
Julie Ryan

Energy Healer

Sugar Addiction and Infertility

Danielle from Indian Rocks Beach, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m super interested in spirituality and I’m blown away by you!

I suffer from what I think is an eating disorder (extreme addiction to sugar) and experience infertility. Are the two related?

Can you help?

Thank you!


Hi Danielle,

Thanks for your kind comments.

Regarding your sugar addiction, welcome to the club!

Most of us have an addiction to sugar and I, in particular, have an enormous issue with it. So much so, that I completely gave up eating sugar over two years ago.

Statistics show the average American adult ingests 22 teaspoons of sugar a day while children eat a whopping 34 teaspoons of sugar a day!

The Cleveland Clinic suggests the following to break the sugar habit in 10 days:

1) Make the decision to quit

2) Avoid all sugars and artificial sweeteners

3) Drink unsweetened coffee or tea and avoid all juices

4) Add protein to every meal

5) Only eat non-starchy vegetables

6) Include good fats at every meal (I like Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil)

7) Manage stress

8) Avoid Gluten and dairy

9) Sleep

Now, to your other question about sugar interfering with your fertility. The answer is absolutely!

Stonybrook Medicine at the State University of New York says, “When processed sugars are eaten, insulin levels spike and flood the body. For purposes of fertility, they can interfere with the process of egg maturation. Insulin and hormones that make egg cells mature are so chemically similar, that when there is too much insulin in the bloodstream, the body confuses the insulin with the egg-maturing hormones, causing the levels to lower. Consistent occurrence of this may cause the amount of maturing eggs to decrease and interfere with ovulation.

Plus, when your hormone production is stunted, too much testosterone is released by the body which can lead the woman to developing PCOS, which make conceiving difficult.”

Lastly, there is hope. If I can completely give up sugar after a lifetime of failed attempts, you can too!

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Death Comes In Threes

Laura from Saxonburg, PA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I was always told that deaths come in 3s. The saying never gave a timeline, but it was generally understood that the deaths would be in close proximity to one another.

Now obviously, many deaths happen every second across the globe but is there anything to the idea that you will be surrounded by 3 deaths of a personal relationship within a short period of time?

The reason behind my question is, I just lived this phenomenon today. Two of the deaths were pets that belonged to others but I was very close to them. One was a beagle from a litter we had and the other dog was my brother’s.

Lastly, an uncle who had a recent elective surgery, never recovered, and was only extubated last evening, passed. He took his last breaths this morning.

As a veterinary professional, I deal with death and euthanasia daily, but it was all very close to me today. Perhaps I’m suffering from compassion fatigue because my heart took a big hit today.

There is so much grief surrounding me and I’d love to know if I actually get a reprieve for a little while, “with that rule of 3’s”.

Hi Laura,

So sorry to hear of your uncle’s and favorite pets’ passing.

I too have always heard deaths come in 3s yet thankfully, I don’t recall having personally experienced it.

After doing a bit of research, I learned the “deaths come in 3’s” theory, (also known as tripartite, triple and threefold deaths) is considered to be an “old wives’ tale” originating in, among others, Greek, Celtic and Germanic mythology.

My favorite narrative on this topic is about Merlin the Magician in the legend of King Arthur. It seems Merlin is associated with what’s known as a threefold death.

The story goes, Merlin was asked to prophesize about how a boy would die and said he will fall from a rock, will hang and drown (threefold death). Fast forward a few years and the boy, as a young man, while hunting, fell from a rock, got caught in a tree, and while hanging head down, drown in a lake. Now that’s a threefold death!

To answer your question, yes, I believe you’ll get a reprieve from others close to you dying in the near future. After all, as you said, the “death comes in 3s” concept never mentions a timeline!

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Will Baby Reincarnate

Hi Julie,

I recently lost a baby 2 months into my pregnancy and was wondering if the spirit of my little baby will ever resume its place in my body in the next pregnancy?



Hi Mirabai,

Great question. One I’m frequently asked.

It has been my experience during the several decades of doing this work that your unborn baby’s spirit is around you and you can communicate with it anytime you wish.

In addition, it’s my understanding that although it’s spirit won’t reincarnate into your life this time around, it’s highly likely it will in a future lifetime.

Your baby’s little spirit may be your parent, sibling, friend, colleague, acquaintance or may play any one of a multitude of roles in future lifetimes with you.

My condolences to you and your family.

Hope this answers your question.

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Spirit Guide Defined

Marie from Corby, North Northamptonshire, England asked:

Hi Julie,

I just have connected with my spirit guides and I was wondering if you could see and tell me more about them.

