
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Frozen Shoulder Healed

Shirley from Saint Maries, Idaho, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have frozen shoulder.

Can you help me heal and alleviate pain?



Hi Shirley,

Sorry to hear about your frozen shoulder.

According to women’s health expert Christiane Northrup, MD, frozen shoulder can cause stiffness and pain, particularly in women aged 40-60. Treatments may involve physical therapy, medication, or surgery.

Dr. Northrup suggests that emotional patterns, such as feeling overwhelmed or engaging in negative self-talk, can be associated with frozen shoulder. Addressing these emotional aspects may aid in alleviating your pain.

As part of the healing process, I did (with Spirit working through me and with me) an energetic healing to reduce inflammation and loosen your shoulder joint and muscles. Additionally, Dr. Northrup has provided a helpful stretching video to assist in shoulder mobility and healing.

Hope you feel better!



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Healing Through Spirit

Lorena from Leominster, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Thank you for your beautiful energy and the help you give to others.

May I request a health scan for my daughters and me? Lucia struggles with tiredness despite being healthy, and Livia battles psoriasis, eczema, and stomach issues. As a single mother, I manage multiple health concerns, including fibromyalgia, a bad back, hearing loss, and carpal tunnel in both hands.

I’ve noticed numerous orbs in my home and have been told I possess psychic abilities. How can I develop them to assist others? Your guidance would mean the world to me.

Many thanks and blessings to you and your family!

Warm regards,


Hi Lorena,

Thank you for your kind words.

Please schedule an appointment for energetic healing sessions for you and your daughters and we’ll have an hour to cover all your concerns. In the meantime, I energetically connected with you and addressed the inflammation causing your fibromyalgia and back pain. I also did a healing to realign a bulging disc in your lower back and another healing on your wrists.

It looks like all three of you have Leaky Gut, so I worked on healing your GI tracts. To enhance the healing process, focus on a diet low on the food chain, avoid processed foods and sugar, and aim to get some daily exercise and sunlight.

Consider joining my class to develop your psychic and intuitive abilities.

Hope this helps you and your girls feel better!

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Collective Healing

Cheryl from Madison, WI, asked:

Hi Julie,

While watching the interview with you and Tina Zion … there was a discussion about energetic healing (one of many in this interview).

At one point both you and Tina appeared on the screen and it felt like I made eye contact with both of you.

In that instant I felt a pop in my right shoulder at my rotator cuff. I have been having problems moving my arm and having pain with certain movements. When I felt the pop, the pain seemed to subside.

I was lying down at the time this happened so I sat up and moved my arm around and found the impingement was gone. I am treating this as though I had surgery and as part of my recovery, I’m moving my arm slowly and not lifting heavy things.

I am having very little pain and feel I will ultimately be pain-free.

I feel very strongly that I received a healing from both of you. I wanted to share this with you to hear what you thought.

Thank you!


Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for listening to my show with Tina Zion. I’m delighted to hear you’re feeling better. Regarding your question about healing during our conversation, it’s absolutely possible.

On my Thursday call-in show, everyone contributes to the energetic healing, regardless of when they listen. It’s akin to the power of collective prayer, where shared intention generates significant energy toward a common goal.

Your desire to heal, combined with the high vibrations from Tina and me, can indeed facilitate healing for you and others. Think of it like shining multiple spotlights on a subject—the intensity magnifies with each added light.

Your experience underscores the profound impact of collective intention and the potential for healing through shared energy. Thank you for sharing your experience.


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Intuitive Migraine Relief

Marsha from Sausalito, CA, asked:

What am I doing to cause migraines?

I’m going to sign up for one of your courses now.

Thanks for being on Next Level Soul.


Hi Marsha,

Thank you for your question about migraines. It’s a topic close to many hearts, including mine, and often holds deeper insights than we realize.

By energetically connecting to you, I could “see” (in my mind’s eye), several potential factors contributing to your migraines. Mold exposure, Candida overgrowth, and a leaky gut look like significant contributors to your symptoms. I’ve cleared these energetically, and now detoxification and healing on the physical level are essential steps moving forward.

Consider taking a gut biome test (use julieryan as the discount code) to tailor your diet and working with a medical professional like Maria Amasanti, MD, to address gut health and immune restoration. If mold is a concern, prioritize remediation for a healthier environment.

Please know, it is possible to eradicate your pain. After suffering with migraines for the first forty years of my life, I haven’t had one since I got my gut healthy and eliminated mold exposure.

Lastly, remember, migraines can also be a signal from your intuition, urging attention to areas needing healing or adjustment. Exploring the spiritual dimensions of health in my classes can offer valuable insights.


