial. Perhaps the strips of linen used to bury people in ancient cultures was the equivalent.

Thanks for asking such an insightful question.

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