Thank you,


Hi Marie,

Thanks for your question. Congrats on connecting with your spirit guides.

It has been my experience that at any given time, each of us (including you) is surrounded by multiple spirit guides, normally seven.

A spirit guide is the energy (spirit) of a deceased person who advises us while we’re having a human experience. In most instances, our spirit guides have lived one or more lifetimes involving similar situations as to what we’re exploring in our current lifetime.

For example, your main spirit guide is a fellow who lived in County Derry (now Londonderry) in Ireland in 1817. His name was John O’Malley and he grew up on a dairy farm. He told me he is advising you on being able to focus on the tasks at hand and completing them in a punctual way.

There’s always a correlation between what the spirit guide did/learned in the past life that’s shown and what’s happening in your life.

Are you working on a project that requires your focus within a certain time window? Or, do you perhaps struggle with completing tasks in any area of your life?

You can communicate with your spirit guide or guides any time you wish. Just ask them a question or make a statement either aloud or in your head. They’ll immediately respond and it’ll feel like a thought in your mind. You’ll know the answer is from spirit when the thought arrives within a second or less after you say something to them. And remember, spirits are very literal so be specific when looking for guidance.

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Energy Field Membrane

Marci asked:                     

Hi Julie,

I saw your presentation for Helping Parents Heal. Luckily, I have not lost a child. I am agnostic and watch a lot of these videos to learn and grow.

You described the energy fields of the body being like saran wrap and holding the spirit in. I’m an autopsy assistant and have often thought the body looks like it is held together by cellophane. I’ve also thought how amazing it is we don’t fall apart being held together by a thin membranous cellophane.

Your description of what you called the energy field membrane struck me as such a similar comparison to what I observe that I felt urged to connect with you about it.

Please explain once again, how the membrane ruptures and causes an energy leak that inevitably contributes to poor health.

I am going to explore your site and learn more about you. The way you describe healing the body resonates with me and I’m eager to learn more.

Have a great day!


Hi Marci,

Thanks for watching my Helping Parents Heal presentation. What a terrific service that organization does to comfort and inform parents who’ve lost a child.

Thanks too, for your comments about what I call the energy field membrane. It sounds like we’re sensing the same thing.

The energy field membrane is the container that holds the energy comprising our body and spirit.

It’s my perception the body is inside the spirit and the spirit is the power source for the body. That’s why when a person dies and their body and spirit separate, the body doesn’t work any longer.

If you think about it, all energy used to power something specific (like a body), needs to be in some type of container. Electricity is contained in wires, natural gas in pipes, and a body and spirit are in an energy field membrane.

When I “see” (in my mind’s eye) a tear or hole in the energy field membrane, I envision going into the opening and I’m shown a scene of an emotional event that has occurred either in this or a past lifetime.

I’ll be given specific information such as when, where and some details about what happened. It could be something relatively minor or something tragic and it doesn’t matter whether my client remembers the event.

The experience identified has caused an energy block to form and other life events’ energy has piled on top of it causing enough pressure to create a rupture in the energy field membrane. Energy leaks always precede any kind of medical condition and are caused by an emotional event.

Once the cause of the energy block is illuminated, it’s immediately eradicated and the membrane instantly heals. This allows the body to return to operating on full power thus helping the person restore and maintain health.

To learn more, please consider enrolling in my Angelic Attendant Training. You’ll learn how to do (among other things), energy healings, communicate with spirits and angels, do past life scans and communicate and heal animals. It will also greatly enhance your life and the lives of everyone you encounter.

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Empathic Daughter

Yvette in Yorktown, VA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am pretty sure my daughter Sophie is an empath. She seems to absorb people’s illnesses and/or feelings which then manifest in her.

Recently, my aunt in Texas was diagnosed with diverticulosis and now Sophie (who lives in Roslyn, VA) is having trouble eating and is losing weight.

What can my daughter do to keep from taking on these symptoms? Is there a technique she can utilize?

Thank you for any assistance you can give.


Hi Yvette,

Thanks for your fascinating question about your daughter Sophie.

Empaths are known as people who are extremely sensitive to other’s feelings and emotions, sometimes to the detriment of themselves and are more common than one might imagine.

The word empath comes from the Greek “em” which means “in” and “pathos” which means “feeling” translating to “feeling into others’ feelings”. This very real phenomenon can activate a person’s nervous system causing a plethora of symptoms, oftentimes mimicking another’s symptoms.

In order to get some information about Sophie, I energetically connected to her and asked permission to scan her. She said yes.