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Autism, Ancestors, and Angels

Mary from Boston, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

My 35-year-old daughter has autism as well as a profound intellectual disability and seems to also be able to sense spirits.

In the past few years, she has often spoken about my grandmother who died when she was 15 and has found comfort in having her picture nearby. In the past year, she has repeatedly asked to look at a picture of my former father-in-law who she did not know very well but remembers visiting as a young child. In addition, she seems reassured by seeing my father’s picture. He died about 12 years ago.

The week after my dad passed, I was with her and my friend at my home. As my daughter walked down the hallway on the way to her bedroom, she quickly stopped and gazed at a brick wall with a look of wonder and said to my friend and me, “Look, it’s Papa”! The wonder on her face was quite stunning – and she is not one to emote.  

My spirit and intuition tell me my daughter has a large contingent of ancestors and angels with her at all times. What do you think?

With gratitude to you for sharing your gift with the world.


Hi Mary,

Your daughter’s journey is a testament to the profound connections that transcend language and understanding. It seems she shares a remarkable connection with the spiritual realm, a skill we all possess, and her interactions with ancestral figures demonstrate a depth of perception beyond words.

The way she seeks comfort from the presence of loved ones, both past and present, is a beautiful reminder of the spiritual bonds that guide her path and the spiritual support encircling her at all times.

Thank you for sharing this touching glimpse into your daughter’s world. It validates the universal truth that we are never truly alone on our journey, rather, all of us are surrounded by God, angels, spirit guides, our deceased loved ones and pets, and many others.

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Trusting Your Intuition

Shari from Bonifay, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a well-established meditative practice, however, I have not been able to achieve a discernible connection with guides, angels, or family.

While I realize that we are always connected, visualizations are difficult for me and being aware in a “Claire’s” way is what I’m searching for.

I am trying to stay in flow and surrender expectations but I want to know if you can visualize my pineal gland to see if there’s anything limiting activation and opening the 3rd eye chakra.

Thanks for all your beautiful wisdom and healings.


Hi Shari,

Thanks for your question. It’s wonderful to hear about your meditation practice even when visualization of guides, angels, and deceased loved ones is challenging for you.

It has been my experience that everyone is born with a primary way we receive intuitive information and it mimics how we learn. If you’re a visual learner like me, your primary way will be “seeing” things in your mind’s eye. If you’re an auditory learner, you’ll hear spiritual communication, and if you’re a feeling or kinesthetic learner, you’ll first feel things from Spirit.

Trust how the information initially comes to you and that with practice, the other senses will be part of your intuitive skills as well.

As for your pineal gland and the third eye chakra, while scanning you, I didn’t see any blockages. To awaken your third eye, picture it as a vibrant energy center radiating light and insight.

Please consider taking one of my classes. You’ll learn how to quickly and effortlessly connect to Spirit and continue to develop your intuitive abilities with the practice sessions. For more information, please go to askjulieryan.com/training.

Remember, spiritual connection is a journey. Keep exploring, stay open, and trust your intuition.

Enjoy the adventure!

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Healing Energy: Overcoming Osteoarthritis

Kath from Maricopa, AZ, asked:

Hi Julie,

First off, after listening to you as a recent guest on Rachel Corpus’ show, I am now an avid listener to your podcast and YES, I’m reading your Angelic Attendants book which is absolutely fascinating!

I’m a lifelong athlete who has competed on a high level in many sports. Now in my 60’s, I’ve come to a hard stop with the activities I’ve enjoyed. I’m reduced to the elliptical and weight training. I’ve had my knees assessed by top sports surgeons who have all confirmed I need knee replacements. I’m terrified of the thought and am wondering if you could scan my knees and let me know what you think.

Thank you so much!

Warm regards,


Hi Kath,

Thank you for your kind comments and especially for listening to my show and reading my book, Angelic Attendants.

After energetically connecting with you, I gained insights into your knee health. It’s evident that you’re facing the debilitating effects of osteoarthritis, commonly referred to as “bone on bone” joints. This condition can be incredibly painful and restrictive, impacting your daily activities and athletic pursuits.

During the energetic scan, I watched a healing occur. Anti-inflammatory energy was applied to alleviate pain and swelling, followed by the administration of stem cell energy to stimulate cartilage regeneration. While your left knee appears to be more affected, both knees underwent significant healing.

As an inventor of orthopedic surgery devices, I’ve had the honor of watching many joint replacement surgeries performed and I agree with your doctors’ recommendations. For you, knee replacement surgery seems to be a viable solution to eliminate pain, restore your mobility, and improve your quality of life.

While the thought of surgery may be intimidating, it’s essential to consider the possibilities it presents for reclaiming your active lifestyle. Knee replacement surgery has advanced significantly, offering remarkable outcomes, and enabling people to resume activities with newfound freedom and comfort.