Once I got Sophie on my “radar” I could “see” (in my mind’s eye) that all of her chakras (energy centers) were blown open. The word chakra means wheel or disc in Sanskrit so imagine a chakra as a spinning wheel of energy.

Everyone has seven main chakras in their body starting at the top of the head and ending in the pelvis at the base of the spine. These chakras correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

In addition, each chakra has a filter that keeps the person’s energy in and other’s energy out. These filters look like clear contact lenses to me and can get blown off with one or more traumatic events. I replaced all of Sophie’s missing chakra filters.

Furthermore, we all have energy cords that connect us to other people. These cords are called bioplasmic streamers and resemble a laser beam when connecting to someone and a thin umbilical cord when removing them. Sophie had a lot of them that I subsequently removed.

Psychologist Dr. Bo Forbes specializes in mind-body medicine and is known for working with empaths. Sophie may want to investigate her website to see if any of Dr. Forbes’ trainings resonate with her.

In the meantime, some simple suggestions to help Sophie calm her nervous system can include yoga, meditation and a hot bath.

Hope these healings and information help.  



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Healing Endometriosis

Amy from Sligo, Ireland, asked:

Hi Julie,

Hope you are well. I just listened to your podcast with Sandra Rea on her Fiercely Spiritual podcast.

I am certainly going to book an appointment with you for a private session and in the meantime, would love to know if you can detect anything and/or do a healing on my reproductive system.

I’m currently trying to live with and help my body heal from endometriosis. Chronic flare-ups cause intense physical pain and bring me stress around fear about my fertility.

Thanks for any insights you can offer.


Hi Amy,

Thanks for your question and for listening to Sandra and me on her show.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), defines endometriosis as a condition in which the type of tissue that forms the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) is found outside the uterus. Endometriosis can result in excessive bleeding, pelvic pain and in some cases infertility. Many women with endometriosis have no symptoms.

Women’s global health expert and OB/GYN, Christiane Northrup, MD, says, “Endometriosis does not cause infertility, but is felt to be a contributing factor. Whatever is causing the endometriosis symptoms may also be responsible for the infertility, but one does not cause the other.”

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected to you in Ireland and could see (in my mind’s eye) a fair amount of endometrial tissue outside of your uterus and on your ovaries and fallopian tubes. Next, I watched (again in my mind’s eye) an energetic healing in which a laser was used to eliminate it. The remaining charred tissue was then removed and left a normal-looking reproductive system.

Although outpatient laparoscopic procedures are commonly used to diagnose and remove rogue endometrial tissue, research is showing eating processed foods high in unhealthy fats and sugar may be a contributing cause of endometriosis and exacerbate inflammation and pain. With that in mind, I recommend reading Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD, in which Dr. Bikman discusses the role diet plays in healing endometriosis and lots of other medical conditions.

Hope you feel better and find this information helpful.

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Caregiver Strategies

Trish from Windsor, CT, asked:

Hi Julie,

My elderly mother has been living with my husband and me and while caring for my mom has been a privilege, it has also been quite tiring for us.

Throughout her life, my mom has showed great determination and strength of will (which is probably why she has reached this remarkable old age). Although I’ve seen changes in my mom and know that she is weakening, I also feel like she is struggling to hang on. Maybe there is something that she needs that she is not expressing to me.

I’m experiencing many emotions. While I love my mother and want to help her to the end, I miss my life with my husband and want to enjoy time with him and more freely visit and spend time alone with our adult children. Also, since I left my career to take care of my mom, I sometimes feel a loss of myself.

If I only knew what our future holds, I feel like I could either relax into our current situation and treasure this remaining time with my mom or, make some changes that would enable me to care for her and not feel like I’m losing time with the rest of my family.

Can you tell me how I can help my mom and what phase of transition (if any) she’s in?

Thank you,


Hi Trish,

Sounds like you have your hands full and are experiencing what a lot of people with elderly parents are facing.

A May 2020 Report conducted by the National Alliance For Caregiving (NAC) and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), shows 53 Million, almost one in every five Americans, are caregivers for an elderly parent or in-law. And, most if not all of them experience the emotions you mentioned (including guilt).

Douglas Wolf, PhD, a professor of aging studies at Syracuse University claims, “If you have a parent who needs help and you’re not providing help, then your mental health score goes down. If you have a parent who needs help and you do provide help, your mental health score goes down. It’s no worse to be a caregiver than to not be a care-giver.”

So, what can you and those caring for an elderly loved one do?

Here are ten coping strategies for caregivers from agingcare.com:

1. Respite – If possible, plan a weekly break.

2. Research Caregiver Resources – Contact your Area Agency on Aging for information on federal, state and local programs that may be able to provide financial assistance or other services that can reduce your caregiver stress levels.

3. Set Boundaries – It’s okay to say no when you don’t want to do something.

4. Accept Your Limitations – Focus on things you can affect and let go of anything you can’t change.

5. Get Organized – Prioritize, make lists and establish a daily routine. Divide large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones and learn to delegate.

6. Communicate – Stay in touch with family members, friends and outside resources and ask for help when needed.

7. Seek Caregiver Support – Join a support group for caregivers like Caregiver Action Network, Family Caregiver Alliance, National Alliance for Caregiving or Parenting Our Parents. In addition, there are many online options including ones covering a specific disease like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

8. Stay Active – Do what you can to get some exercise. Even a short walk can help you lessen stress and maintain or improve your own health.

9. Attend to Your Own Physical and Mental Health – Eat as healthy a diet as possible and make sure to add something fun to each day. Read a book, watch a movie or adopt a new hobby.

10. Take Time Off Work – Like you did, consider taking a break from your job. Eligible employees covered under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may be able to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year to care for an immediate family member.

As I’m writing this, your mom is in Phase 4 of the Twelve Phases of Transition. As I describe in Angelic Attendants, this means her spirit is out of her body and attached to the top of her head in what looks like a cartoon caption bubble. In addition, she is surrounded by a horseshoe of angels that her deceased parents are anchoring. Your mom told me she isn’t ready to go, is in occasional pain and she needs a sweater.

Hope all this information provides you with some helpful resources and information as well as comfort!

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Addiction Gene

Laura from Albany, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

I found you when you were interviewed on the Inspire Nation show and have been so enjoying your podcast ever since.

In addition, I just purchased your book, Angelic Attendants, and am looking forward to diving in!

I was wondering if you could help me “cut the cords” for my desire to drink. My father passed away at the age of 52 from cirrhosis of the liver and I swore I would NEVER find myself on a similar path. But 12 years post-divorce, here I am at the age of 54, drinking MUCH more than I want to, on a nearly nightly basis.

It’s something that I feel deep shame about and I truly believe my drinking is keeping me from being who I came here to be.

I took a 10-month class from a wonderful spiritual teacher and had some really magical, mystical experiences. I’d like to continue developing these abilities and begin to work toward my life purpose. Maybe I chose to have this love/hate relationship with alcohol in my Life Plan but I SO want to be done with it!

My partner says he will never not drink, so removing alcohol from my home is not an option. I hope that you can help me. Is there some sort of a desire for alcohol switch you can flip to OFF?!

Many thanks, for your beautiful work! I’m so happy I found you and hope to take your training in the future.

Much love,


Hi Laura,

Thanks for listening to my show and for reading Angelic Attendants. I hope you find it informative, comforting and heartwarming.

Regarding your questions around excessive drinking and finding yourself emulating your father, turns out you’re absolutely right! There is a polymorphism (genetic variation) of the DRD2 gene found to be associated with alcoholism and other substance abuse disorders including cocaine, nicotine, opioid dependence and obesity.

An article titled, Addiction and its reward process through polymorphisms of the D2 dopamine receptor gene reports that in an effort to compensate for deficiencies of the brain, one form of the DRD2 gene, the A1 allele, renders the dopamine system inefficient and rewards substance abuse that increases brain dopamine levels. In essence, people with this gene can have a super sensitivity to addictive stimuli.

In addition, an article titled, Neurogenetics of dopamine receptor super sensitivity about addiction relapse, said, “We propose that low D2 receptor density and polymorphisms of the D2 gene are associated with risk for relapse of substance abuse, including alcohol dependence, heroin craving, cocaine dependence, methamphetamine abuse, nicotine sensitization, and glucose craving.”

Is there a genetic component to addiction? Well, some researchers believe there is and addiction sure seems to run in families. Is it nature or nurture? Probably both.

As a sugar addict with alcoholism in her family, I believe I too have this DRD2 polymorphism in my gene pool mix and although I did a DNA healing on myself, what finally worked for me was to completely give up sugar almost three years ago.

You’ll never be able to totally avoid being around alcohol just like I can’t avoid being around sweets. We can however, limit it in our homes. You’ll figure out a way.

In the meantime, I did a DNA healing on you and suggest you consider talking with a licensed addiction specialist who can assist you. A good place to begin your confidential search is at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Another good resource is the therapist finder at Psychology Today.

You are absolutely on your life’s path and it includes an experience on the addiction adventure. Trust you’ll be led to the people you need who will act as your tour guides. 



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