Following surgery, I believe you’ll experience a swift recovery and will be able to walk within hours. Embracing robotic-assisted surgery for precise implant alignment and utilizing a Game Ready cold therapy machine post-op will further enhance your recovery process.

Both energetic medicine and surgery are parts of the healing equation and combined will guide you towards a terrific outcome!


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How to Beat Brain Fog

Genaah from Orillia, Ontario, Canada, asked:

Hello Julie,

Thank you so much for the opportunity to submit a question. 

I have been experiencing brain fog for several years and I’m scared that it’s going to have a significant impact on my career. I can’t remember anything, even the basics. 

People believe that I am amazing at what I do and I feel like an imposter. I’m currently looking for a new job because there have been multiple layoffs at the company I work for but I’m concerned that I won’t know enough to perform well at a new company. Are you able to tell me what is causing the brain fog and how to help it?

The best way I can describe the sensation I have is that it feels like my brain is thick, dense and foggy.

Side note, I’ve been on maternity leave two of the last four years so perhaps my forgetfulness is in part due to being out of practice and the haze of early motherhood.

Thank you so much!


Hi Geenah,

First, huge congrats on the newest addition to your family! Welcoming a little one into the world is a journey unlike any other, filled with both challenges and joys.

Let’s talk about something that many new moms and others, including myself, have experienced: brain fog. It’s like trying to navigate through a dense fog where focus, memory, and energy seem to dissipate. Researchers at Emory University have delved into this phenomenon, describing it as feeling like our brains are working on a reduced capacity.

From personal experience, I’ve found that tackling brain fog starts with nurturing your gut and balancing hormones.

To get answers for you, I tapped into your energy field and noticed a few things. Picture this: a wilted plant in need of water. To me, that’s a telltale sign of hormonal imbalance, something quite common among new moms. By adding some energetic estrogen, it was incredible to witness how you perked right up.

I also sensed something else – mold. Whether it’s lurking in your home or office, it can wreak havoc on your well-being. Thankfully, with a bit of energetic clearing, we addressed that issue too.

And then there’s the matter of leaky gut – another piece of the puzzle. Again, through an energetic healing, we worked to get your gut healthy.

Now, here’s the important part: these healings may take time to fully integrate into your body. That’s where your physical efforts come into play. Seek out a physician who specializes in bioidentical hormones to ensure your levels are optimal. Someone like Maria Amasanti, MD, whom my clients rave about for her expertise in gut health, can also be incredibly helpful.

Lastly, don’t ignore the mold situation. It might be worth looking into getting your home tested.

And, please give your sweet baby a hug from me!


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Health: Genetics or Choice?

Shari from Bonifay, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I come from a lineage of Italians with serious health issues. My mother’s father and brother both had brain aneurysms and my mom died from an aortic arch aneurysm in 2022.

I’ve had three failed urethral surgeries and two frozen shoulders which give me a lot of pain and mobility issues and feel like a hot mess myself.

Having said all that, at 56, I worry that my family history will be an issue for me too.

Love to hear your thoughts.



Hi Shari,

Please know you have my heartfelt sympathy for the losses you’ve experienced in your family due to health issues. It’s undoubtedly a heavy burden to carry, especially when you’re confronted with your own health concerns.

But here’s the thing, genetics don’t have to be our destiny. Despite the scary stories we hear, most health conditions aren’t solely hereditary.

The Brain Aneurysm Foundation states, “In most cases, brain aneurysms are not hereditary, and there is generally only a single case in a family.”

And, although there might be a genetic predisposition for some conditions like aortic aneurysms, it doesn’t seal your fate. Research shows about 20 percent of people with aortic aneurysms have a genetic predisposition to it, meaning it runs in the family. First-degree relatives (i.e., parents, children, siblings) should be screened for this condition and yet, studies also show, people with coronary heart disease and peripheral vascular disease are the most likely to develop an aortic aneurysm.

Your personal health journey isn’t predetermined. By adopting healthy habits like a whole foods diet, regular exercise, and managing stress through practices like meditation and/or prayer, you can greatly influence your future well-being.

Speaking of stress, it’s a silent but potent enemy of our health. Constant worrying triggers inflammation, the root cause of many illnesses. Reducing and eliminating inflammation always promotes overall wellness in everyone.

Simplify your life and prioritize joy with my Two-Minute Rule® technique. It encourages small, manageable actions that add up to significant positive changes and will help you cultivate a life filled with purpose and vitality. To learn more, please get a copy of my book, The Two Minute Rule: The Key to an Amazing Life.

You have the power to chart your own course towards a healthier, happier, future, so embrace self-care and remember, you have way more control than you think.

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